Dennis Cubillo
Created on August 27, 2020
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by Dennis Cubillo
Diphthongs: /eɪ/ - /aɪ/ - /aʊ/ - /ɔɪ/
/ɛ/ /e/
Diphthongs: /eɪ/ - /aɪ/ - /aʊ/ - /ɔɪ/
/ɛ/ /e/
SheBe Bee Tea Free Agree Three
Mean Need Deep Seal Leave Police Scene
EelEast Each Easy Even Either Eagle
/i/ as in EAT
Other spelling patterns are possible: "i" (police), "eo" (people), "y" (any)
- Seize
- Neither
- Either
- Seizure
- Niece
- Brief
- Piece
- Relief
- Team
- Lean
- Preach
- Teach
- See
- Deed
- Heel
- Bees
- She
- We
- Scene
- These
Common spelling patterns for /i/
- Shall we meet next weekend?
- I'll see you tomorrow at three.
- Good evening, Ms. Dean.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Lee has no reason to leave.
- They reached a peace agreement yesterday.
- When is the best season to plant peaches?
- I love the cold breeze that smells like trees.
- We cannot keep any secrets.
* Read the following statements. Underline the words that are pronounced with /i/ *
- Shall we meet next weekend?
- I'll see you tomorrow at three.
- Good evening, Ms. Dean.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Lee has no reason to leave.
- They reached a peace agreement yesterday.
- When is the best season to plant peaches?
- I love the cold breeze that smells like trees.
- We cannot keep any secrets.
* Let's Check *
- Pencil
- Season
- Agree
- Bean
- Ice
- Meat
- Spring
- Holiday
- Even
- Steam
- Stem
- Easy
- Window
- Christmas
- Easter
- Difficult
- Tree
- Six
* Underline the words that are pronounced with /i/ *
- Pencil
- Season
- Agree
- Bean
- Ice
- Meat
- Spring
- Holiday
- Even
- Steam
- Stem
- Easy
- Window
- Christmas
- Easter
- Difficult
- Tree
- Six
* Let's check *
- Bead - Great - Leave - Tea
- Eight - Either - Believe - Niece
- Scene - Women - These - Even
- Need - Still - Sleep - Thirteen
- Police - Thieve - Machine - Vision
- Friend - Wheat - Sweet - Pretty
- People - Bread - Deal - East
- Receive - Tin - Steam - Team
* Circle the word that is not pronounced with /i/ *
- Bead - Great - Leave - Tea
- Eight - Either - Believe - Niece
- Scene - Women - These - Even
- Need - Still - Sleep - Thirteen
- Police - Thieve - Machine - Vision
- Friend - Wheat - Sweet - Pretty
- People - Bread - Deal - East
- Receive - Tin - Steam - Team
* Let's check! *
GiveMiss Simple Listen Little Minute Winter
IsIf It Into Inch Issue Instant
/ɪ/ as in IT
* Most common spelling pattern is: "i" + final consonant (Hit, Trip, Begin) * Other patterns: "o" (women), "e" (pretty), "u" (busy), "ee" (been).
- Sin
- It
- Lips
- With
- Build
- Quick
- Guilty
- Guitar
- Gym
- Symbol
- System
- Rhythm
Common spelling patterns for /ɪ/
- This is it.
- This is Miss Smith, my sister in law.
- Give this list to Bill.
- The picture is big and nice.
- Is the building finished yet?.
- Will will sit in a minute.
- Did you give him his gift?
- This winter may be bitter.
- I slipped and fellin a pit.
* Read the following statements. Underline the words that are pronounced with /ɪ/ *
- This is it.
- This is Miss Smith, my sister in law.
- Give this list to Bill.
- The picture is big and nice.
- Is the building finished yet?.
- Jill will sit in a minute.
- Did you give him his gift?
- This winter may be bitter.
- I slipped and fell in a pit.
- Fifty - Sixty - Eighteen - Six
- Window - Sill - Widow - Wipe
- Freedom - Sympathy - Simple - Symbol
- Building - Smile - Little - Guitar
- Pistol - Resign - Fiddle - Whistle
- Quit - Criminal - Crime - Brittle
- Sheep - Flip - Tickle - Fifteen
- Business - Women - Leave - Lift
* Circle the word that is not pronounced with /ɪ/ *
- Fifty - Sixty - Eighteen - Six
- Window - Sill - Widow - Wipe
- Freedom - Sympathy - Simple - Symbol
- Building - Smile - Little - Guitar
- Pistol - Resign - Deed - Whistle
- Quit - Criminal - Crime - Brittle
- Sheep - Flip - Tickle - Fifteen
- Business - Women - Leave - Lift
* Let's check *
- List
- Cheap
- Deed
- Did
- Live
- Hit
- Wheel
- Phil
- Least
- Chip
- Seat
- Heat
- Will
- Leave
- Feel
- Sit
Classify the following words according to the vowel sound (/i/ or /ɪ/)
/i/ /ɪ/
- List
- Chip
- Sit
- Hit
- Will
- Live
- Phil
- Least
- Cheap
- Seat
- Heat
- Wheel
- Leave
- Feel
Let's check!
BetNext West Rent Many Bread Present
AnyEnd Edge Else Error Elephant Every
/e/ as in EGG
Other spelling patterns are possible: "a" (any), "ai" (again), "ie" (friend), "ue" (guest), "eo" (leopard)
- Head
- Lead
- Dead
- Meadow
- Yes
- Sell
- Never
- Red
Common spelling patterns for /e/
- Please, but a head of lettuce.
- You said she is your best friend.
- She is a wealthy engineer.
- I have never been better in my life.
- Fred left a message.
- Don't forget to send the lesson plan.
- The weather is weird in September
- She always has breakfast at ten.
- Leather shoes are very expensive.
