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a presentation with links to additional interactive exercises


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  • što sadrži materijal: uvodni slide za kratku raspravu (slide broj 4), slide-ove na kojima je predstavljena tvorba glagolskih vremena, slide-ove na kojima je opisana upotreba glagolskih vremena (na način da se dva ili više glagolskih vremena međusobno uspoređuju), većina slide-ova sadrži i 'interaktivni element' (oznaka 'oko' ili 'menu button') koji nakon što se na njega klikne vodi na zadatke vezane za to gradivo.
  • napomena: svi interaktivni elementi su javno dostupni, ali ako želite dobiti povratne informacije od učenika trebat ćete svaki posebno preuzeti i sačuvati kao svoj na stranicama na kojima se nalaze zadatci (www.liveworksheets.com; www.wordwall.net; www.easytestmaker.com; www.wizer.me)

Ishodi: provjerava svoje poznavanje tvorbe i uporabe glagolskih vremena; tumači značenje pojedinih rečenica; opisuje sliku, popunjava praznine, čita/sluša o tvorbi i uporabi glagolskih vremena, upotrebljava stečeno znanje za rješavanje zadataka

Tense revision and practice

  • tema: ponavljanje svih glagolskih vremena (sadašnjih, prošlih i budućih) i nadograđivanje znanja uz zadatke vježbe
  • broj školskih sati: 5+ (ovisno o predznanju učenika)
  • dobna skupina: 2. ili 3. razred srednje škole (obično se u udžbenicima ovakva tema pojavljuje na početku Upper Intermediate razine udžbenika; moij učenici to rade na početku trećeg razreda srednje škole)


Let's see what this is all about!

Tense revision

Past Simple - form

Present Simple - form

All Tenses - exercise

Past Perfect Simple and Continuous - form and usage

Future Tenses - form

Future Tenses - usage

Narrative Tenses - usage

Past Continuous - form

Passives - All tenses

Past Simple and Past Continuous - usage

Present Continuous - form

Present Simple and Continuous - usage



Watch the video clip and try and figure out what the next few classes will be about!Tell your teacher!


Spelling of the -s in 3rd person singular:most verbs take an -s but...1) verbs ending in -ch/-sh/-ss/-x take and -es (read it: iz)example: kisses/catches/wishes/fixes2) verbs ending in -y: a) keep the -y if before if there is a vowel (example: play+-s = plays) b) lose the -y and get an -i if before it there is a consonant (example: fly +-s =flies)3) some verbs are irregular: be - am/is/are have - has do - does

Present Simple - form

  • positive: I/you/we/they sing, but he/she/it sings.
  • negative: I/you/we/they don not (don't) sing, but he/she/it does not (doesn't) sing.
  • question: Do I/you/we/they sing? but Does he/she/it sing?
  • Click on the eye symbol and describe the image. Tell your teacher!

Present Continuous - form

  • positive: I am/you are/he, she, it is singing.
  • negative: I am not (I'm not)/you are not (aren't)/he, she, it is not (isn't) singing
  • question: Am I/Are you/Is he, she, it singing?

Spelling of the -ing ending

  • most verbs simply take and -ing (example: work-working) but...
  • 1) verbs ending in -e, lose it (write - writing)
  • 2) verbs with one syllable, double the last consonant (example: sit -sitting)
  • 3) some are irregular: be- being

Present Simple and Present Continuous - when to use each?

Present Simple1) to describe facts (example: The Pope is Catholic.)2) to talk about habits and repetitive actions (example: Jennie washes her hair twice a week)3) with expression such as every + minute/hour/year on Modays = every Monday never-rarely-sometimes-often-usually-always4) with timetables/schedules (example: The train leaves at 3.30 tomorrow morning)

Present Continuous1) to express actions happening now or at the moment of speaking (example: The teacher is explaining the tenses.)2) to express a future arrangement (example: I'm travelling to Scotland on Saturday morning, I've got the tickets and all.)3) with the word 'always' when we want to say that something is annoying (example: Jacl is always playing his music too loudly.)

  • positive: I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they worked / wrote
  • negative: I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they did not (didn't) work / write
  • question: Did I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they work / write?

