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Feminist IR Theory

What do you keep in your pockets?Why are women's pockets useless?Whose priorities does that serve?Radian Jeans

First, let's talk pockets

  • Social norms regarding the qualities, roles, and activities attached to sexual identity

Not just about exclusionIt's about gender:Gender norms change


  • 21 of 193 heads of state

Exclusion from powerWhite men as the default categoryWhat does that exclusion produce?

Exclusion Matters

Analyzes how gender norms influence int'l politicsDisparity in representationWhat does it mean to have men run things?What questions are important?

Feminist IR Theory

IR is obsessed with securityAre we safe, though? And safe from what?Maternal and Child Mortality

What's Security?

How does gender influence the decisions of male pols?Policy emphasis on "men stuff"Defines our values

Analyzing Men as Men

Countries led by women have been better at responding to COVID. Why?Because they're women?Because they're better?

Case Study: COVID

COVID precautions as "un-manly"The "show no weakness" principle

Maybe it's because they aren't men