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A cheapest car battery doesn’t necessarily mean “low-quality”. Buying quality batteries at the best price is ideal, especially if you haven’t budgeted for a replacement. But how do you find one?


How Do You Find A Cheap Car Battery?

A cheapest car battery doesn’t necessarily mean “low-quality”. Buying quality batteries at the best price is ideal, especially if you haven’t budgeted for a replacement. But how do you find one?


Cheapest Car Battery

Car Batteries

Where To Get Cheap Car Batteries

Firstly, there’s no regulation governing the retail price for car batteries, so the cost of an identical unit can vary significantly between stores. All you need to do is shop around for a cheap car battery, as bargains are available. Secondly, know the significant difference in quality between batteries from different manufacturers. In standard lead-acid batteries, for example, the positive and negative lead plates need a material between them to slow down the flow of ions between them.

In low-quality batteries, these are often PVC as opposed to the rubber that’s used in higher-quality batteries. PVC separators break down quicker, meaning you’ll need a new car battery sooner rather than later. Economy batteries are also more liable to damage as the acid inside leaks through substandard materials and corrodes both the battery itself and the cables attached to it.

So don’t buy low-quality car batteries – do your research and find where to get cheap car batteries from a quality manufacturer and reliable retailer.