* Read the following statements. Underline the words that are pronounced with /e/ *
- Please, buy a head of lettuce.
- You said she is your best friend.
- She is a wealthy engineer.
- I have never been better in my life.
- Fred left a message.
- Don't forget to send the lesson plan.
- The weather is weird in September
- She always has breakfast at ten.
- Leather shoes are very expensive.
- Eleven
- Remember
- Reference
- Secretary
- Telephone
- December
- Reject
- Every
- Elevator
- Seventeen
Listen to the words and circle letters that are pronounced /e/.
- Eleven
- Remember
- Reference
- Secretary
- Telephone
- December
- Reject
- Every
- Elevator
- Seventeen
Let's check!
* Circle the word that is not pronounced with /e/ *
- Any - Crazy - Anywhere - Many
- Paper - Letter - Send - Pencil
- Seven - Eleven - Eight - Twenty
- Health - Wreath - Breath - Wealth
- Reading - Ready - Already - Head
- Present - Precious - Preview - President
- Mexico - Egypt - Texas - America
Let's check!
- Any - Crazy - Anywhere - Many
- Paper - Letter - Send - Pencil
- Seven - Eleven - Eight - Twenty
- Health - Wreath - Breath - Wealth
- Reading - Ready - Already - Head
- Present - Precious - Preview - President
- Mexico - Egypt - Texas - America
CatMap Have Back Last Black Rapid
AtAm And Ask That Action Apples
/æ/ as in AT
* Less frequent pattern: "au" (Laugh)
- Natural
- Sample
- After
- Animals
- Pass
- Mathematics
Common spelling patterns for /æ/
- This is our last chance.
- I'll be back in a minute.
- Glance quickly at the door.
- We need to wrap it up.
- Is that a fact?
- Why do you have a matches in your hand?
- Where can I catch a cab around here?
- What about a ham sandwhich?
- She's married to Sam.
* Read the following statements. Underline the words that are pronounced with /æ/ *
- This is our last chance.
- I'll be back in a minute.
- Glance quickly at the door.
- We need to wrap it up.
- Is that a fact?
- Why do you have matches in your hand?
- Where can I catch a cab around here?
- What about a ham sandwhich?
- She can't be married to Sam.
- Attack
- Saturday
- Canada
- Dallas
- Package
- Gamble
- Africa
- California
- Fascinate
- Alaska
Listen to the words and circle letters that are pronounced /æ/
- Attack
- Saturday
- Canada
- Dallas
- Package
- Gamble
- Africa
- California
- Fascinate
- Alaska
Let's check!
Classify the highlighted sounds according to their pronunciation as: (1) /i/, (2) /ɪ/, (3) /e/, and (4) /æ/
As organizations start to move out of the immediate response phase where different approaches were taken across geographies, from delaying financial reporting to allowing for remote annual general meetings and electronic signatures, this time provides a moment to consider our role as auditors serving the public interest.
annual /ˈæn.ju.əl/ general /ˈdʒen.ər.əl/ meetings /ˈmiː.t̬ɪŋz/ and /ænd/ electronic /iˌlekˈtrɑː.nɪk/ signatures /ˈsɪɡ.nə.tʃɚz/ this /ðɪs/ consider /kənˈsɪd.ɚ/ auditors /ˈɑː.dɪ.t̬ɚ/ serving /ˈsɝː.vɪŋ/ public /ˈpʌb.lɪk/ interest /ˈɪn.trɪst/
Classify the highlighted sounds according to their pronunciation as: (1) /i/, (2) /ɪ/, (3) /e/, and (4) /æ/
As /æz/ immediate /ɪˈmiː.di.ət/ response /rɪˈspɑːns/ where /wer/ different /ˈdɪf.ɚ.ənt/ approaches /əˈproʊ.tʃɪz/ geographies /dʒiˈɑː.ɡrə.fiz/ delaying /dɪˈleɪ.ɪŋ/ reporting /rɪˈpɔːr.t̬ɪŋ/ allowing /əˈlaʊ.ɪŋ/ remote /rɪˈmoʊt/
TopLock Shop Hospital Watch Problem Block
OnOdds Arm Are Honest Artist Option
/ɑ/ as in HOT
HINTS: * "o" followed by "b", "d", "g", "p", "t", or "ck" is USUALLY pronounced /ɑ/ * "a" followed by "r" is USUALLY pronounced /ɑ/.
- Want
- Wallet
- Father
- Dark
- Fox
- Spot
- Opera
- Follow
Common spelling patterns for /ɑ/
- Buy an alarm clock, please.
- We need to check the stock market.
- The gas station is not far apart.
- It was hard to start the car.
- Where should I park the car?
- They are cops and robbers.
- The doctor is at the hopital for an operation.
- Honest politicians solve problems.
- Ross heard a shot in the shopping mall.
* Read the following statements. Underline the words that are pronounced with /ɑ/ *
- Buy an alarm clock, please.
- We need to check the stock market.
- The gas station is not far apart.
- It was hard to start the car.
- Where should I park the car?
- They are cops and robbers.
- The doctor is at the hospital for an operation.
- Honest politicians solve problems.
- Ross heard a shot in the shopping mall.
Let's check!
- Montreal
- Chicago
- Stockholm
- Amsterdam
- Bahamas
- Manchester
- Arkansas
- Vermont
- Moscow
- Aberdeen
- Nevada
- Oslo
Travel Agents:Circle the city names that DON'T have /ɑ/. What's the sound that the other cities have in common?
- /ˌmɑːn.triˈɔːl/
- /ʃɪˈkɑ.ɡoʊ/
- /ˈstɑːk.hoʊm/
- /ˈæm.stɚ.dæm/
- /bəˈhɑː.məz/
- /ˈmæn.tʃes.tɚ/
- /ˈɑːr.kən.sɑː/
- /vɚˈmɑːnt/
- /ˈmɑː.skoʊ/
- /æb.ɚˈdiːn/
- /nəˈvɑː.də/
- /ˈɑːz.loʊ/
Travel Agents:What's the sound that the other cities have in common?
