Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



Draw Your Way!

Drawing in your unique style

This slide deck walks you through how to notice and cultivate your feelings about drawing with a simple and painless drawing exercise.

What's In Store?

Learning Objectives

Try it out!





To draw from a referent with freedom and creativity by focusing on feeling

Learning Objective

1. The emotional langauge you use to interpret a situation2. The established set of emotions you use to approach a situation

Heartset, noun</härtset/>

"In drawing, nothing is better than the first attempt"

Pablo Picasso

How do you feel about drawing?


Does the idea of drawing something new excite you? Worry you? Does drawing bring you joy, freedom, or anxiety?What images and memories come up when you draw?When entering any practice, it is important to reflect on the energies and the assumptions you are bringing into your work space. Meditate for a moment on your last experience drawing:What did you draw? Why?How did you feel while you drew? When you were done?What can you do to feel more comfortable in this lesson?

One line drawings are where you draw a shape in a continuous line. Think only of the subject.On a fresh sheet of paper, use a pen(cil) to draw this image. DO NOT lift your pen(cil) once you started!

One-Line Drawings (2 min)

How did this exercise feel?Was it a new experience or familiar? Did you learn something new?



Bring clarity of heart to a new experience. Recognize fear as part of the process of learning new things.

Skill set

Practice basic composition and perspective. Skills are necessary to express your natural creativity!

Look carefully at the subject and your evoked emotions. Use those emotions in the next step.


You master any and every skill by practicing. So, without limit, draw whenever you want!


Mindset for Creativity




Supporting Materials

Medium: How to Draw from Imagination, and Why is it So Hard?

I Want to Draw: Simple Exercises for Complete Beginners

The Art of Sketching: Transform Your Doodles into Art

Thank you for learning today!

Please share your line drawing (if you feel like it!) online by clicking HERE.

Please remember to finish reading the main post!

Alternative Images