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Dear Parent/Stakeholder,

Please click/interact with and read over the information below. Questions? Please contact your student's teachers!

Communication Tools

Grading Philosophy

Quarter Grade Update

The objective of all work assigned is to help students learn relevant skills that will lead to success whether they plan to be enrolled, enlisted, or employed in the future. Grades are a reflection of where they currently stand in mastering the skills within that course. Students are provided with timely and specific information to guide revision. They may resubmit, retake, or redo assignments as many times as needed to demonstrate mastery. Grades are updated weekly to reflect this progress. Please review our most widely used communication tools for specifics related to your student's specific progress in each course.

All teachers host an hour of remediation and enrichment each Wednesday in class where students may receive help and many teachers offer additional remediation sessions by request.

Canvas allows parents to take on the role of an "observer." You can monitor your student's progress with assignments and see their list of "to-do" by course. Contact the front office for help setting this up! 704-857-1161

Most courses use Remind as a way to safely communicate questions, reminders, or updates directly to your cellphone or iPad. Ask your student if they have joined and set up your own account to stay in the loop!

Teachers generally respond to email in 24-48 hours. All emails for our district take on the same format: firstname.lastname@rss.k12.nc.us Reach out to us!

PowerSchool allows parents to monitor student attendance and grades. Alerts can be pushed directly to your phone as grades are entered or you can receive a weekly report. Please call the front office @ 704-857-1161 for help setting this up!