Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

listening and reading comprenhension.


Brown bear

Brown bear

Brown bear, brown bear... listen and enjoy

Brown bear, brown bear... listen and enjoy

Now, we can do it...

...looking at me.

red bird

red bear

- Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?- I see a...

bird red

duck yellow

yellow frog

yellow duck

...looking at me.

- Red bird, red bird, what do you see?- I see a...

(Mix: now we mix animals and colours)

blue frog

blue rabbit

horse blue

...looking at me.

- Yellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see? - I see a...

grey dog

cat green

green cat

...looking at me.

- Blue rabbit, blue rabbit, what do you see? - I see a...

orange frog

purple frog

frog purple

...looking at me.

- Green cat, green cat, what do you see? - I see a...

black horse

yellow cat

white horse

...looking at me.

- Purple frog, purple frog, what do you see? - I see a...

fish pink

pink bird

pink fish

...looking at me.

- White horse, white horse, what do you see? - I see a...

green monkey

black fish

black monkey

...looking at me.

- Pink fish, pink fish, what do you see? - I see a...

blue dog

dog purple

orange dog

...looking at me.

- Black monkey, black monkey, what do you see? - I see an...

my school

my mum

my teacher

...looking at me.

- Orange dog, orange dog, what do you see? - I see ...

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