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Brain Development by Age

See below for information on how brain is impacted during each of the three age groups.

Little childrenages 0-5

Brain development during this age is the foundation or base of all brain development.


Children Ages 6-12

During this age trauma and ongoing stress can seriously impact impact learning, social relationships and school success.


TeensAges 13-17

Teen years are another period of time, where brain development is happening quickly.


  • Brain depends on experiences being repeated. This is why little children are often called "sponges". It learns quickly.
  • Repeated trauma and stress can the areas that react to trauma the strongest and weakens parts that adjust to different situation

Trauma during this developmental period can significantly impact learning and social skills.

  • Brain paths are made stronger, based on what is actually being used.
  • Trauma during this time produces more external, or ‘acting out’ behaviors.

  • Trauma during this time disrupts the part of the brains that attention, focus, rational thinking and advanced thinking.
  • This disruption can cause increased risk taking behaviors; they may be more reckless or use substances.