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"Creativity and technology in mathematics design"
eTwinning project
Mathematics And Daily Life
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"Creativity and technology in mathematics design"

eTwinning project

Mathematics And Daily Life

Mathematics in our homes...


More examples from everyday life ...

Use the percentage and fraction to show the proportion of red cubes in the FORTNITE!

Fractions and percentages

How many liters of paint should be used to paint the side shelves? How much money will we spend if a liter of orange costs 24.99kn?

The area of ​​a rectangle

How many stones are in a glass jar if they weigh 425 grams together and one stone weighs 3.5 grams?

Dividing rational numbers

  • How many liters of liquid fit in a cone-shaped jar?
  • How many liters of liquid fit in a cylinder-shaped jar?

Volume of geometric bodies

Express in a percentage what part of the cube is red!

Express in a fraction what part of the cube is blue!

Fractions and percentages

Refrigerator display - display integers, compare integers


Fruit weight in grams

Fractions and mixed numbers

Fractions, mixed numbers and weight

Axial symmetry in the bathroom mirror

Axial symmetry

How many degrees does the big hour hand move when it moves 1 minute? The reflection of the shells on the side of the clock...

Degrees and axial symmetry

How many 5 cm thick books fit on a 32.5 cm long shelf?


The cyclist has the number 3 on the thermometer. How many integers does he need to get to the snowman? (Snowman is at number -4)


What is the area of ​​the picture if the frame is 40 cm wide and 30 cm long?

The area of ​​a rectangle

Expressions in percentage of what part of the month of October refers to Sundays

Percentages and days of the month

What part of the pizza was eaten?

Fractions, percentages

  • Compare student weight!
  • Show student weight in kilograms and grams!

Convert units of measure and compare decimal numbers

The amount of moisture in the air shown as a percentage - show the percentage as a decimal number and an unbreakable fraction!

Rational numbers

Elementary school Visoka, Croatia