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The World Social Forum of

The WSFTE is a thematic forum within the World Social Forum (WSF). It is a process of confluence of economies that proposes itself as a real alternative to capitalism. The main objectives of this process are to bring together social movements, initiatives, collectives and organizations that share the will to put people and the environment at the center of the economy, and to fight towards resilient and collaborative societies that build and strengthen strategic alliances and cooperative actions. In addition, it aims to involve and engage in dialogue with public institutions (starting at the local level). It is also about transforming the narrative and giving visibility to a plural, diverse and multicultural movement that involves the public opinion, the media and the youth.The objective of strengthening this confluence is to build together a global agenda that aims to reconquer the other already existent worlds.

Transformative Economies


+ 4000


The Process


+ 55


+ 4000


+ 190

Preparatory meeting in Barcelona aiming to open a space for dialogue around the establishment of plans, challenges and construction of the process towards 2020.

Meeting of international networks in Barcelona aiming to align with the concrete definition of the objectives and results of the process, program, as well as the multiplication strategies.

April 2019

July 2019



Virtual meeting presenting initiatives and good practices in line with the postulate: "We accept the challenge", as well as the co-construction of a long-term agenda.

Virtual meeting focusing on experiences of change, public debate and confluence.

October/November 2020

June 2020

Learn more


  • The social and solidarity economy
  • The economy based on the common
  • Feminist economies
  • Agroecology and the food sovereignty movement



What are

Transformative economies are closely linked to the anti-globalization movement. They constitute a unifying concept of proposals for socio-economic transformation that involve new ways of thinking and engaging in the economy, based on a critical approach aimed at building a socio-economic system that places people, their communities and their environment at the center of all these processes. Since the WSFTE, four of the multiple existing movements, by which merging with each other and with other initiatives, are at the heart of the virtuous circle of transformative economies.


We stress the importance of convergence between different economies. That is to say that each transformative economy contributes to the transformation of the common potential.



Put life, solidarity and care at the center of the debate.Strengthen anti-racist struggles ("with racism, there is no democracy").Defend the rights of the marginalized outside the hetero-normative model.Ethical finance as a necessary tool for transformative economies. Public policies as a transversal axis to co-construct and create an informal alliance between different actors.Promoting the agro-ecological production process, which gives priority to the respect for land and nature.Promote inclusive education and deconstruct our collective imagination.Disseminate research on money creation and promote alternatives that do not generate debt.

PRACTICESThe relevance of our practices and means of exchange, which facilitate economic transactions, lies in the fact that they are not dependent on the capitalist logic.The use of micropolitical action makes it possible to articulate all the dimensions that are to be considered and to territorialize the struggles.The strengthening of actions of solidarity are at the center of our practices.Developing tools for economic and social reconstruction that bring together the plurality of economic and social agents.

DISCOURSES AND FORMS OF THOUGHT Explore innovative avenues and work together to advance a comprehensive vision of transformative economies.Produce and manage from common ground social movements, markets, public policies and territory.


STRATEGIESHave their own strategies in alliance with other economies and transformation movements, to face together the systematic violation of human rights and the environment.Strategies and actions coming from the local level and the communities themselves to generate global revolutions: from the micro to the macro level.These strategies must be deployed at the international level, ensuring that a set of principles are guiding the transformation of global governance.It is essential to develop resilience strategies that can support the conservation of biodiversity.


of the process


Virtual Forum

Web Transformer

Photo Gallery

Our blog in El Salto / Transformadora

Video Channel

WSFTE Briefing October-November 2020

Matrix used in June 2020 to collect proposals for the agenda

WSFTE Memorandum Meeting July 2019

WSFTE Memorandum Meeting April 2019



Alliance of Transformative Economies





The de-mediatization of these revolt movements is accompanied by the motto "another world is possible" of the anti-globalization movements, along with other movements with a long historical tradition such as cooperativism and community economies. It is during this period that we have witnessed a (re)emergence of approaches and practices that claim their own space in the debate on new ways of thinking and doing economics, and on people who are building here and now other ways of living, working, consuming and coexisting. All that, established on a material and cultural basis, diametrically opposed to the capitalist regime. These new economies, which have experienced strong growth in recent years, are gaining momentum. However, one of the main challenges we face on this path is the lack of a common narrative, a global vision that allows us to identify and combine the different proposals, and to align ourselves with a broader, shared narrative in our efforts to achieve socio-economic transformation.

