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Reflections on the results

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As a basis for a new Planning - Harold Buitrago H.

Reflections on the Results

Phase 5

"I think using songs helps to make children's learning more fun, easier and more spontaneous and they enjoy it a lot. Particularly David helped him not be afraid to pronounce and speak English when he sang in addition to increasing his vocabulary".

Sra. Indira de López (Madre de David López - 3rd Grade)

There are lots of findings and nice discoveries that I as a teacher have witnessed as the outcomes of this strategy implementation. Definetily, the greatest one has been the interaction with English Language and self-confidence each learner has gained.

"La interacción entre el profesor y los alumnos entre sí en el aula es la situación comunicativa más real de todas" (Tebar, 2011a).


Certainly, the most significant changes are related to the new attitude learners, families, and of course teachers, we have toward learning processes and using english as a second language. Changing the paradigm of teaching by MEDIATION.

Most meaningful Changes in Pedagogical Practices

Community and families received and responded positively to this strategy right after a while. Singing out at the very beginning of each English class could impact learners attitude and intrinsic motivation to learn more. Therefore, the teacher's attitude determines the way the goals can be acomplished, even though the obstacles presented along the way."Este posicionameinto a favor del maestro quiere destacar la pericia del docente en conocer los microcambios de los alumnos, a través del asiduo contacto con ellos y de su experiencia diaria en el aula" (Tebar, 2011b).

Implementation ofthe proposal

"It is important to teach how to create, recreate, and utilize the technological resources (...) We have computers and programs that may help us in the teaching-learning process so that the boring things become more innovative and fun for the apprentice" (Delgado, 2013).

Unfortunately, there was not a complete feedback process for each student's work.

Feedback process

Enough time to develop the action plan was missing, due in part to the particular school year and schedule we had to deal with.

Time Management

At the beginning of the process not all the families were engaged in order to support their children.

Unity and Engagement

Some families did not have enough time nor interests to explore new technological tools.

Technology access

and their overcomming


"La actividad institucional diaria prepara al maestro y le adiestra paa ser tan o mejor mediador que un psicólogio.

"El profesor (...) promueve la creatividad, la curiosidad y el desafío del lenguaje simbólico. Si el alumno es capaz de algo más el profesor-mediador indagará fórmulas y tareas nuevas que potencien cada individualidad" (Tebar, 2011)

"Teachers in Language classrooms can provide such feedback, but more important, can help learners to generate their own feedback outside of the language classroom" (Brown, 2002b).

Certainly meaninful experiencs that involve positive feelings and emotions in our pupils will represent a long-term learning as well as intrinsic motivation to keep on progressing.

Teacher as a mediator: "Mediar también es transmitir valores, es conectar vivencias y elementos culturales, es superar la ignorancia y privación cultural, abriendo al otro un mundo nuevo de significados" (Tebar, 2011).

There is a lot of new findings we can observe from this pedagogical experience. Let us check some of them:

Conclusions and Recommendations

As a professional educator and pedagogical mediator now I am aware of the great responsibility I have to provide meaningful and quality experiences to my pupils in order to allow them to explore and discover knowledge by being involved in it.Even I had a coherent action plan to implement, I should go deeper into each of my pupils needs and interests, in order to plan meaningful experiences that motivate and encourage them to learn more, and to gain more autonomy and self-control.Alll my strategies should be oriented to contribute to the acomplishment of the curriculum established and designed for my students. This curriculum has the possibility to be

Resignification of the Pedagogical Practices


“The aims of a curriculum are to make a course that has useful goals, that achieves its goals, that satisfies its users, and that does all this in an efficient way”(Macalister, 2010).

Brown, H. D. (2002). English Language Teaching in the “Post-Method” Era: Toward Better Diagnosis, Tratment, and Assessment. Language Teaching, 9–18.Delgado, A. (2013). Pedagogical Mediation and Learning. Revista de Lenguas Modernas, 19, 513–522. Macalister, N. &. (2010). Language Curriculum Design. Tebar, L. (2011). El perfil del profesor mediador de aprendizajes. El Profesor Mediador Del Aprendizaje, 2, 99–128.
