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The verger by W. Somerset Maugham

  • Main character: Albert Edward Foreman (the verger).
  • Secondary characters: two churchwardens, the manager , the vicar and verger´s wife.


The main character of the story "The Verger" by W. Somerset Maugham, is Albert Edward Foreman. He is the verger of St. Peter´s Neville Square. Definition of verger: an official in a church who acts as a caretaker and attendant.

Churchwardens are secondary character too. Definition of churchwardens: either of the two elected lay representatives in an Angelical parish, formally responsible for movable church propery and for keeping order in church.

The first secondary character of this story is the vicar. Definition of vicar: an incumbent of a parish where tithes formely passed to a chapter or religious house o layperson.

The last secondary character of "The Verger" is the manager. Definition of manager: the person who is reponsible for managing an organization.

The verger´s wife, who can read and write

  • The story "The Verger" by W. Somerset Maugham is a third-person narrative. The narrator is not part of the action.
  • Sometimes, during the story, appears some dialogues between the characters. Example: "Foreman will you come into the vestry for a minute. I have something to say to you" "Very good, sir" "The vicar waited for him to come up and they walked up the church together" "A very nice christening, I thought sir. Funny ´ow the baby stopped cryi´ the moment you took him" "I´ve noticed they very often do" said the vicar, with a little smile. "After all I´ve had a good deal of practice with them "
  • Also, the narration uses free indirect speech, such as: "What´s he ´anging about for?" The verger said to himself. "Don´t ´e know want my tea?".

Point of view


English Language 1 Teachers: Graciela Obert, Melina Vigari, Liliana Monserrat & Maria Helena Perez Bustillo. October 30

Julieta Arcuri

Celina Zipenko

Barbara Vaca

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