The global financial crisis that erupted in 2007 - which was the result of the political powers' collusion with the financial elites and their desire to accumulate capital - demonstrated the need to rethink the established economic order. A multitude of anonymous voices from around the world united to call for the overthrow of the regimes in place. We have witnessed the outrage of the Arab Spring, the Occupy movement, the national popular movements of recent years from Chile to Lebanon, demonstrations for climate justice, feminist revolts, just to name a few. However, the expected changes did not take place. It is the financialization of the economy that has continued in its momentum, its speculative character has increased and inequalities continue to grow worldwide.


Manifesto of the Feminist Confluence


In fact, they have been notable during this crisis, having provided, among other things, basic food products, essential supplies and health care.Social, community and neighbourhood initiatives, combined with public policies and resources, have provided support to several affected communities. It then became clear that transformative economies are more than ever part of the economic and social fabric that preserves and reproduces life.At the same time, the deployment and threat of corporate formulas for managing crises are present more than ever: greater concentration of large fortunes, disputes over private and commercial modalities for dealing with the pandemic, attacks by speculative finance capital, the expansion of "surveillance capitalism" in a confined world dependent on Internet access. In short, a scenario of uncertainty in the face of which transformative economies propose an economy of life and not at the expense of life.


Throughout the last few months of the pandemic, we have witnessed complex and worrisome events, including the effects of capitalist and neoliberal devastation. Structural injustices and inequalities have been highlighted by the predominance of neoliberal programs of non-protection and commodification of life, health, education and the production of basic goods and services. In unprecedented proportions, households - converted into places of work, education, care - and women's work have absorbed all the impacts of this situation by paying an enormous human cost. On the other hand, the flow of production, services and relationships provided by transformative economies around the world has demonstrated the ability of new economies to respond under extreme conditions, such as those we face today.




Contributions of the Confluences


Over the course of more than two years, many voices have come together to set a common agenda for the future of transformative economies. The various confluences held many meetings and reflections that attempted to highlight collective work, learning through debate and sharing, and the desire not only to keep current resistances alive, but also to build new worlds and defend a life worth living. Throughout this process, there were moments of exposure and analysis, inter- and intra-movement dialogue, and construction/action. We have shared the experiences, challenges and needs of transformative economies in our territories and at the global level. All of this, situating the most critical dimensions of the current conflict between capital and life, as well as the alternatives that we have constructed and that trace paths for systemic change.














and movement CONFLUENCES






Local AND

Systematization document in PDF

For confluences



Inter Confluences October-November 2020 (I and II)

Inter Confluences June 2020


Proposed Actions


Scientific-Technical Challenge

Socio-economic challenge

Environmental Challenge

Socio-political challenge


We accept the

The challenge includes various initiatives: struggles, campaigns, projects, policies and practices that reflect the consolidation of transformative economies and respond to major global challenges with concrete solutions. The main idea is to make existing transformation initiatives visible through a showcase that serves to promote and strengthen them in order to offer opportunities for exchange such as sponsorships that guarantee mutual knowledge and assistance.

"Plataforma Desbordes" is an online tool under development aiming to give visibility to collaboration and cooperation projects in Alto Valle (to be applied to other territories) and facilitating the connection between projects.

The vast majority of solidarity economy networks are developing tools to measure the impact of their organizations. What do these methods and networks have in common? What are their strengths and weaknesses?

