GP Junior - Foreign Aid
Created on January 5, 2021
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Global Perspectives - Foreign Aid
This is an interactive world map. Visit each country. Look at the videos/make the quiz/answer the questions.
Answer the questions: - Who gives the most? - Where does the money go to?
Imagine: You are the President of Somalia. Somalia has a lot of problems. The country has been struggling with extreme weather changes, violence (a big armed conflict) and disease for nearly 30 years and is increasingly subject to severe climate shocks that are worsening the humanitarian crisis. Assignment 1: Your country needs help. What kinds of help does your country need? (for example, use: this website or this website) Assignment 2: Now you know what kind of aid you need, find 5 countries or organizations who can provide this aid. For each organization/country, explain why you would ask their help. Assignment 3: Despite all the help you get, the situation in your country only gets worse. Find 3 reasons why the foreign aid you get, doesn't really help.
Europe Imagine: you are Mark Rutte. On April 2013, the European Commission called on EU Member States to take responsibility towards the world's poorest countries. Aid figures released by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) show that the EU and its Member States were the world's largest donor in 2012. But with the economic crisis, this contribution decreased. In 2013, the EU spent 0,43% of its gross national income on foreign aid. Even in times of crisis, Europeans show their solidarity with partner countries: 85% of the EU citizens believe that Europe should continue helping developing countries. The European Commission called on all EU Member States to increase the foreign aid budget and spend 0.7% of their gross national income to foreign aid. In 2019, The Netherlands spent 0.59% of their gross national income on development aid. This is not enough and you don't meet the requirements. In 2016, The Netherlands spent 0.65% of their Gross National Income on development aid and before 2008 and 2009, even 0.8%. Question: (don't forget that you are Mark Rutte (VVD)): 1. Why did the % of your Gross National Income on development aid decrease? 2. Do you want to increase this % or do you want to decrease it? Explain why. ( this website might be useful) Assignment: Whether you like it or not, the European Commission says you have to spend more money on development aid. 1). How can you increase the budget? (Think of a strategy) 2). How would you "spend" the money/ To which country (or countries) / organization(s) would you give it and why?
Take this quiz!
First, look at the questions. Then, watch the video and answer the questions: - How did World Vision help Lazarus? - How do they combine Trade and Aid? - Imagine, you are a cacao farmer. You are poor and rich countries pay extreme low prices for your delicious cacao. You face the same problem as Lazarus. Imagine you saw this movie. What would you do?
Have a look at the video below. Then, search for an example of "foreign aid and corruption" (so give an example of a democratic country that gives money to a corrupt leader in return for support)
TRAVEL Nori grape silver beet broccoli kombu beet greens fava bean potato quandong celery. Bunya nuts black-eyed pea prairie turnip leek lentil turnip greens parsnip. Sea lettuce lettuce water chestnut eggplant winter purslane fennel azuki bean earthnut pea sierra leone bologi leek soko chicory celtuce parsley jícama salsify.