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10 Class Presentation
09  Iron Law of Performance
08  Latency & Thorughput
07 Active & Static Power
06 Power Consumption
05 Memory Wall
04 Cost, Speed and Power
03 Technology Trends
02 Why do we need Computer Architecture?
01 What is computer architecure?
introduction to computer architecture
Class preparation to introduce Computer Architecture and the preliminaries to the ARM v4 Architecture Instructution Set.
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10 Class Presentation

09 Iron Law of Performance

08 Latency & Thorughput

07 Active & Static Power

06 Power Consumption

05 Memory Wall

04 Cost, Speed and Power

03 Technology Trends

02 Why do we need Computer Architecture?

01 What is computer architecure?

introduction to computer architecture

Class preparation to introduce Computer Architecture and the preliminaries to the ARM v4 Architecture Instructution Set.

What is computer architecture?

introduction to computer architecture

introduction to computer architecture

Why do we need Computer Architecture?

introduction to computer architecture

Technology trends

introduction to computer architecture

Cost, Speed and Power

introduction to computer architecture

Memory Wall

introduction to computer architecture

Power Consumption

Active Power

introduction to computer architecture

Static Power

introduction to computer architecture

Latency & Thorughput

introduction to computer architecture

Iron Law of Performance

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