Argentina, Enjambre

International, Reas Red de Redes, XES, APES, ADEPES, MES Occitania, RIPESS EU

Plataforma desbordes

Measuring the impact of transformative economies





This is an intercooperation project aimed at creating distribution and marketing chains for agro-ecological products.

The "Cities for Fair Trade" campaign is a tool for working on marketing and awareness-raising issues with relevant sectors of society.

Brazil, Cadeia produtiva solidária das Frutas Nativas

Spain, IDEAS

Native fruits production chain

Cities for Fair Trade




It is a project that works - through a cooperative process and based on economy, empowerment and participation - along 4 axes: habitat, public space, community and housing. They understand that the prolonged reproduction of life goes far beyond housing.

La “Justa Trama” is an agro-ecological and organic cotton production chain, where 500 people work and are paid 30 to 100% of the profits. It shows that it is possible to build alternatives for a truly transformative economy at the local level.

Ecuador, Cooperativa de Vivienda Alianza Solidaria

Brazil, Red Justa Trama del Algodón Orgánico

Quitumbe Solidarity Housing Project

Justa Trama cotton production line




CECOSESOLA is a non-profit and self-financed organization that operates as a collective fund. It is made up of 50 organizations from the popular sectors of Venezuela, spread over 7 states. They serve 40% of the population of a city of more than one million inhabitants.

Venezuela, organización CECOSESOLA

Building the world we want here and now




It is a pedagogical proposal aimed at transforming practices in educational spaces, not only the traditional ones, but also others where there is a collective construction of knowledge.

University based on pluridiversity that articulates different educational initiatives aimed at building tools to develop critical and transformative thinking by recovering the knowledge of indigenous peoples.

Argentina, Asociación Vientos del Sur

Latin America, Campaña por un Currículum Global de la Economía Social Solidaria

Learning by playing, Learning by doing

The university of good living




Call for the participation of all groups to consolidate this proposal for dialogue around knowledge and collective construction in the face of 2021. In this sense, systematization and publication of good practices are proposed.

A popular school that came into being after years of work on the field with people in vulnerable situations. Its goal is to establish means of communication that belong to the communities and do not exclude them as traditional media do.


Argentina, Popular School of Community Media

Systematization and publication of experiences, reflections and good practices on transformative economies in Latin America

Working for freedom




This consumer and user cooperative, born in 2016, aims to create a model of sustainable mobility and to transform traditional mobility based on the shift in mobility from combustion car to electric vehicle.

This center promotes a critical knowledge of the environmental reality in Pinar del Río. To do so, it seeks to advance horizontal dialogue in the search for sustainable actions to solve environmental problems.

Spain, Som mobilitat


Creation of a local pooling of electric cars

Center for Education and Promotion of Sustainable Development




Marketing space for products that women develop on their own, taking into account sustainability and environmental impact criteria, particularly via solar energy.

This social and solidarity economy incubator aligns itself according to a gender perspective based on intergenerational exchanges, environmental education, recovery of public space, community organization and evoking awareness.

Mali, ORFED and Quartiers du Monde

Colombia, ENDA

Incubator of solidarity-based women entrepreneurs and citizens

Women consolidating their territory through the environmental and solidarity economy through a gender perspective




An Agenda for Transformative Economies

Economics and Finance


This agenda, which is an open space for contributions, shows the work that has been carried out for more than two years and which, through different actions, dialogues, debates, assembly processes, etc., has managed to create different spaces for reflection on the need and desire to implement global structural changes. In short, this program is the point of convergence for thousands of people working to build other worlds.


of transformation



Relationships and power flows

Relationship with nature and ecosystems



  • Encourage the process of agro-ecological production, raise awareness against GMOs, promote the creation of resilience strategies to increase biodiversity and fight for more nature reserves.
  • Develop food systems controlled by communities and based on sustainable agriculture that guarantees the right to food for their populations, promotes biodiversity, local markets and the public policies that support them.
  • Join the struggles for climate justice and active preservation of biodiversity, natural commons and against extractivism.
  • Work on urban regeneration and the reduction of the size of cities to a human dimension, participatory urban planning and collective forms of ecosystem management.
  • Promote the diffusion of “energy communities” and cooperatives and all forms of local, decentralized and renewable energy production, distribution and consumption, as well as sustainable, public and shared means of mobility.


