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My town during WW II

Monuments in Kalisz commemorate citizens from times of WW II


Monument commemorating AK soldiers "W hołdzie żołnierzom Armii Krajowej"

Inside the monument there are urns with the ground where AK soldiers were killed and buried by Germans.

The erection Act.

Ground from Skarszew

Ground from Jaslo

Ground from Warsaw

'In the tribute for AK soldiers.'

We light candles to honour our heroes.

Poland fights! Polska Walcząca!

The AK eagle worn by soldiers.

The soviet soldiers' cementary in Kalisz .

In this place soviet soldiers who liberate Kalisz in Januray 1945 were burried. Some tombs have not got names but all of the possess the red star.

The monument for Polish citizens who were taken away and murdered by NKVD during WW II.

From 1939 to 1945 many Polish children were taken from their families to Germany.

Some of them never came back Poland. After the WW II parents tried to find their offspring. They wrote letters to the Red Cross and the governments.

Do you know what it is? Yes! This is a book.Many polish books were destroyed by Germans. In Kalisz many of them were threw to the Prosna River.

Cursed soldiers

Cursed soldiers fought in AK but after the WW II they were treated as cursed by the new government. The political situation of Poland was difficult after the WW II. Our country found under the communist control.

Inka's painting

Danuta Siedzikówna 'INKA' was a nurse during WW II in the Warsaw uprising. She was a AK soldier and was convicted by communists in 1946 for death by shooting. She was only 18. She said 'I am sorry that I have to die. Tell my Granny that I behaved just right'.