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Bits & Pieces of Languages & Literature





What does Bok! mean in Croatia?

How do you say “i love you” in Cyprus?

What is the name of the dog in the book “With the eyes of a dog?”

Who wrote the Greek National Anthem?

In which countries is Greek the official language?

How do you say I`m fine in Italian?

Lorem ipsum dolor

How do you say ‘I love you' in Polish?

What is the colour of Matolek the Billy-Goat's fur?

How do you say "boy" in Spanish?

Don Quijote wanted to be a …...

Who wrote The Marvellous Adventures and Disadventures of Hlapic the Apprentice?

How do you say yes and no in Croatian?

What does “geia sou” mean in greek?

Who is the most famous writer from Patra?

How many people speak the greek language all over the world?

What`s the meaning of come stai in Italian?

Which is the real surname of Carlo Collodi, the Italian writer of Pinocchio?

Who is the author of the book about Matołek the Billy-Goat?

What does ‘Dziękuję’ mean in polish?

When was Miguel de Cervantes born?

How do you say "nice to meet you" in Spanish?

What does Volim Te! mean in Croatian?

What is Elena Perikleous' profession?

What is the name of the most important book of Miguel de Cervantes?

What`s Pinocchio father name ?

1. Hello. 2. Se agapo. 3. His name is Homer. 4. The national anthem was written by the Greek poet by Dionisios Solomos. 5. Greece and Cyprus. 6. Sto bene. 7. Geppetto. 8. Kocham cie. 9. White. 10. Chico. 11. A Knight. 12. Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic 13. Da, ne 14. Hello. 15. Kostis Palamas. 16. 25 million people. 17. How are you? 18. Lorenzini. 19. Kornel Makuszynski. 20. Thank you. 21. In 1547. 22.Encantado de conocerte. 23. I love you! 24. She is a teacher. 25. Don Quijote.