Nature and

Transforming Relationships WITH

The transformation of the relationships with nature and ecosystems refers to the way the capitalist model destroys nature in its constant effort to generate wealth. This dimension aims, among other things, to reflect on the development of alternatives to capitalism in the areas of food production, access to water and energy, land use, etc.


  • Promote the construction of social markets, solidarity-based economic networks and circuits, digital platforms and monetary and non-monetary exchange systems that do not depend on the capitalist market economy..
  • Popularize the use of social money and forms of exchange and credit that are independent from the banking system and global finance, i.e. managed and controlled by communities for mutualist purposes.
  • Increase our articulation both internally (through innovation in financial intermediation, participative loans, seed loans, crowdfunding, micro-credits, etc...) and externally, via solidarity finance and transformative economies.
  • Addressing macroeconomic issues (from international trade to industrial production chains) to propose concrete alternatives.
  • Integrate and visibilize the reproductive sphere in economic discourses and practices, breaking with the productive/reproductive binomial.
  • Advancing the importance of community work, care work, and not only the recognition but also the redistribution of this work.

AND financial relations



We refer to the analysis of material flows and forms of exchange, as well as to the analysis of the productive and reproductive force. In other words, we refer not only to the analysis of the macroeconomic system itself, but also to how it appropriates our forms of production and how it uses reproductive labor as a means of accumulating wealth.

  • Create alliances between education for sustainable development and the social and solidarity economy and other social movements, such as the communes.
  • Promote the use of free, open, cooperative, federated and interoperable digital tools.
  • Encourage direct student participation in their study centers. To move away from a Western-centered university system and promote an autonomous system with multicultural curricula and cooperative learning pedagogies.
  • Emphasize the importance of telling new stories to deconstruct our collective imagination, in alliance with independent, cooperative and alternative economic media.
  • Contribute to the development of the Ancestral Peoples and their ancestral knowledge and articulate in accordance with them.
  • Based on the methodology of popular education, develop techniques and tools for training in transformative economies.
  • Decolonize languages to reduce the hegemony of some languages over others. Promote the use of an inclusive (non-sexist) and decolonial language.





We are talking about culture, imagination and education. This dimension aims to reflect on how we generate knowledge. It is about looking for cultural and educational alternatives that allow us to build societies free of machismo, racism, homophobia, consumerism, environmental destruction, ideology of growth and unlimited profits.




  • Sharing methodologies and tools to improve the way shared, inclusive and participatory spaces are facilitated and organized.
  • Compare and share tools for self-evaluation and improvement of the management of activities and forms of organization, such as social budgets and indicators of well-being, social inclusion, positive environmental impact, etc…
  • Develop local and thematic confluences and inter-confluence dialogues in the context of changing economies.
  • Depatriarchalize power relations, both in the public space and within our networks and organizations, using an intersectional approach that strengthens the feminist and anti-racist political force.
  • Share and develop legal tools (laws, legal regime) - for the recognition and dissemination of common goods and other forms of tangible and intangible production and reproduction, as well as for collective self-management.
  • Consolidate alliances with networks of local authorities and municipal movements that promote an alternative economy.
  • Advance critical shareholder campaigns and national and international legislation that promotes the expansion of ethical and solidarity-based finance.

AND Flows


When we talk about transforming power relations and flows, we are referring to the changes we want to implement at the institutional, political and organizational levels, because we see the need to carry out structural changes in the way societies are organized around the world.

The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies Association and does not necessarily reflect the views of the funders.

following funders

With the support of the

