Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


How to play

Roll the dice!

Winter Wonderland











How to play To start playing you have to make teams (we can play all together or make from 2 to 4 teams). After throwing the dice you have to move your character to the correct number (we will continue playing after 10 - if you are in number 7 and you get a 6 you will go to number 3 again " 7-8-9-10-1-2-3"- so you can play for as long as you want). There are different activities in the different numbers so try to complete them all before ending the game. Let's see who is faster and better in doing the different tasks you can find here!!

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But first... let's see where we are! https://youtu.be/BQBINpf2QW8

In this first stage we are going to play some games: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/word-games/christmas-1 Christmas 1Play some word games to learn and practise Christmas...LearnEnglish Kids | British Council

Let's sing a Christmas song! https://youtu.be/FdTqmzWIuZI

Write two sentences about last Christmas

Hello my friends! I am a bit lost... I want to go to the Angels Christmas Market but I don't know how. Can you help me? REMEMBER: Asking for and giving directions: Go straight on: Turn left: Turn right: Use then, next...

May I go to the toilet please? Wait a moment, Where is the toilet??!!

Describe the most beautiful Christmas Tree that you can imagine, but be quick, you only have 2 minutes!!

Whatch this video and tell (or write) a brief summary of it. https://youtu.be/poswRRB_2i0

Tell us your funniest Christmas story.

We are going to finsh with a game... You (everybody in the class) are going to play "word chain" using words related with Christmas. If you don't remember how to play: The first player say a word and the next one have to think another word that starts with the same letter as the first one finished: 1. ChristmaS... 2. SantA... 3. AngeL... READY, STEADY, GO!!!

Go back to number 4