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Types of tissues in our bodies


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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0ZvbPak4ck https://training.seer.cancer.gov/anatomy/cells_tissues_membranes/tissues/epithelial.html#:~:text=Epithelial%20tissues%20are%20widespread%20throughout,%2C%20diffusion%2C%20and%20sensory%20reception. https://biologydictionary.net/nervous-tissue/#:~:text=Nervous%20tissue%20is%20the%20term,bodily%20functions%20such%20as%20digestion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscle_tissue#:~:text=Muscle%20tissue%20is%20a%20soft,such%20as%20tendons%20or%20perimysium.

Nervous tissue: is the term for groups of organized cells in the nervous system, which is the organ system that controls the body´s movements, sends and carries signals to and from the different parts of the body. It has a role in controlling bodily functions such as digestion.

Dense connective tissue: it is also called dense fibrous tissue. It has fibers as its main matrix element. It forms strong, rope-like structures such as tendons and ligaments. Tendons attach skeletal muscles to bones: ligaments connect bones to other bones at joints. Adipose connective tissue: Adipose tissue is a specialized connective tissue, consisting of lipid-rich cels called adipocytes. As it comprises about 20-25% of total body weight in healthy individuals. It´s main funtion is to store energy in the form of lipids (fat). Areolar tissue: It holds organs in place and attaches epithelial tissue to other underlying tissues. It serves as a reservoir of water and salts for surrounding tissues. Almost all cells obtain their nutrients from and release their wastes into it. Bone connective tissue: It contains cells, fibers and ground substance. There are many functions in the body in which the bone participates, such as storing minerals, providing internal support, protecting vital organs, enabling movement and providing attachment sites for muscles and tendons. Blood connective tissue: blood is considered a connective tissue because it has a matrix. The living cell types are red blood cells, also called erythrocytes, and white blood cells, also called leukocytes. The fluid portion of whole blood, its matrix, is commonly called plasma.

Epithelium tissue: they are widespread throughout the body. They form the covering of all body surfaces, line body cavities and hollow organs. It is the major tissue in glands. It performa variety of functions that include protection, secretion, absorption, excretion, filtration, diffusion and sensory reception.

Muscle tissue: is a sioft tissue taht composes muscles in animal bodies, it also gives rise to muscles ability to contract. It is also referred to as myopropulsive tissue. This is opposed to other components ot tissues in muscle such as tendons or perimysium. It is formed during embyonic developement. Muscle tissue consists of enlongated cells also called as muscle fibers. This tissue is responsible for movement in our body. Muscles contain special proteins called contractile protein which contract and relax to cause movement. Muscle tissues vary function and location in the body. Smooth muscle tissue: it is used by various systems to apply pressure to vessels and organs. It is composed of sheets or stands of smooth msucle cells. These cells have fibers of acting and myosin which run through the cell and are supported by a framework of other proteins. Cardiac muscle tissue: is only found in your heart, where it performs coordinated contractions that allow your heart to pump blood through your circulatory system. Skeletal muscle tissue: it is a form of striated muscle tissue which is under the voluntary control of the somatic nervous system. Most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by a bunch of collagen fibers known as tendons. Asekeletal muscle tissue refers to many cells joined together called muscle fibers.