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Atvira anglų kalbos pamoka 8 kl. The Secret Figure...

Parengė:Vilniaus Jono Pauliaus II progimnazijosanglų kalbos vyresnioji mokytoja Malgožata Vasilevska

Introduction: Let's guess the topic of the lesson

1. Read this article from a newspaper and try to figure out which famous woman it is about.

Write your guess in the chat


During lesson you can get points for:

  • active participation
  • good answers
  • giving opinions


After developing vocabulary related to character features and reading You will write a profile


The secret figure of Mrs. Claus

The secret figure: Mrs. Claus

Aims: After developing vocabulary and reading skills be ready to write a profile of a person

During the lesson you can get points for:

  • Active participation
  • Homework

2. What kind of a woman is Mrs Claus? In pairs talk about what you imagine her to be like and make a mind map

Pairwork (5-7 minutes)

Discussing the mind mapListen and add some information to your mind maps

3. Read the text and add some characteristics to your list.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uPJBjqJB8LOFlGhESf0Hhvil1R-Qnv-h/view?usp=sharing new Students worksheet mrs claus.docxnullGoogle Docs

Since 1889, Mrs. Claus has been shown in media as a kind, sincere, gentle white­haired elderly lady baking cookies somewhere in the background of the Santa Claus life. She sometimes assists in toy production and takes care of Santa's elves. It is worth noting that, when not portrayed as white­haired or elderly, she is often shown to have red hair. She usually chooses a red fur dress. Her reappearance in popular media in the 1960s began with the children's book How Mrs. Santa Claus Saved Christmas, by Phyllis McGinley. Today, Mrs. Claus is commonly seen in cartoons, on greeting cards as a side-character to the throned Santa Claus. Her personality tends to be fairly consistent; she is usually seen as a considerate, caring, serious and patient woman, often in contrast to Santa himself, who can sometimes be impatient, determined and joyful.

4. Match the bold words with their definitions: There are 3 extra words (*think of their definition)

Vocabulary practice Match the words with the definitions .


5. How might these words be connected with Mrs Claus?helicopter, secret, letter, chic, adventurous, slim

Watch the video and check your predictions

*Make sentences with: helicopter, secret, chic, adventurous, slim

6. DiscussionWhat do you think about this depiction of Mrs Claus?How is it different from the general idea we have about her? *Choose 5 new personality traits for Mrs. Claus.


  • Make a Facebook Profile for Mrs. Claus

  • Write a letter to Mrs. Claus

