Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Idea original Gabriel Marín











Pensad en un producto a elaborar con vuestro alumnado cuyo foco de origen sea un problema/reto/situación...

¿Qué tareas necesitaréis llevar a cabo para realizar el producto?

¿Ante las tareas planificadas que actividades tendríais que concretar en cada caso para desarrollar las mismas con garantías?

Especificad las Competencias Clave a trabajar, concretando contenidos relacionados con cada una.

¿Qué estrategias y propuestas metodológicas innovadoras utilizaréis? ¿Emplearéis alguna estrategia de Ap. cooperativo o Apps educativas? ¿Cómo pretendéis favorecer la inclusión educativa?

¿Cómo pensáis organizar las actividades planificadas?¿Cuándo y quién/es las realizarán?¿Dónde se van a llevar a cabo dichas actividades?

¿Qué indicadores de nuestro currículo oficial podéis seleccionar como referentes de los aprendizajes?

¿Qué recursos materiales usaréis?¿Qué recursos humanos van a participar en el proyecto?¿Utilizaréis algún espacio externo al centro?

¿Qué técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación serían los más adecuados para este proceso de e-a?

The Debate is a dispute in which two parties confront each other by defending opposing positions. Both have foundation and authority, and try to convince a third party judging their respective reasons. The Debate affects motivational, social and cognitive learning. Motivational learning. The Debate activates the interest, involvement, motivation in students through the challenge between peers and the desire to demonstrate their skills and value. Social learning. This desire is not addressed to teachers to get a good grade, but to peers. The two teams face each other trying to prevail over the other in front of their classmates. Cognitive learning. The Debate leads pupils not so much to memorize contents, but to question themselves on the validity of them and on the reason for the assumptions. It teaches students how to read up, how to critically reflect on controversial issues and how to publicly support their ideas and convince others of their validity.

The Debate

The Debate developes into different steps: STEP 1). We choose the theme to discuss, that admits two opposing positions of equal dignity, for example: Should nuclear power stations be closed? We divide the students into two groups, pros and cons, students can't choose which side to stay. STEP 2). Students collect information from newspapers or other sources that deal with the matter, from different and often opposite perspectives. STEP 3). They prepare their speech and choose three representatives who will talk. All together in the group prepare a list of arguments to support their thesis.

These could be possible examples of pros and cons related to the theme:

PROS - Employement for a lot of people - Energy for a large area- They may be safe if great precoution is taken (use of masks, protective equipment)

CONS - They are dangerous - Accidents may occur and pollute the air even many kilometres far away (ex. The accident which occurred at Chernobyl in 1986) - Radioactive dust may spread in the air and fall out in the distance causing serious deseases in many years (ex. The atomic bomb caused cancer after some generations) - The dangerous substances may end up in the rivers polluting the water we drink and then go out to sea

STEP 4). Critical analysis: the group prepares a list of possible objections from their adversaries to be well prepared to reply. STEP 5). The students start the debate. One student is the moderator and timekeeper, he checks the time giving two minutes to each speaker of the groups to argue their own thesis. The interventions of the pro team and the counter team alternate. The winner won't be who is right but who is the best at arguing.