Want to make creations as awesome as this one?




Legacy Versions




Version Lemniscape or ∞

Drag and Drop to combine objects to make another object (dis)appear/give feedback




Match the colours

Individual feedback

General feedback

Match the colours




On 1 Element

OFF 1 Element

On/Off 1 Element

Off/On 1 Element

On 1 Element

OFF 1 Element

Off/On 1 Element

On/Off 1 Element

On 1 Element

OFF 1 Element

Off/On 1 Element

On/Off 1 Element

To turn rotation on and off, create two idential items. Group one with off/on.Group the other on/off and add a continuous rotation animation.Layer both object on top of each other. When the key elements are combined, the still object disappears and the rotation object appears. Can also be used for colour change, if you create idential objects in different colours

DND Rotation or colour change on/off,

Function to place in each page with DND

Element OBJECT to group with a genially object

Element Cible to group with a genially object

All the elements can be copied and pasted.

Feedbacks - Optional elements

Element ON to group with a genially object. Appears when you have the correct answer. Stays ON. irreversibleElement OFF to group with a Genially object. Disappear when you have a correct answer. IrreversibleElement ONOFF to group with a Genially object appearing with a correct answer. Reversible, can disappear again.Element OFFON to group with a Genially object disappearing with a correct answer. Reversible, can appear again.

Global feedbacks - Optional elements

Element ON to group with a genially object. Appears when you have all the correct answers. Stays ON. irreversibleElement OFF to group with a Genially object. Disappear when you have all the correct answers. IrreversibleElement ONOFF to group with a Genially object appearing with all the correct answers. Reversible, can disappear again.Element OFFON to group with a Genially object disappearing with all the correct answer.s Reversible, can appear again.


Check button (removing automatic validation) Shows individual feedbacks and global feedbacks Shows if there is a mistake the WRONG_ON feedback Puts the objects and targets back in the start place if there is a mistake.

New version 26/3/2021

Three optional elements have been added

Optional variable allowing to correct mistakes putting back objets and tagets in their original place.

Negative feedback to group with a Genially object appearing if the answer is incorrect. Only works with the Verification button.

The DNDoo function has also been modified

Negative global feedback: duplicable element to be grouped with a Genially object to appear temporarily (3 sec) in case of a false answer. Only works with the Verfication button

If you wish to create more elements, here are the scripts corresponding to the elements.

<div style="width:100%;height:100%;text-align:center;color:white;background-color:tomato" data-auteur="scape" data-ref="objet" class="objet21" data-num="21">OBJET21</div><script></script> <div style="width:100%;height:100%;text-align:center;color:white;background-color:tomato" data-auteur="scape" data-ref="cible" class="cible21" data-num="21">CIBLE21</div><script></script> <div style="width:100%;height:100%;text-align:center;color:white;background-color:tomato" data-auteur="scape" data-ref="on" class="ON21" data-num="21">ON21</div><script></script> <div style="width:100%;height:100%;text-align:center;color:white;background-color:tomato" data-auteur="scape" data-ref="off" class="OFF21" data-num="21">OFF21</div><script></script> <div style="width:100%;height:100%;text-align:center;color:white;background-color:tomato" data-auteur="scape" data-ref="on" class="ONOFF21" data-num="21">ONOFF21</div><script></script> <div style="width:100%;height:100%;text-align:center;color:white;background-color:tomato" data-auteur="scape" data-ref="off" class="OFFON21" data-num="21">OFFON21</div><script></script>

Just change the numbers (and the background colour code if you wish)

On détaille et on innove sur notre groupe Facebook.

Version 1.6- 16/03/2021


Extension proposée par Patrice Nadam

Le Dnd 10


Version conseillée










Retrieve this Genially from your interface.

In the creation page, replace X with the number of matches you want. (between 1 and 10) (for example: 3 for 3 objects and 3 targets) this gives a line of type <nombre>3</nombre><script></script>

In Insert - </>OTHER copy and paste the modified line of code, (Remember to reduce its size) This zone will be grouped with A and its element (see no 8)

Activate in the settings the option "Drag elements".

Choose as many objects as X and place them on the page. (01, 02 and 03 if you replaced X with 3)

Choose as many targets as X and place them on the page. (C1, C2 and C3 if you replaced X with 3)

group a Genially element with each object (O1, O2...) and each target (C1, C2...)

Don't forget to group a Genially element with the A and the number (created in step 4). This is the element that should be displayed when all X matches are correct.

DND simple (old version)

<nombre>X</nombre> <script></script>


<nombre>X</nombre> <script></script>

<nombre>X</nombre> <script></script>


Le message "Impossible de charger le contenu enrichi" est normal -->


<nombre>X</nombre> <script></script>

Le message "Impossible de charger le contenu enrichi" est normal -->