Past Simple - form

regular verbs get an -ed, irregular verbs are in a table and need to be learned by heart

  • positive: I/he, she, it was running but we/you/they were running
  • negative: I/he, she, it was not (wasn't) running but we/you/they were not (weren't) running
  • question: Was I/he, she, it running? and Were we/you/they running?

Past Continuous - form

Past Simple vs Past Continuous - usage

Past Simple usage:1) to express a finished past action, we know WHEN it happened (example: I went to school yesterday.)2) with time expressions such as: yesterday, two days ago, in 1956, last month/week/June

Past Continuous usage: 1) to express a longer past action interrupted by a shorter one (example: I was sleeping when the phone rand and woke me up.)2) to express two or more simultaneous past actions, especially when we want to emphasize duration (example: While I was sleeping, Mom was watching telly and Dad was baking a cake.)

to do the exercises in the interactive element you will need this code: 5JKY

Past Perfect Simple and Continuous - form and usage

Past Perfect Simple - formpositive: I/you/he,she,it/we/they had driven a car.negative: I/you/he,she,it/we/they had not (hadn't) driven a car.question: Had I/you/he,she,it/we/they driven a car?Past Perfect Continuous - formpositive: I/you/he,she,it/we/they had been driving for an hour when we ran out ouf gas. negative: I/you/he,she,it/we/they had not (hadn't) been driving for an hour when we ran out ouf gas. question: Had I/you/he,she,it/we/they been driving for an hour when we ran out ouf gas?

Past Perfect Simple and Continuous - usageBoth tenses are used to express a finished past action that happened before another past action. (example: I had been waiting for 20 minutes when he finally arrived. / James had already made breakfast when I woke up.)

When should we use them?


The so-called 'narrative tenses' are Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect Simple/Continuous. They should be used when retelling an event that happened in the past. The main event is usually in the past Simple Tense, and the other tenses should be used according to their usage rules. Using narrative tenses when retelling a story helps the listener get a better picture of the events you are trying to describe.

1) WILL + infinitive (I will go with you to the cinema.)2) AM/IS/ARE going to future (example: I am going to visit Barcelona some day)3) PRESENT CONTINUOUS for the future (example: We are having a party tomorrow night at Lucy's place.)4) PRESENT SIMPLE for the future (example: The meeting starts at 8.00 tomorrow morning. Don't be late!)5) FUTURE CONINUOUS (example: This time next week I will be sunbathing on a beach.)6) FUTURE PERFECT (example: By the time the teacher comes, I will have written the homework.)

Future tenses - form

1) WILL + infinitive a) instant decisions (example: Oh, we're out of milk. I'll go to the shop!)b) predictions about the future - without real evidence (example: My head is killing me! I'll rain soon, it usually does when I get a headache.)2) AM/IS/ARE going to future a) future plans (example: Jenny is going to get married soon, but they still haven't set the date.)b) predicitions about the future - with evidence (example: Look at those clouds! It's going to rain soon.)3) PRESENT CONTINUOUS for the future for future arrangements (example: The Jones' are going on a trip on Saturday, they've already bought the tickets.)4) PRESENT SIMPLE for the future for timetables and schedules (example: The meeting starts at 8.00 tomorrow morning. Don't be late!) 5) FUTURE CONINUOUS to say that at a certain moment in the future some action will be in progress (example: This time next week I will be sunbathing on a beach.) 6) FUTURE PERFECTto say that at a certain moment in the future an action will no longer be happening (example: By the time the teacher comes, I will have written the homework.)

Future tenses - usage

Step 4

Put BY + the Subject of the active sentence at the end

How can we turn an ACTIVE sentence into a PASSIVE one?Simply by following some basic steps! ACTIVE: Mary is writing a letter. PASSIVE: A letter is being written by Mary.

Step 5

Put the Verb of the active sentence into past participle (regular verbs +-ed/irregular verbs=3rd column)

Step 3

Identify the tense of the Verb of the active sentence and put the verb 'to be' in that tense (in our example: is writing = present continuous --> the verb 'to be' in present continuous = is being)

Put the Object of the active sentence at the beginning of the passive sentence

Identify SVO of the active sentence (in our example Mary = Subject, is writing = Verb and a letter = Object)

Step 2

Step 1

Passive form

Let's do one final exercise!

Thank you for all the hard work!