Want to make creations as awesome as this one?






French activities and weather

By Caroline Latière Heaney

Cross the valley challenge

By Sébastien Nouailler

to create a quiz with words / numbers as answers

password check







Wrong username or password

Example 1


Example 2

What is the capital of the UK?4+5=What colour are lemons?

Correct!The passcode is 12874

Not all correct. Try again.

var solution = ["London", "9", "yellow"]; //enter the correct answers var ordre = 1; // 0 or 1 - type 1 if the order of the answers is important var espace = 0 ; //0 or 1 - type 0 if you want spaces at beginning or end to be irrelevant var casse = 0; // 0 or 1 - type 1 if case is relevant (upper/lower case) var correct=1; // 0 or 1 - type 1 to view the errors (in red / green) var tentative=1; // 0 or 1 - type 1 to display the number of attempts var maxtentative=0; // 0 for unlimited - type in the maximum number of attempts allowed ("tentative" must be at 1) var unefois=0; //0 or 1 - type 1 to prevent restarting during a session (the quiz will be blocked) ("tentative" must be at 1)

Code looks like this:

On the picture are a and a


Example 3

Code looks like this:

var solution = ["dog", "cat"]; //enter the correct answers var ordre = 0 // 0 or 1 - type 1 if the order of the answers is important var espace = 0 ; //0 or 1 - type 0 if you want spaces at beginning or end to be irrelevant var casse = 0; // 0 or 1 - type 1 if case is relevant (upper/lower case) var correct=0; // 0 or 1 - type 1 to view the errors (in red / green) var tentative=0; // 0 or 1 - type 1 to display the number of attempts var maxtentative=0; // 0 for unlimited - type in the maximum number of attempts allowed ("tentative" must be at 1) var unefois=0; //0 or 1 - type 1 to prevent restarting during a session (the quiz will be blocked) ("tentative" must be at 1)



Cuise Template

Keep somewhere on page

Put outside first page of

Answers will be entered here. You can copy and paste to create more. If you put a text box next to the answer box, make sure it is in a layer underneath the answer box so it doesn't cover it up.

Click to check answers. This button hides the code (see next slide)

Group with a picture/text that appears if the answer is correct (green) or incorrect (red)

Optional: Group with a picture/text that disappears if the answer is correct.

Optional: This counts the attemps made. Change colour and size of "compteur" to change the appearance.



This button hides the code. Click the "link" icon, then the "code" icon in the window that comes up. Enter your answers and change the variables as prompted. Don't change any of the rest of the code.


How to enter your answers:

var solution = ["réponse1|reponse1", "réponse2", "réponse3"];

Every answer needs to be in quotation marks

Commas between answers

Verticale line between alternative answers.



Taille bordure

Couleur bordure

Couleur fond

Couleur police

Taille police

Style bordure

Nom police



Abhaya Libre





The font for the list needs to be present on the question page (e.g. in the text with the questions or the title) to work.

Copy the text from this box. Then go to the slide with the questions, go to "insert" , "</> Others" and paste the text. When you click insert, a text box with your design will be entered in the page.

Preview of your modified box

Go into preview mode to change the settings - you can delete the slide after you inserted the text box

Opacité fond


Answer box generator



Border size

Border colour

Background colour

Font colour

Font size

Border style


Font name