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The Repubican party believes in personal responsibillity, free market, low taxes, and a strong national deffence.
Here are some republican presidents Abraham Lincoln 16th, Ulysses Grant 18th, Rutherford Hayes 19th, James Garfield 20th, Chester Arthur 21th, and Benjamin Harrison 23rd.
This elephant is the Republicans symbol.
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This elephant is the Republicans symbol.

Here are some republican presidents Abraham Lincoln 16th, Ulysses Grant 18th, Rutherford Hayes 19th, James Garfield 20th, Chester Arthur 21th, and Benjamin Harrison 23rd.

The Repubican party believes in personal responsibillity, free market, low taxes, and a strong national deffence.


This donky is the symbol of the democratic party.

Here are some of the democratic presidents Andrew Jackson 7th, Matin Van Burena 8th, James Knox Polk 11th, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan 15th.

The democrat party believes in equal opptunity, protecting the envirment, and health care for everyone.

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