Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Film Lexicon

To help you with film analysis

This presentation will focus on different techniques.

1. The type of shots2. the camera movements

1. The types of shots

The continuous shot

le plan séquence

The long take

la longue prise

when a shot is equivalent to a scene or sequence

a shot lasting more than a minute

Shots can be defined in terms of duration

Shots can be defined in terms of composition

the closed form

la forme fermée

The open form

la forme ouverte

the spectator's attention focuses on what happens on screen

the spectator' is invited to imagine or anticipate the off-screen

Shots can be defined in terms of distance from the subject. We use what is called the scale of shots

The extreme long shot

le plan général

a broad panoramic view when the camera is far away.

The establishing shot

le plan d'exposition

It establishes the location

The long shot

le plan d'ensemble

It allows to see the characters in their setting

The full shot

le plan moyen, le plein cadre

a shot of the complete human figure, with some of the background visible

The three-quarter shot

le plan américain

a shot showing the subject head-to-thighs. It was used in westerns to show the guns in their holsters.

The mid-shot ; the medium shot

le plan rapproché taille, le plan demi-rapproché

a shot showing the subject head-to-waist

The close shot ; the head-and-shoulder shot

le plan rapproché poitrine

a shot of the head and shoulders

The close up

le gros plan

a shot of the head for example, or an object

The extreme close up ; the insert

le très gros plan, l'insert

an eye, a mouth , the handle of a door, etc.

Shots can be defined by the angle of the camera in relation to the subject.

la profondeur de champ

The high-angle-shot

la plongée

the camera is positioned above the subject. It is sometimes referred to as "god's eye view". the subject seems smaller.

The low-angle-shot

la contre-plongée

the camera shoots up at the subject from below. the subject looks larger. it can suggest dominance, power, threat...

The eye-level shot

la prise horizontale

Most of the shots belong to this category. the camera is neither high or low.

The canted shot ; the Dutch tilt shot

le cadrage penché, le plan à bulle cassée

the shot seems to be the result of a camera movement tilting it to a particular angle as though on a sloping surface

2. The camera movements

The static shot

plan fixe

the camera doesn't move.

The moving shot

le plan en mouvement

the camera moves.

The pan shot

le panoramique horizontal

when the camera rotates horizontally on a fixed axis

The tilt shot

le panoramique vertical

when the camera rotates vertically

The tracking shot

le travelling

the camera is moving on a vehicle (truck, dolly, bicyle...)

The forward tracking shot

le travelling avant

the camera is moving forward on a vehicle

The vertical tracking shot

le travelling vertical

the camera moves vertically on a vehicle

The zoom in

le zoom avant

the camera doesn't move but a lens gives the impression of moving close to the subject

The zoom out

le zoom arrière

the camera doesn't move but a lens gives the impression of moving far away from the subject

The freeze

l'arrêt sur image

all movement suddenly halts. the image turns into a still photograph. it is a form of stopped motion.