- Tiger
- Ostrich
- Opossum
- Kangaroo
- Python
- Dolphin
- Elephant
- Lobster
- Parrot
- Octopus
- Fox
- Rhinoceros
- Leopard
- Lion
- Giraffe
At the Zoo: Circle the animal names that have /ɑ/.
- /ˈtaɪ.ɡɚ/
- /ˈɑː.strɪtʃ/
- /əˈpɑː.səm/
- /ˌkæŋ.ɡəˈruː/
- /ˈpaɪ.θɑːn/
- /ˈdɑːl.fɪn/
- /ˈel.ə.fənt/
- /ˈlɑːb.stɚ/
- /ˈper.ət/
- /ˈɑːk.tə.pəs/
- /fɑːks/
- /raɪˈnɑː.sɚ.əs/
- /ˈlep.ɚd/
- /ˈlaɪ.ən/
- /dʒɪˈræf/
At the Zoo:
- cap
- hat
- pat
- lag
- lack
- cop
- hot
- pot
- log
- lock
Listen to the words and circle the one you hear.
- cap
- hat
- pat
- lag
- lack
- cop
- hot
- pot
- log
- lock
- black
- iPad
- add
- crap
- cab
- block
- iPod
- odd
- crop
- cob
Listen to the words and circle the one you hear.
Video! :
- black
- iPad
- add
- crap
- cab
- block
- iPod
- odd
- crop
- cob
Classify the highlighted sounds as: /i/, /ɪ/, /e/, /æ/, or /ɑ/.
I think it's true what they say that the dream is borrowed You give it back tomorrow Minus the sorrow And the pain she just comes in to break up the daydream Her knife edges waving To keep from feeling the same thing
It was easier to have fun back when we had nothing Nothing much to manage Back when we were damaged Sometimes the freedom we wanted feels so uncool Just clean the pool And send the kids to school
we /wi/damaged /ˈdæm.ɪdʒd/ freedom /ˈfriː.dəm/ wanted /ˈwɑːn.t̬ɪd/ feels /fiːlz/ clean /kliːn/ send /send/ kids /kɪdz/
It /ɪt/ easier /ˈiː.zi.ɚ/ have /hæv/ back /bæk/ had /hæd/ manage /ˈmæn.ədʒ/ Back /bæk/ when /wen/
think /θɪŋk/ it's /ɪts/ what /wɑːt/ dream /driːm/ borrowed /ˈbɑːr.oʊd/ give /ɡɪv/ it /ɪt/ back /bæk/
she /ʃi/ in /ɪn/ daydream /ˈdeɪ.driːm/ edges /edʒ.ɪz/ waving /weɪ.vɪŋ/ keep /kiːp/ feeling /ˈfiː.lɪŋ/ thing /θɪŋ/
AweRaw Law Saw Claw Flaw Straw
Boss Song Store Across Broad Call Mall
OrOff Awful Often Ought Always Offer
/ɔ/ as in ALL
Other spelling patterns are possible: "oa" (broad), "ou" (cough).
- Auto
- Fault
- Cause
- Auction
- Jaw
- Lawn
- Dawn
- Drawn
- Fall
- Call
- Mall
- Stall
- Dog
- Toss
- Lost
- Long
Common spelling patterns for /ɔ/
- We had to call off the meeting.
- I think it's time to call it quits.
- How much does the coffee cost?
- He's all talk.
- There is a reward for a lost dog.
- You can wear your hair long or short.
- I fought the law, and the law won.
- I had an awful cough.
- I am a lost cause.
* Read the following statements. Underline the words that are pronounced with /ɔ/ *
- We had to call off the meeting.
- I think it's time to call it quits.
- How much does the coffee cost?
- He's all talk.
- There is a reward for a lost dog.
- You can wear your hair long or short.
- I fought the law, and the law won.
- I had an awful cough.
- I am a lost cause.
Let's check!
GoSo No Toe Ago Sew Show
Boat BothCoat Nose Roam Load Spoke
OatOwn Oak Old Only Over Open
/oʊ/ as in ALL
HINTS: * "o" in words ending in a silent "e" * "oa" * "o" + "ld"
- dough
- though
- shoulder
- mould*
- toe
- foe
- goes
- Joe
- know
- owe
- grow
- throw
- soap
- goat
- loan
- foam
- no
- rope
- vote
- home
Common spelling patterns for /oʊ/
- I want Joe to leave me alone.
- I have told you about that over and over again.
- Hold my phone, please.
- You need to close and reopen your account.
- I noticed Tony broke a toe.
- Ramona sews her own clothes.
- We buy homegrown tomatoes and potatoes.
- Don't go home so soon.
- I hope you're only joking.
* Read the following statements. Underline the words that are pronounced with /oʊ/ *
- I want Joe to leave me alone.
- I have told you about that over and over again.
- Hold my phone, please.
- You need to close and reopen your account.
- Jill noticed Tony broke a toe.
- Ramona sews her own clothes.
- We buy homegrown tomatoes and potatoes.
- Don't go home so soon.
- I hope you're only joking.
Let's check!
- Mixing bowl
- Bookcase
- Television
- Coat rack
- Freezer
- Telephone
- Sofa
- Window
- Faucet
- Radio
- Clock
- Stove
- Doorknob
- Toaster
- Can opener
The Fixers: The items with /oʊ/ are broken and you need to fix them. Circle ALL the items that need fixing.
- Mixing bowl
- Bookcase
- Television
- Coat rack
- Freezer
- Telephone
- Sofa
- Window
- Faucet
- Radio
- Clock
- Stove
- Doorknob
- Toaster
- Can opener
The Fixers: The items with /oʊ/ are broken and you need to fix them. Circle ALL the items that need fixing.
