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Luca Ursella
Climate changes 
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Climate changes


Climate changes has brought two opposite disasters

Luca Ursella

FLOODS occur when it rains for many days or for a few hours but very intensively and the water level rises

DROUGHTS occur when it doesn't rain for many months and is very hot







These changes are happening all over the world not only in Africa or Asia but also in Europe

Floods occour more often because air pollution has changed the direction of hot and cold winds, they collide causing hurricanes and floods

The solution to avoid droughts is always to limit carbon dioxide emissions, but it can also be done as in South Africa where the little rain that they get, is channeled into hydraulic basins

The causes of droughts are many:

  • deforestation
  • changes of winds
  • pollution

To stop these floods we should limit the pollution by factories and we should use cars as little as possible because only by limiting carbon dioxide emissions we could solve this problem.

Air pollution causing floods and droughts is caused by factories and vehicles that produce carbon dioxide into the air

Droughts cause damage to agricolture and to a country's economy because the crops die and the people are left without food and water. It often causes devastating fires .

The effects of floods are disastrous because they destroy houses, tree, road and cars, in the most serious cases they kill people

A solution that is used in Poland is to create an organization to clean the rivers so that they don't overflow when it rains; to clean the woods from dry branches so that when it is very hot, they don't catch fire.
