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Made by Bouali Malak et Sifouane Jade in 1ère B

Hey, this is the second page so if you want to debut our tour go to the splendid picture of the Native and the Pilgrims meeting ! The History from the Side of the Pilgrims In the History made by the Pilgrims, they went in America to search a new land to thanks God and their motivations were only God. When they landed in America they take the lands of the Native because God told them that it was their lands and to the Native. In their point of view the Natives were often portrayed as outlaws, not civilized peoples that it's normal to civilized. Settlers thanks only God and what he as done for them. Now go to the picture of the Native Americans and discover their point of view !

Oops this is the last page, go to the beautiful meeting between the Native and the Settlers to debut our tour! And if you are really to the last page we hope that you have liked our work. Now our point of view and our goal ! It's still hard to unravel the reality of the myth with Thanksgiving. One thing's for sure, it's not celebrated today for the same reasons as it used to be before. Our goal is to bring you a more different view of Thanksgiving than you are used to hearing in order to make you aware of another aspect of the subject that many other people feel is at odds with this tradition. So, we hope that now you can see the differences between the point of view of the Natives and the Pilgrims and between the myth and the real history of Thanksgiving. We hope that you have learning things with us, bye ! This is the end...

Oh this is the third page, so if you want to star our tour go the table of the meeting between the Piulgrims and the Native Americans Point of view of the Natives: In the Native point of view, the Settlers came to America and take their lands. The Native Americans that lived in the border East of America were massacred by the Pilgrims and not like in the myth and not welcomed by the settlers. It was for many reasons, first the Native were considered like not civilized people and savages, they also don’t believe in the same God as the Pilgrims wich was for the settlers their reason to come in America. Now go to the picture of the meal of our Thanksgiving and discover our point of view

Do you know the real Thanksgiving ? It's not what you think, people tell you things all the time that are not similar to who that reflects the reality. It is sad not to have the opportunity or possibility to be informed about important things that make up the whole history of our country ? The founding myths of a nation are often more complex than they appear. This is also the case for Thanksgiving, a landmark holiday for Americans. The myth of the first meal shared with Native Americans in 1621 is not false, but the reality is more complex. And incredible. The story that is most often told is the following: an Amerindian named Squanto helped the Pilgrim Fathers when they landed at Plymouth in 1620. The following year the Pilgrim Fathers thanked the Amerindians and shared their meal with them. It's the "first Thanksgiving." represented here by the painter Jean Leon Gerome Fervis This was the first page of our tour so please go to second wich is the woman that represent the United-States