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Cell phonaholic


Séance 1: How and where do people use their smartphones?

Séance 2: Pros and cons of smartphones

Séance 3: Addiction to smartphones

Séance 5: Tâche finale

Les 2 presents en anglais

Séance 4: Teens and social media

LES 2 PRESENTS EN ANGLAIS: présent simple vs présent BE+V-ING

Le présent be+V-ING

Rappel: quand on décrit ce que les gens font sur une photo ou ce qu'ils sont en train de faire à l'instant T, on utilise le présent BE+V-ING:

SPEAK I am speakingYou are speakingHe/she is speakingWe are speakingYou are speakingThey are speaking

SPEAK I'm not speakingYou're not speakingHe/she isn't speakingWe're not speakingYou're not speakingThey're not speaking

Anticipation (part 1): What are we going to talk about in this unit?

2) What are the people doing in the pictures?

3) What is going wrong? (-->What are they not doing?)

(présent BE+V-ING)

1) Where are the people in the pictures?

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Anticipation (part 2): ERIC PICKERSGILL

Ce photographe dénonce l'hyperconnexion et son impact sur nos vies. Eric Pickersgill, photographe professionnel installé à New York, a eu l'idée de réaliser des photos plutôt insolites. Pour sa série "Removed", il a supprimé toute technologie (smartphone, tablettes, etc.). "Malgré les bénéfices évidents qu'ont apportés les avancées en technologie à notre société, les implications physiques et sociales qu'elles supposent sont révélatrices (...). Les téléphones, tablettes et autres appareils modifient les comportements tout en se fondant dans le paysage en prenant la forme d'une unité avec le corps. Ils sont presque devenus des membres fantômes", explique le photographe sur son site. C'est pour dénoncer cette trop grande implication des technologies dans nos vies et notamment l'omniprésence des smartphones, qu'Eric Pickersgill a eu l'idée de ce projet photographique. Des personnes de tous âges ont accepté de poser avec leurs appareils, puis le photographe les a enlevés de leurs mains en leur demandant de conserver la même position et les mêmes expressions faciales. Résultat: des postures voûtées, un manque de communication cruel et des visages perdus dans le vide, montrant pleinement ce décalage entre vie réelle et vie connectée. Des images poignantes de réalisme qui nous questionnent sur notre rapport aux appareils numériques. @ericpickersgill (Instagram)

Anticipation (part 2): Watch and react.


Picture 1

Picture 2

Anticipation (part 2): Watch and react.


Picture 3

Picture 4

Step 1: Anticipation (worksheet)

Step 3: Pooling (worksheet)

Step 4: Vocabulary (Online activity & worksheet )

Step 2: Help (Online)

Step 5: (PO) What do you use your smartphone for?

Step 6: (IO) Survey (worksheet)

Séance 1: How and where do people use their smartphones?

to take pictures

to share pictures with others

to play music

to play games

to exchange videos

to go online for general purposes

to exchange instant messages

to access to social network sites

to purchase things (online shopping)

to check/to write/to respond to/ emails

What do you use your smartphone for?

to check the weather

to watch videos

to check the time

to use the phone as an alarm clock

to find your way (GPS)

to make phone calls

to have group conversations

to use the calendar

to do online banking

to read a book

What do you use your smartphone for?

Step 1: Anticipation (worksheet)

Step 3: (CE) Pros and cons of smartphones for kids & parents (online activity & worksheet)

Step 4: grammar (can, may, will)

Step 2: Pooling (worksheet)

Step 5: (PE) Create a poster to show the pros and cons of smartphones (worksheet)

Séance 2: pros and cons of smartphones

Step 4: grammar (can, may, will)



Pros and cons of smartphones for kids & parents


Smartphones can give your kids better education opportunities

Your children will be available all day long

You can change plans in a quite flexible manner

Smartphones can help in case your kid gets lost

Learning about technology is important for your kid's future

Important for kids in order not to get socially excluded in school


Adult content is a problem on the web

Your kid may lose his/her smartphone

Smartphone addiction is a problem

Your child may also use his/her smartphone during class

Lack of attention

Grades/marks may get worse

Your child may no longer want to play outside

Your child may experience serious sleeping problems

Kids with smartphones may become obese

Children may replace real-life with virtual relationships

Family members may spend less time together

Cyberbullying is a problem


Step 1: I forgot my phone (worksheet)

(giving opinions)

Step 2: What smartphone addiction does to your brain? (worksheet)

Step 5: (PE) Create a poster to show the pros and cons of smartphones

Séance 3: addiction to smartphones

Step 3: Get off the phone song (worksheet)

(giving advice)

Step 1: I forgot my phone

Watch the video: where, who, what?

Your opinion

Step 2: What does cell addiction does to your brain?

Step 3: Get off the phone song

Séance 4: Teens and social media

Step 1: I Get ready (worksheet)

Step 2: Could you ever give up social media? (worksheet)

Step 3: Matching exercise (worksheet)

Step 4: True or false (worksheet)

Step 5: negative effects of social media (worksheet)

Step 6: Alternatives to social media (worksheet)

Step 7: Writing (type ccf) (worksheet)

Séance 5: Tâche finale

You are going to create a publicity campaign to warn your friends against an addiction to smartphones and give them advice to give up theirs.