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What did he organise ? What did he begin in 1930 ? Why ?

Where did he go to study law ? What happened ? Why ? How do you call it ?
Where and when was Gandhi born ?
Mahatma Gandhi:
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Mahatma Gandhi:


Where and when was Gandhi born ?


When did he launch his first campaign ? What for ?Where did he go in 1914 ?


Why did Gandhi start a "fast unto death" (= you refuse to eat to obtain something)? What were his demands


When and how did Gandhi die?


Where did he go to study law ? What happened ? Why ? How do you call it ?



What is Gandhi’s main victory? Why is it different from other victories?

Why was he called “Mahatma” ?

What did he organise ? What did he begin in 1930 ? Why ?

Mahatma Gandhi was born in Porbandar, India the 2nd of October 1869.

Gandhi studied law in University of London and, after, he worked in a vegetarian restaurant, and, years later, he went over to India, and he discovered that his mother had died in his absence. Later, he practice law in Inner Temple.

Gandhi launched his first campaign in 1906, at this time, he see the evidence which the european people treated the african and hinduism people. In 1914, Gandhi went to Sur Africa, where he understood the discrimination of the colored people.


Because the hinduist people had less rights than the europeans, and he were disagree with this, and he decided to stop eating foar a long time if europeans didn't give rights to hinduism and african people.

Mahatma Gandhi won a lot of civil rights to hinduists and africans. It was be different because Gandhi always use the peace for solve the problems and circumstances.

Gandhi died in 1948, when a man shot him in Bombay or Mumbay.

This term unify Maha that means "big" and Atma that means "soul", in conclusion, Mahatma means Big Soul.