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Erasmus +

Clase 3ºASantiago López BolivarÁngeles Jiménez AriasEdu Soler GarcíaCarmen Arnedo Muñoz


6. Thank you

5. Sports

4. Our excursion there

3.3 Rivers

3.2 Scrub and grassland fauna

3.1 Nival fauna

3. Fauna

2.3 Riparian vegetation

2.2 Vegetation in different areas of the mountain

2.1 Causes of biodiversity

2. Flora

1. What is it?


Sierra Nevada is a mountainous massif belonging to the whole of the Béticas Mountains, specifically the Penibético System. It is located in the province of Granada. It is the highest-altitude mountain massif in all of western Europe, after the Alps. Sierra Nevada, was formed during the Alpine Orogenesis in the Tertiary Age. Due to its isolation and altitude, it has been left as a refuge of countless plants and inappropriate endemisms of the Mediterranean latitudes in which it is located.

What is it?


After the end of the last glaciation, the peculiar situation in the Sierra Nevada allowed it to become a refuge for a large number of endemisms and unbecoming Nordic species of mid-latitudes. Endemic vascular plant species are known, according to sources from the Spanish Ministry of environment, representing the greatest biodiversity in the entire Iberian Peninsula and Europe.In Sierra Nevada there are about 2000 types of plants. ( 86 endemics plants)






+ info

Causes of biodiversity

The origin of the unusual number of endemic species present in the massif must be located at the end of the Tertiary Era, now almost two million years ago. With the end of this era and the arrival of the Quaternary period, the climate of all Europe suffered a progressive cooling that allowed plant species from northern and arctic latitudes to progress progressively towards southern Europe and occupy much of the interior and high areas of the Iberian Peninsula.

Crioromediterránean floor

Oro mediterránean floor

Supramediterranean floor

Mesomediterranean floor

Thermomediterranean floor:

It's from 2900 metres high.

It os from 1900 to 2800 metres high. Here there are some plants like pine tree, with balsamic properties.

It is from 1300 to 1900 metres high. Here there are some plants like oak.

It is from 800 to 1300 metres high. Here there are some plants like olive (olive is used to lowering cholesterol)

It is from 700 to 800 metres high. Here there are some plants like Romero (this is a medication)

Vegetation in different areas of the mountain

Riparian vegetation

Depending on the area, in areas of carbonated rocks (limestones, for example), river vegetation consists mainly of olmedas, choperas and willows. On acidic soils are installed smoothed, willowed and fresh.

The fauna of sierra Nevada has always been difficult to study, with a fairly low number of zoological references. The undisputed queen of wildlife in the Sierra Nevada is the wild goat, which usually grazes in high mountain grasslands. Spain's Ministry of Environment has classified 80 endemic animal species.


Prunella collaris

There are few species that live at altitudes; this is a typical feature of the Sierra Nevada Fauna, compared to other European mountain ranges.

Nival fauna

Chionomys nivalis

Mottled sapillo


Liron careto

Mammals: liron careto, common hare, common rabbit, field mouse and fox.Avifauna: Common pardillo, jilguero, common verderon, triguero, scribe hortelano and the mochuelo.Reptiles: Snake snouted, culebra bastarda, horseshoe snake, southern colonel, ocelled lizard.Amphibians: Runner toad, spur toad or mottled sapillo.Arachnids: Common scorpion.

Scrub and grassland fauna

Runner toad




Common scorpion


Culebra bastarda






The north face of the massif is the birthplace of a multitude of rivers, almost all located in the Guadalquivir basin: rivers such as the born, the Fardes, and the Genil river, the most important of all, are born here; on the west and south faces rivers belonging to the Mediterranean slope are born.



Orientation in nature

Aromatic plants

Presentation about the enviorment

We also did other activities:

A few weeks ago, those selected for erasmus went to a complex in Sierra Nevada in order to learn more about our surroundings, and the wonders that lie there.

Our excursion there

Finally we saw a lot of aromatic plants that we were picking and pasting in a notebook.

3 Aromatic plants

Then we go outside and a man taught us to orient ourselves with natural resources as to which side the moss comes out or simply with a compass.

2 Orientation in nature

The first thing we saw was an exhibition on a presentation of all plant and animal resources in addition to some features of Sierra Nevada.

1 Presentation about the enviorment


The ascent to Sierra Nevada is a mountain port very popular with cycling. It can be climbed by several different slopes, the most recognized being cyclanically those of Monachil and that of Güejar Sierra , the first being the hardest for its larger slopes.


Sierra Nevada is the southernmost ski resort in Europe and the highest altitude in Spain. Due to these characteristics it is usually ideal for skiing, due to the good weather and the excellent quality of its snow.Next to the ski resort there is an urbanization, Pradollano, which with its 2100 m.


Thank you