- Brown - Crowd - Towel - Known
- Pocket - Trouble - Notice - Normal
- Yellow - Carrot - Lemon - Orange
- Ankle - Toes - Foot - Eyebrow
- Politics - Governor - Office - Vote
- Comb - Tomb - Bomb - Come
- Essay - Book - Poem - Story
- World - Olive - Country - Tow
- Milk - Punch - Root beer - Coke
* Circle the word that is pronounced with /oʊ/ *
- Brown - Crowd - Towel - Known
- Pocket - Trouble - Notice - Normal
- Yellow - Carrot - Lemon - Orange
- Ankle - Toes - Foot - Eyebrow
- Politics - Governor - Office - Vote
- Comb - Tomb - Bomb - Come
- Essay - Book - Poem - Story
- World - Olive - Country - Tow
- Milk - Punch - Root beer - Coke
Let's check!
Do Knew YouShoe Flew Chew Canoe
FoodPool Room Suit Thruth Goose Group
/u/ as in Too
Less frequent spelling patterns: "ui" (fruit), "ou" (group), "oe" (shoe), "ieu" (lieutenant), and "ough" (through)
- Due
- Blue
- Clue
- Avenue
- Stew
- Drew
- New
- News
- To
- Who
- Tomb
- Lose
- Cool
- Fool
- Noon
- Stool
- June
- Rude
- Tuna
- Rule
Common spelling patterns for /u/
- Hi! What's new with you?
- Hello! How are you today?
- Who is the man with the black suit?
- Lou has a loose tooth.
- Lois is not in a good mood.
- I am glad that school will be through soon.
- You must chew your food thoroughly.
- I know you knew, and I can prove it.
- The cat ruined my new shoes.
- That student is very rude.
* Read the following statements. Underline the words that are pronounced with /u/ *
- Hi! What's new with you?
- Hello! How are you today?
- Who is the man with the black suit?
- Lou has a loose tooth.
- Lois is not in a good mood.
- I am glad that school will be through soon.
- You must chew your food thoroughly.
- I know you knew, and I can prove it.
- The cat ruined my new shoes.
- That student is very rude.
Let's check!
PutWood Took Foot Hood Woman Should
CookFull Book Good Look Push Could
/ʊ/ as in IT
HINTS: * "oo" + "d"/"k": hood, good, wood, book, look, kook * "u" + "sh": bush, push, cushion Less frequent spelling pattern: "o" (wolf, woman)
- Could
- Would
- Should
- Stool
- Wool
- Wood
- Cookie
- Push
- Pull
- Bullet
- Pudding
Common spelling patterns for /ʊ/
- Look out! There's a truck coming.
- Take a good look at the new project, please.
- Luke is a good-looking stud.
- He couldn't come yesterday, so he'll come today.
- Should we start the meeting?
- Who took the red book?
- We need someone to put the wood away.
- The crook took a good look at the officer.
- The woods are full of bushes.
- If she's a butcher, she should be a good cook.
* Read the following statements. Underline the words that are pronounced with /ʊ/ *
- Look out! There's a truck coming.
- Take a good look at the new project, please.
- Luke is a good-looking stud.
- He couldn't come yesterday, so he'll come today.
- Should we start the meeting?
- Who took the red book?
- We need someone to put the wood away.
- The crook took a good look at the officer.
- The woods are full of bushes.
- If she's a butcher, she should be a good cook.
Let's check!
- /__/ /__/ /__/
- /__/ /__/ /__/
- /__/ /__/ /__/
- /__/ /__/ /__/
- /__/ /__/ /__/
- /__/ /__/ /__/
- Too many cooks spoil the soup.
- There should be a full moon.
- Mr. Brooks is good-looking.
- June is a good month to move.
- The butcher cooked a goose.
- Choose a pair of new shoes.
Check the word you hear.
- /u/ /ʊ/ /u/
- /ʊ/ /ʊ/ /u/
- /ʊ/ /ʊ/ /ʊ/
- /u/ /ʊ/ /u/
- /ʊ/ /ʊ/ /u/
- /u/ /u/ /u/
- Too many cooks spoil the soup.
- There should be a full moon.
- Mr. Brooks is good-looking.
- June is a good month to move.
- The butcher cooked a goose.
- Choose a pair of new shoes.
Check the word you hear.
- hood
- fool
- pull
- would
- could
- look
- pool
- wooed
- cooed
- stewed
- Luke
- shoed
- full
- should
- who'd
- stood
Classify the following words according to the vowel sound (/ʊ/ or /u/)
- could
- hood
- stood
- pull
- should
- full
- would
- look
- cooed
- who'd
- stewed
- pool
- shoed
- fool
- wooed
- Luke
- could
- hood
- stood
- pull
- should
- full
- would
- look
- cooed
- who'd
- stewed
- pool
- shoed
- fool
- wooed
- Luke
- I hate the soot/suit.
- I went to Luke/look in the morning, and ...
- The ground beef stewed/stood for an hour already.
- I have no pull/pool in this building.
- I didn't know your boyfriend was a kook/cook.
Check the word you hear.
- /ʊ/
- /u/
- /u/
- /ʊ/
- /ʊ/
- I hate the soot/suit.
- I went to Luke/look in the morning, and ...
- The ground beef stewed/stood for an hour already.
- I have no pull/pool in this building.
- I didn't know your boyfriend was a kook/cook.
Check the word you hear.
HugWon Nut Does Much Must Come Month
UsUp Of Other Under Uncle Onion About
/ʌ/ as in BUT
- but
- cut
- sun
- lucky
- funny
- cup
- love
- done
- some
- mother
- Monday
- money
Common spelling patterns for /ʌ/
- was
- what
- flood
- does
- cousin
- trouble
Less common spelling patterns for /ʌ/
- Come in and wait, please.
