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Source Evaluation

Soul Stone - Authority The Soul Stone gives its user power over people's souls. (Feel uncomfortable yet?) In assessing a source's authority, you've got to get to know the "soul" of the source's creator. Evaluate who created the source and determine if they know what they're talking about. Ask yourself questions like:

  • Who is the author?
  • Who published the source?
  • What are the author’s credentials/qualifications? Are they relevant to your topic?

Reality Stone - Accuracy The Reality Stone gives its user control over reality. In assessing a source's accuracy, you've got to judge the reliability and correctness of the source's content. In other words, how well does the source's content match reality? Ask yourself questions like:

  • Is the information being presented factual?
  • What sources does the author cite?
  • Has the source been reviewed by other experts?
  • How does the information align with your other sources?
  • Are there errors in spelling/grammar?

Space Stone - Your Judgement The Space Stone gives its user power over physical space, including the ability to transport to any place. You've used the other Infinity Stones to assess your source; what did you conclude? Did the source pass the CAARP test? Or do you need to transport yourself back to the library to find a better source?

Power Stone - Relevance The Power Stone enhances its user's strength (and blows up civilizations). In assessing a source's relevance, you've got to determine how much power this source will add to your paper. Ask yourself questions like:

  • How does the information presented relate to your topic?
  • Does the source cover your entire topic, or just one facet of it?
  • Is it the appropriate type of source to use (ex: first-person account, scientific study, opinion piece, etc.)?
  • Does the source go in-depth enough to be useful?

Time Stone - Currency The Time Stone gives its user control over time. In assessing a source's currency, you've got to determine the timeliness of this source and how that will affect your research. Ask yourself questions like:

  • How recent is the source?
  • Has it been updated recently?
  • How crucial a factor is recency for your topic?
  • Do the links still work?

Mind Stone - Purpose The Mind Stone enhances its user's intelligence and gives its user the power to control other people's minds. Don't let a bad source control your mind. Instead, use your enhanced intelligence to assess a source's purpose - why a source exists. Ask yourself questions like:

  • Why was this source created (to inform, to persuade, to entertain, to investigate, to sell, etc.)?
  • Toward whom is this source targeted?
  • Is it primarily based in facts or opinions?
  • What kind of biases might this author/organization have? Is there any evidence of those biases in the source (tone, omissions, etc.)?