Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Freedom from want

Made by Miss Plédran AC Rennes - Inspired by Estelle Recht and with the help of Patrice Nadam

Label the picture

"Freedom From Want" Norman Rockwell 1943


Locate the elements

"Freedom From Want" Norman Rockwell 1943


In the background

At the bottom

On the right

On the left

In the foreground

At the top

This document is a by the famous American artist Norman Rockwell. In the , is a dinner table with a lot of food. In the , I see a window with and a on the wall.At the , I can a man and a woman standing behind the table. The woman serving a big . On the and on the , are people sitting at the table. They , they happy. At the , a man is at us.I this is an American family that got for Thanksgiving, which means the scene probably takes place at the end of .

Describe the picture

"Freedom From Want" Norman Rockwell 1943