- What does "cover up" mean?
- Uncle Buck likes bubble gum.
- We need you to come once a month.
- My cousin has ugly gloves.
- Let's go have fun in the sun.
- I love summer months
- The lucky couple found money in the country club.
- Tell Bud to dust under the rug.
* Read the following statements. Underline the words that are pronounced with /ʌ/ *
- Come in and wait, please.
- What does "cover up" mean?
- Uncle Buck likes bubble gum.
- We need you to come once a month.
- My cousin has some ugly gloves.
- Let's go have fun in the sun.
- I love summer months.
- The lucky couple found money in the country club.
- Tell Bud to dust under the rug.
Let's check!
Main Course
- Cup of tea
- Coffee
- Beer
- Lettuce
- Tomato and Cucumber
- Caesar
- Carrots
- Buttered corn
- Baked potato
- Strip loin
- Prime ribs
- Roast duck
- Shrimp cocktail
- Melon
- Stuffed mushrooms
- French onion
- Gazpacho
- Clam Chowder
Get a meal! Choose your order by circling the dishes that are pronounced with /ʌ/
Main Course
- Cup of tea
- Coffee
- Beer
- Lettuce
- Tomato and Cucumber
- Caesar
- Carrots
- Buttered corn
- Baked potato
- Strip loin
- Prime ribs
- Roast duck
- Shrimp cocktail
- Melon
- Stuffed mushrooms
- French onion
- Gazpacho
- Clam Chowder
Get a meal! Let's check!
- color
- calm
- luck
- wonder
- hut
- lock
- hot
- nut
- cut
- wander
- bomb
- not
- collar
- bum
- come
- cot
Classify the following words according to the vowel sound (/ʌ/ or /ɑ/)
- lock
- calm
- wander
- collar
- hot
- not
- bomb
- cot
- luck
- come
- wonder
- color
- hut
- nut
- bum
- cut
- lock
- calm
- wander
- collar
- hot
- not
- bomb
- cot
- luck
- come
- wonder
- color
- hut
- nut
- bum
- cut
*Circle the word that is NOT pronounced with /ʌ/*
- once - alone - lovely - funny
- must - rust - nothing - rot
- something - open - ugly - wonder
- other - oven - over - cover
- locker - come - trouble - one
- Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - month
- collar - color - dozen - cups
- brother - lock - lucky - just
- peanut - muddy - bunny - modern
- once - alone - lovely - funny
- must - rust - nothing - rot
- something - open - ugly - wonder
- other - oven - over - cover
- locker - come - trouble - one
- Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - month
- collar - color - dozen - cups
- brother - lock - lucky - just
- peanut - muddy - bunny - modern
Let's check!
sodasofa zebra reason famous lemon cousin
agony holiday company buffalo relative photograph personnel
agoaway along amaze upon contain suppose
Last syllable
1st syllable
/ə/ as in SODA
- upon
- suppose
- circus
- column
- detritus
- occur
- obtain
- lemon
- lesson
- contain
- liquid
- humid
- capital
- typical
- pencil
- oven
- open
- cement
- jacket
- darkness
- arrive
- ashamed
- asleep
- away
- signal
Common spelling patterns for /ə/
- Nation
- Vision
- Certain
- Fountain
- Famous
- delicious
- Pigeon
Less common spelling patterns for /ə/
- How are you today?
- See you tonight.
- See you tomorrow.
- Please, don't complain.
- I suppose so.
- I suppose it's possible.
- Consider my complaint.
- Complete today's lesson.
- My cousin will arrive at seven.
Underline the exact place where /ə/ happens in the following sentences:
- How are you today?
- See you tonight.
- See you tomorrow.
- Please, don't complain.
- I suppose so.
- I suppose it's possible.
- Consider my complaint.
- Complete today's lesson.
- My cousin will arrive at seven.
Let's check!
- Prevent
- Imitate
- Breakfast
- Control
- Alarm
- Telegraph
- Rabbit
- Alphabet
- Depending
- Photograph
Listen to the words and circle letters that are pronounced /ə/.
- Prevent
- Imitate
- Breakfast
- Control
- Alarm
- Telegraph
- Rabbit
- Alphabet
- Depending
- Photograph
Let's check!
- Medical
- Attendance
- Evidence
- Offended
- Apartment
- Magical
- Elephant
- Favorite
- Principal
- Assistance
Listen to the words and circle letters that are pronounced /ə/.
- Medical
- Attendance
- Evidence
- Offended
- Apartment
- Magical
- Elephant
- Favorite
- Principal
- Assistance
Let's check!
/ʌ/ + /r/ = /ɝ/
/ə/ + /r/ = /ɚ/
FurBlur Stir Occur Prefer Deter Infer
TurnWord Verb Third Curve Learn Circus
UrnHerb Earn Earth Early Urge Urgent
/ɝ/ as in FIRST
* Other patterns: "ear" (heard), "our" (journey), "or" (work).
- fern
- term
- stern
- German
- servant
- hurt
- curl
- curb
- purple
- turkey
- bird
- girl
- firm
- third
- circle
Common spelling patterns for /ɝ/
- Turn off the air conditioning, please.
- I couldn't hear the exact words, but she mentioned a turtle.
- First, talk to the girl in the big office.
- Herb works early in the morning.
- The early bird catches the worm.
- This circus goes around the world.
- She bought dessert for all the servants.
- Irma is celebrating her birthday.
- Burton is the worst.
* Read the following statements. Underline the words that are pronounced with /ɝ/ *
- Turn off the air conditioning, please.
- I couldn't hear the exact words, but she mentioned a turtle.
- First, talk to the girl in the big office.
- Herb works early in the morning.
