Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Extending and developing educators’ competences through the effective use of ICT. Increasing the IT competences of the learners and the effective use of ICT when running the courses. (Online)



Teaching Day


Practicing Day


Final Day

Tools, links and environments

Digi grains

Created during the LTT



Welcome to Haapsalu!Discussing Day

Erasmus+ "Adult Education - It's Never too Late to Learn"

November 23 - 26Haapsalu, Estonia


23. November Monday 10.00 - Director Ingrid Danilov greets the participants 10.15 - Virtual school tour and presenting the program 10.30 - Getting to know each other - every participant gets a word HKHK presents the school 11.00 - The presentations

24 November Tuesday 10.00 - Online seminar “How to be Creative in Adult Education”. 10.00 - 11.00 - GREECE 11.00 - 12.00 - ESTONIA 12.00 - 13.00 - NETHERLANDS 13.00 - 14.00 LUNCH 14.00 - 15.00 CROATIA 15.00 - 16.00 ITALY

23. November Monday 10.00 - Director Ingrid Danilov greets the participants 10.15 - Virtual school tour and presenting the program 10.30 - Getting to know each other - every participant gets a word HKHK presents the school 11.00 - The presentations

24. November Tuesday (Eastern European Time) International Online Seminar "How to be Creative in Adult Education”. - One practical training from every participating country 10.00 - ESTONIA - "Genially - creative ways to make interactive presentations and teaching materials". 11.00 - GREECE - “H5P - a plugin to your WordPress, Moodle or Drupal site that makes easy to create interactive content (can be also integrated via LTI with Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard, etc. that supports LTI integration)". 12.00 - CROATIA - "Nearpod - a great tool for interactive presentations and videos " 13.00 LUNCHTIME - Bon appetite - treat yourself with something nice and healthy. 14.00 - NETHERLANDS - "Activating teaching methods for online learning to bring more energy, connection, theatre and humour into your online - and real-life - lessons." 15.00 ITALY "Practical and online teaching activities with MOODLE"

25. November Wednesday Let's put it all into practice and add the newly created materials to our TOOLBOX Tasks: - 3 new Digi Grains from each Country - add them to our shared Padlet "Digi Grains of AdELe". - Use at least one of the presented tools from yesterday's seminar and create a teaching material that can be used in your classroom. This will be added to the TOOLBOX as "Practical teaching materials of AdELe" (the date will be discussed during the meeting). LINK to AdELe DigiGrains: https://padlet.com/haapsalukhk/adele_digigrains

26. November Thursday (Eastern European Time) 10.00 - Kaja Aaliste, the previous adult student of HKHK Nature Tourism Guide speciality presents the event Nature Festival that had to be moved online in spring 2020 11.00 - Tiina Alasoo, Training and Development Specialist of Tallinn University Haapsalu College talks about the College and the ways they use the different forms of Digital Education. 11.30 - Conclusion of Estonian meeting, Feedback, Open Microphone YESSS!!! We did it

Here you can find all the links to the tools and environments shown during the days of the meeting. Some of them will be added during the meeting. https://www.genially.com/en Genially, the tool for bringing your content to lifeDiscover the new generation of Presentations, Infographics, Dossiers, Video Presentations, ePosters, CVS, Quizzes, etc. Now anyone can create...GenialIngrid Kera: Small learning bites. Example. Movie and feedback: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPAmqQbnNcdWXKJpx4Od8pWv4xdYNg3RkiOt1da9BQA3GkpDuCFfvJDoadHKd-lOA?key=OEYwd01fWGdzeXpIRkUxOEIwcmlINU1OLUd0amNR MR20 fotoreportaaž77 new photos added to shared...Google Photos AILE NÕUPUU - Estonia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f9lvqcpI2Q&feature=youtu.be LIIS RÜÜ - Estonia (E-Schoolbag) https://e-koolikott.ee/ E-koolikottE-koolikott on õppimiseks loodud veebikeskkond, kus õppekavade materjalid on jaotatud märksõnade järgi. Veebikeskkond võimaldab otsida materjale...E-koolikottLIIS RÜÜ - Estonia https://e-koolikott.ee/oppematerjal/27588-Upholsterer-TEST E-koolikottE-koolikott on õppimiseks loodud veebikeskkond, kus õppekavade materjalid on jaotatud märksõnade järgi. Veebikeskkond võimaldab otsida materjale...E-koolikottLIIS RÜÜ - Estonia https://e-koolikott.ee/oppematerjal/27590-English-Inventors-Inventions-making-CV-and-Cover-Letter E-koolikottE-koolikott on õppimiseks loodud veebikeskkond, kus õppekavade materjalid on jaotatud märksõnade järgi. Veebikeskkond võimaldab otsida materjale...E-koolikottLIIS RÜÜ - Estonia https://e-koolikott.ee/oppematerjal/27589-Work-at-the-Front-Office E-koolikottE-koolikott on õppimiseks loodud veebikeskkond, kus õppekavade materjalid on jaotatud märksõnade järgi. Veebikeskkond võimaldab otsida materjale...E-koolikott

Check out our Toolbox. It is still growing The Best Tools of AdELe

23. November Monday (Eastern European Time) 10.00 -Ingrid Danilov, the Director of HKHK greets the participants 10.15 - Heli Heimo, Virtual school tour and presenting the program 10.30 - Getting to know each other - every participant gets a word HKHK presents the school 11.00 - The presentations of the countries (about 15 - 20 minutes each) 13.00 - LUNCH time 14.00 - Microteaching, Digi Grains and Canva (How to do the tasks for the Practicing Day and the Toolbox) 15.00 - THE END of the 1-st DAY

Wherever you go, no matter of the weather, always bring your own sunshine

Never stop learning - for whenever we stop learning, we stop growing.

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you

Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn

In learning, you will teach and in teaching, you will learn The Best Fred ever - we are already missing you.

Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers is transformational. In Croatia, finding the best ways for marketing adult education-