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Pet Reading Part 5
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Pet Reading Part 5

What do you have to do in Part 5?4-option multiple choice cloze – In this part there is a shorter text with six gaps. For each gap you can choose from four options A-D.

Reading Part 5 mainly tests your vocabulary, but also some grammar

Here you can see an example text. It is not very long with only around 150 words. There are also six numbered gaps. You have to put one word in each of those gaps. The possible answers look like the ones below:

Tips and strategies for Reading Part 5 There are always four options A-D for you to choose from. The step-by-step plan for Reading Part 5 might look like this: Read the text quickly Analyse the gaps Choose the correct answer Read the text again

Read the text quickly The first step is not a must, but I definitely recommend reading the text quickly to get a general understanding.

Analyse the gaps Possibly the most important step of the whole process. After you have read the text quickly it is now time to look at the gaps. Remember that Part 5 mainly tests your vocabulary so you need to find out what possible expressions we can create with the words that are in front of and after the gaps.

Above are the possible answers. It is always a good idea to eliminate one or two options that just don’t work. For example, temperature is impossible because it can’t be wet. Weather is also not possible because we never say ‘a’ weather in English as weather is an uncountable noun.

For question 22 we see that a verb is missing and the important thing here is that there is no preposition in the text. The only verb out of the four possible answers that we use without a preposition is reach. Go and travel need the preposition to (We can sometimes use go without a preposition, but only in very specific cases.) and arrive is used with at (He arrived at school five minutes late.) or in (It was raining when we arrived in France.).

You can see that you need to know these combinations of verbs and prepositions very well, but also other combinations of verbs and adjectives or nouns which are called collocations.

Read the text again Once you finish with all the gaps, it is always a good idea to read the text one more time. We often focus too much on the details around each gap that we sometimes forget about the meaning of the whole text. Reading everything one last time can help you find mistakes that looked correct when you were concentrating on the gap, but in the full context of the topic you might realize that you need to choose a different option.

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