- The early bird catches the worm.
- This circus goes around the world.
- She bought dessert for all the servants.
- Irma is celebrating her birthday.
- Burton is the worst.
Let's check!
- desserts
- verbs
- purpose
- word
- perfume
- church
- work
- purse
- permanent
- The girl in the purple skirt bought a _______.
- Irma, my German friend, bakes amazing __________.
- This document serves a _________.
- I heard birds chirping in the abandoned __________.
- The nurse wants to have a _______ with you.
- The curly haired woman said that this changes are _____________.
- I prefer not investing money in ____________.
- We need to learn to use causative ________.
- Not a single person wants to ________ with you.
Fill in the blanks with one of the words in the box.
- desserts
- verbs
- purpose
- word
- perfume
- church
- work
- purse
- permanent
- The girl in the purple skirt bought a purse.
- Irma, my German friend, bakes amazing desserts.
- This document serves a purpose.
- I heard birds chirping in the abandoned church.
- The nurse wants to have a word with you.
- The curly haired woman said that this changes are permanent.
- I prefer not investing money in perfume.
- We need to learn to use causative verbs.
- Not a single person wants to work with you.
Let's check. What other words have /ɝ/?
- desserts
- verbs
- purpose
- word
- perfume
- church
- work
- purse
- permanent
- The girl in the purple skirt bought a purse.
- Irma, my German friend, bakes amazing desserts.
- This document serves a purpose.
- I heard birds chirping in the abandoned church.
- The nurse wants to have a word with you.
- The curly haired woman said that this changes are permanent.
- I prefer not investing money in perfume.
- We need to learn to use causative verbs.
- Not a single person wants to work with you.
Let's check. What other words have /ɝ/?
BakerButter Mirror Mother Sooner Teacher Deliver Weather
SaturdayLiberty Perhaps Surprise Afternoon Butterfly Flowerpot Understood
/ɚ/ as in ACTOR
Hint: "ar", "er" and "or" in the middle or end of words is usually pronounced /ɚ/
- nature
- picture
- feature
- failure
- measure
- after
- paper
- father
- farmer
- silver
- sugar
- dollar
- collar
- regular
- grammar
- color
- actor
- flavor
- doctor
- razor
Common spelling patterns for /ɚ/
- We have to pay those bills sooner or later.
- Let's measure the sugar first.
- Better later than never.
- We will consider the offer.
- Tell John to water the flowers.
- The new actor's performance is getting better than ever.
- The form will be delivered in the afternoon.
- That razor is very sharp.
- This is a wonderful theater.
* Read the following statements. Underline the words that are pronounced with /ɚ/ *
- We have to pay those bills sooner or later.
- Let's measure the sugar first.
- Better later than never.
- We will consider the offer.
- Tell John to water the flowers.
- The new actor's performance is getting better than ever.
- The form will be delivered in the afternoon.
- That razor is sharper than the scissors.
- This is a wonderful theater.
Let's check!
- Curtain
- Backward
- Soldier
- Weather
- Percent
- Dirty
- Inform
- Pleasure
- Saturday
- Tailor
- Acre
- Return
- Supper
- Purple
- Shirt
- Enter
- Third
- Nurse
- Silver
- Mirror
Circle all the words pronounced with /ɚ/
- Curtain
- Backward
- Soldier
- Weather
- Percent
- Dirty
- Inform
- Pleasure
- Saturday
- Tailor
- Acre
- Return
- Supper
- Purple
- Shirt
- Enter
- Third
- Nurse
- Silver
- Mirror
Circle all the words pronounced with /ɚ/
- Murder
- Surfer
- Firmer
- Server
- Burner
- Herbert
- Furniture
- Merger
/ɝ/ vs /ɚ/
- Murder
- Surfer
- Firmer
- Server
- Burner
- Herbert
- Furniture
- Merger
/ɝ/ vs /ɚ/
- MURder
- SURfer
- FIRmer
- SERver
- BURner
- HERbert
- FURniture
- MERger
/ɝ/ vs /ɚ/
- I'll buy the silver urn.
- Beware! There's a dangerous curve.
- Do you exercise regularly?
- The grammar teacher worked on irregular verbs.
- Birds of a feather flock together.
- Actors need to rehearse before they perform.
/ɝ/ vs /ɚ/
- I'll buy the silver urn.
- Beware! There's a dangerous curve.
- Do you exercise regularly?
- The grammar teacher worked on irregular verbs.
- Birds of a feather flock together.
- Actors need to rehearse before they perform.
/ɝ/ vs /ɚ/
- Deliver
- Circus
- World
- Purse
- Urgent
- Learn
- Sugar
- Picture
- Thirsty
- Certain
/ɝ/ vs /ɚ/
- Deliver
- Circus
- World
- Purse
- Urgent
- Learn
- Sugar
- Picture
- Thirsty
- Certain
/ɝ/ vs /ɚ/
Auditors are specialists who review the accounts of companies and organisations to ensure the validity and legality of their financial records. They can also act in an advisory role to recommend possible risk aversion measures and cost savings that could be made. Auditors work in the accounting departments of a huge range of firms and with independent chartered and certified firms, examining the money going in and out of organisations and making sure it is recorded and processed correctly.
Underline words with /ɝ/ and circle words with /ɚ/
Auditors are specialists who review the accounts of companies and organisations to ensure the validity and legality of their financial records. They can also act in an advisory role to recommend possible risk aversion measures and cost savings that could be made. Auditors work in the accounting departments of a huge range of firms and with independent chartered and certified firms, examining the money going in and out of organisations and making sure it is recorded and processed correctly.
