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Elect a class president
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Elect a class president


Volonté souhait cours



Prepare a speech



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Check your vocabulary.

Exprimer une volonté ou un souhait

Pour exprimer une volonté j'utilise le verbe "want" avec la préposition "to" - Ce que la personne veut faire ou pas: I want to watch TV. She wants to eat now! I don't want to play. She doesn't want to come. - Ce que la personne veux que qqn fasse ou non: I want Tom to stop! She wants me to be quiet. I don't want them to help me! She doesn't want her friends to come.

les pronoms

Pour exprimer un souhait j'utilise l'expression"would like" avec la préposition "to" - Ce que la personne souhaiterait faire ou pas: I would like to watch TV. (= I'd like to watch TV) She'd like to eat now! I wouldn't like to be poor. - Ce que la personne souhaiterait que qqn fasse ou non: I would like Tom to stop! She would like me to be quiet. (she'd like me to be quiet) I wouldn't like them to help me! She wouldn't like her friends to come.

Exprime les volontés ou les souhaits des personnes en utilisant les pronoms personnels si nécessaire.

Remarque "would like"

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Promises (le futur)

Pour exprimer des actions futures on utilise: - will + BV à la forme affirmative I will come tomorrow. They will help me. - won't (will + not) + BV à la forme négative She won't vote for me. They won't call her.

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