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Heat RecoveryFresh Air System

Addressing multiple VRF systems in the correct sequence is Essential when connected to a Mitsubishi Centralised Controller

Lossnat Fresh Air systems need to be the Highest addressed Indoor Fan coil on the VRF systemThe address number still has to be within the range of 1 to 50 as the Lossnay is an Indoor UnitIf the Lossnay is not addressed with the Highest Indoor Fan Coil address on that VRF system, it can cause loss of Communication and/or BC Box Porting issues with Fan Coils addressed higher than the Lossnay

Lossnay Addressing

Lossnay019 - 021

Lossnay009 - 011

Indoors012- 018

Indoors001 - 008

System Addressing Example With Lossnays

1st VRF systemOC - 051 (001 +50)BC - 052Indoor Units - 001 to 008Lossnay Units - 009 to 0112nd VRF systemOC - 062 (012 +50)BC - 063Indoor Units 012 to 018Lossnay Units - 019 to 021