Underline words with /ɝ/ and circle words with /ɚ/
WaySay Day Lay May Obey Away
SameRain Came Lake Date Table Brake
AteApe Age Aim Ale Able April
/eɪ/ as in GAME
Less frequent spelling patterns: "ea" (break, great), "ey" (they, grey), and "ei" (vein)
- eight
- weight
- sleigh
- freight
- neighbor
- day
- bay
- hay
- ray
- play
- main
- fail
- wait
- grain
- raise
- late
- sane
- safe
- hate
- lady
Common spelling patterns for /eɪ/
HINTS: * "a" in a syllable ending in silent "e" (same, name, case, lane, bake) * "ay", "ai", and "ey" USUALLY pronounced /eɪ/ (play, away, bait, aim, they) * "ei" followed by "g" or "n" USUALLY pronounced /eɪ/ (vein, reindeer)
- Wake up early, or you'll gain weight.
- What's the name of your date?
- Take away the garbage.
- April showers bring May flowers.
- They played a great game yesterday.
- Blake got a raising cake fot today's party.
- The plane from Spain is late.
- Ben is away on vacation.
Underline the exact place where /eɪ/ happens in the following sentences:
- Wake up early, or you'll gain weight.
- What's the name of your date?
- Take away the garbage.
- April showers bring May flowers.
- They played a great game yesterday.
- Blake got a raising cake for today's party.
- The plane from Spain is late.
- Ben is away on vacation.
Underline the exact place where /eɪ/ happens in the following sentences:
- cereal
- bananas
- baking soda
- ice cream
- carrots
- paper plates
- mayonnaise
- melon
- bacon
- gravy
- squash
- thyme
- lettuce
- raisins
- tomatoes
- crackers
- celery
- peas
- steak
- bread
- cake
- potatoes
- grapes
- toothpaste
Shopping List: You need to buy the items with /eɪ/ . Circle ALL the items that you need.
- cereal
- bananas
- baking soda
- ice cream
- carrots
- paper plates
- mayonnaise
- melon
- bacon
- gravy
- squash
- thyme
- lettuce
- raisins
- tomatoes
- crackers
- celery
- peas
- steak
- bread
- cake
- potatoes
- grapes
- toothpaste
Let's check!
Circle the word that is NOT pronounced with /eɪ/
- America - Spain - Asia - Norway
- prey - said - say - pray
- snake - breath - complain - obey
- plate - play - practice - place
- break - obtain - awake - breakfast
- freight - height - eighty - neighbor
- grace - grey - greedy - great
- head - break - create - came
- laid - tame - seven - crayon
Let's check!
- America - Spain - Asia - Norway
- prey - said - say - pray
- snake - breath - complain - obey
- plate - play - practice - place
- break - obtain - awake - breakfast
- freight - height - eighty - neighbor
- grace - grey - greedy - great
- head - break - create - came
- laid - tame - seven - crayon
Tampa Bay Buccaneers tight end Rob Gronkowski doesn't appear to be fazed by his slow start in Bruce Arians' offense -- one that has rendered him with just two catches for 11 yards on four targets and 33 routes run in two games. He's taking things in stride and treating it with some humor. "I'm a blocking tight end. I came here to block, baby," Gronkowski joked Friday. "So four targets is four more than I thought I was gonna get." It's the lowest production of the five-time Pro Bowler's career through the first two weeks of any season. In his seven other seasons in which he's played in Weeks 1 and 2, he's averaged 8.7 catches on 13.4 targets, 127 receiving yards and 1.85 touchdowns.
Underline words with /eɪ/
Tampa Bay Buccaneers tight end Rob Gronkowski doesn't appear to be fazed by his slow start in Bruce Arians' offense -- one that has rendered him with just two catches for 11 yards on four targets and 33 routes run in two games. He's taking things in stride and treating it with some humor. "I'm a blocking tight end. I came here to block, baby," Gronkowski joked Friday. "So four targets is four more than I thought I was gonna get." It's the lowest production of the five-time Pro Bowler's career through the first two weeks of any season. In his seven other seasons in which he's played in Weeks 1 and 2, he's averaged 8.7 catches on 13.4 targets, 127 receiving yards and 1.85 touchdowns.
Let's check!
CowHow Now Allow Plough
LoudBrown Down Mountain Crowd Mouse Vowel
OwlHour Our Out Ounce Outfit Ourselves
/aʊ/ as in House
* Less frequent.
- drought
- bough
- plough
- Town
- Crown
- Power
- Powder
- Eyebrow
- Foul
- Sour
- Cloud
- Thousand
- Announce
Common spelling patterns for /aʊ/
- How about you?
- I don't like the idea. Count me out, please.
- I have so many doubts.
- She ran around the house for an hour.
- We want to pronounce vowel sounds accurately.
- Don't shout out loud in the office!
- That ball bounced out of bounds.
- Howard is proud of his flowers.
Underline the exact place where /aʊ/ happens in the following sentences:
- How about you?
- I don't like the idea. Count me out, please.
- I have so many doubts.
- She ran around the house for an hour.
- We want to pronounce vowel sounds accurately.
- Don't shout out loud in the office!
- That ball bounced out of bounds.
- Howard is proud of his flowers.
Underline the words where /aʊ/ happens in the following sentences:
Circle the word that is NOT pronounced with /aʊ/
- consonant - vowel - noun - sound
- bounce - would - found - round
- about - power - allow - arose
- frown - flow - brown - down
- group - shout - loud - foul
- flounder - flood - flower - pounce
- plough - drought - thought - thousand
- tour - our - sour - hour
- count - crown - crowd - could
Let's check
- consonant - vowel - noun - sound
- bounce - would - found - round
- about - power - allow - arose
- frown - flow - brown - down
- group - shout - loud - foul
- flounder - flood - flower - pounce
- plough - drought - thought - thousand
- tour - our - sour - hour
- count - crown - crowd - could
ByCry Dry Dye Die Rye Deny
BiteFive Life Mind Sign Rhyme While
I'mI've Eye Ice Item Aisle Island
/aɪ/ as in My
- High
- Sigh
- Sight
- Night
- Delight
- Frighten
- Die
- Pie
- Tie
- Cries
- Fried
- Tried
- My
- Fly
- Why
- Type
- Style
- Thyme
- I
- Ice
- Fire
- Bite
- Nice
- Bicycle
Common spelling patterns for /aɪ/
HINTS: * "i" followed by "gh", "ld", or "nd" USUALLY pronounced /aɪ/ (sight, wild, find) * "i" in a syllable ending in silent "e" is pronounced /aɪ/ (bite, refinement, fine, confine) Re - fine - ment --> /rɪˈfaɪn.mənt/
- Hi! Nice to meet you.
