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Unification of Germany
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Unification of Germany

Unification of Germany




Agricultural economy Southern German states. Old army Catholic

Booming industrial economy Northern German States Modern military Protestants



German nationalists

· Wilhelm I-Emperor of Prussia-fully supported Bismarck Otto Von Bismarck-Chief minister of Prussia. Rejected democracy. Called the Iron chancellor Helmuth Von Moltke-Prussian General-built a strong army and navy that enable Bismarck to achieve succes ·"Germany can only be united by Blood and Iron"

The Franco Prussian WAr 1870- 1871

Austro-Prussian war 1866

The Danish WAr 1864

  • Prussian Army humiliated France
  • Sept, 1870. French army (80,000 men) surrendered at Sedan.
  • Oct, 1870. at Metz, the French Army (about 150,00 men) was encircled and surrendered too.
  • Paris was under siege for about five months.
  • The effectiveness of modern technology in supporting warfare was determinant.
  • Prussia's use of railways to deliver men and materials to the battlefield was highly effective
  • Paris faced an economic blockade
  • Peace was severe:
  • Alsace-Lorraine was ceded to Prussia
  • France had to pay 5,000 million marks
  • Prussia occupied France until indemnity was paid.
  • Prussians had a victory march in Paris, King of Prussia was proclaimed German Emperor in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles.
  • The Revanche movement started in the context of a French political, and socio-economic crisis
  • Seven Weeks War
  • The efficient Prussian army quickly crushed the Austrian forces.
  • Bismarck offered merciful peace terms
  • Austria paid small indemnity and recognized Prussia's dominance.
  • Confederation of the Northern German States
  • Denmark wanted to annex Schleswig and Holstein
  • This provinces were inhabited by Germans
  • Prussia made an alliance with Austria.
  • Denmark was defeated.
  • Holstein was given to Austria and Schleswig to Prussia.
  • Austria and Prussia disagreed with the administration of the provinces

The Franco Prussian WAr 1870- 1871

Austro-Prussian war 1866

The Danish WAr 1864

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