- Fine! Can you tell me what time it is?
- It was a nice try, though.
- We have to rise and shine.
- That store is open from nine to five.
- Kyle will buy the item he saw online for the right price.
- Try to type this letter by tomorrow night, please.
- My driver's license expires in July.
Underline the exact place where /aɪ/ happens in the following sentences:
- Hi! Nice to meet you.
- Fine! Can you tell me what time it is?
- It was a nice try, though.
- We have to rise and shine.
- That store is open from nine to five.
- Kyle will buy the item he saw online for the right price.
- Try to type this letter by tomorrow night, please.
- My driver's license expires in July.
Underline the exact place where /aɪ/ happens in the following sentences:
Circle the word that is NOT pronounced with /aɪ/
- dying - duty - fine - flight
- ice cream - eye - aim - aisle
- pretty - try - resign - goodbye
- fire - filed - failed - style
- knife - knight - nice - niece
- reply - cry - bye - gyp
- cried - aisle - cite - list
- freight - fright - high - sign
- kind - mind - finding - spinning
- price - pile - pity - crime
Let's check!
- dying - duty - fine - flight
- ice cream - eye - aim - aisle
- pretty - try - resign - goodbye
- fire - filed - failed - style
- knife - knight - nice - niece
- reply - cry - bye - gyp
- cried - aisle - cite - list
- freight - fright - high - sign
- kind - mind - finding - spinning
- price - pile - pity - crime
When people adopt a fearful and aggressive personal style, we forget that somewhere inside, hidden by the punk look, the haircuts, the body piercing, the chains, the tattoos or the gang regalia, is a person who basically just wants to be loved and understood. Telling the world to go to hell is often the response of people who believe the world has told them to go to hell. James Merendino's "SLC Punk!'' knows that, and the essential sweetness of its hero is what makes the movie more than just an attempt to shock. It's a memory of Salt Lake City in 1985, the high Reagan era, when Stevo and Heroin Bob are, as far as they know, the only two punks in town. They embrace the anarchism embodied in Sex Pistols' songs, but the depth of their rebellion can be gauged by the fact that Heroin Bob has never taken heroin and has an irrational fear of needles.
When people adopt a fearful and aggressive personal style, we forget that somewhere inside, hidden by the punk look, the haircuts, the body piercing, the chains, the tattoos or the gang regalia, is a person who basically just wants to be loved and understood. Telling the world to go to hell is often the response of people who believe the world has told them to go to hell. James Merendino's "SLC Punk!'' knows that, and the essential sweetness of its hero is what makes the movie more than just an attempt to shock. It's a memory of Salt Lake City in 1985, the high Reagan era, when Stevo and Heroin Bob are, as far as they know, the only two punks in town. They embrace the anarchism embodied in Sex Pistols' songs, but the depth of their rebellion can be gauged by the fact that Heroin Bob has never taken heroin and has an irrational fear of needles.
ToyBoy Joy Ploy Enjoy
JoinBroil Boil Foil Coin
OilOink Oily Oyster Ointment
/ɔɪ/ as in Boy
- avoid
- noise
- poison
- choice
- voice
- annoy
- alloy
- decoy
- destroy
- coy
Common spelling patterns for /ɔɪ/
- She has three children, two girls and a boy.
- Let's flip a coin.
- This guy is starting to annoy me.
- Happy birthday! Enjoy yourself!
- Please, lower your voice in the library.
- Do you like your oysters boiled or broiled?
- Go to the supermarket and bring oil and foil.
- Nobody enjoys noisy children.
- I'd enjoy a trip to Detroit.
Underline the words where /ɔɪ/ happens in the following sentences:
- She has three children, two girls and a boy.
- Let's flip a coin.
- This guy is starting to annoy me.
- Happy birthday! Enjoy yourself!
- Please, lower your voice in the library.
- Do you like your oysters boiled or broiled?
- Go to the supermarket and bring oil and foil.
- Nobody enjoys noisy children.
- I'd enjoy a trip to Detroit.
Underline the words where /ɔɪ/ happens in the following sentences:
Circle the word that is NOT pronounced with /ɔɪ/
- hoist - annoy - nose - noise
- joy - jaunt - enjoy - join
- towel - toy - toil - spoil
- Illinois - St. Croix - New York - Detroit
- owl - oil - oily - foil
- bow - boil - broil - boy
- pounce - poison - appoint - point
- Joyce - Joan - poise - soil
- coin - coy - coal - coil
- sirloin - moist - lobster - oyster
Circle the word that is NOT pronounced with /ɔɪ/
- hoist - annoy - nose - noise
- joy - jaunt - enjoy - join
- towel - toy - toil - spoil
- Illinois - St. Croix - New York - Detroit
- owl - oil - oily - foil
- bow - boil - broil - boy
- point - poison - appoint - pounce
- Joyce - Joan - poise - soil
- coin - coy - coal - coil
- sirloin - moist - lobster - oyster
Diphthongs: /eɪ/ - /aɪ/ - /aʊ/ - /ɔɪ/
/ɛ/ /e/
Thank You!