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Different Lifestyles
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Different Lifestyles

7. Resources8. Samples 9. Evaluation 10. Conclusion 11. Extra Info

1. Welcome2. Index 3. Introduction 4. Tasks 5. Process 6. Process (Cont.)


We have an extremely diverse world. Well, you will soon find out. In todays WebQuest, we will discover the world through different eyes. Are you ready to jump into another person's way of life? You will have to recognize the different issues underlying the theme you have chosen. After you have gathered enough information, you will report your findings to the rest of the class using a Power Point presentation of your own creation. Enjoy your research!


You will explore and identify different kind of Lifestyles (nomadism, minimalism, zero waste, sedentary vs. active, healthy vs. unhealthy lifestyles, urban tribes, among others) You will report your findings to the rest of the class using an audiovisual presentation of your own creation.


Step 3.) After choosing a lifestyle and collecting data, find pictures for your presentation.

Step 1.) Navigate through the web links provided for different lifestyles. You do not have to go through all of them, but it is wise to go through several of them in order to get enough information for your presentation.

Step 2.) After finding out about your upcoming project, choose a kind of lifestyle that you would like to specifically research. As you research, take notes about any interesting information.


REMEMBER... have fun and be as creative as you want!Also, make sure your presentation is about 5 minutes! I have provided you with some links of references to help you do your task.

Step 5.) Send your presentation through the platform or by e-mail (teacherpatriciacelintano@gmail.com).

Step 4.) After you have all of your information and pictures, start creating your presentation. Remember you should include the AUDIO (mp3) explaining your findings, giving reasons and interesting facts.


Urban Tribes

Healthy vs Unhealthy lifestyle


Zero Waste

Nomadic Lifestyle




F) The student`s audio is clear and audible

E) The student answers all the questions made by the teacher.

D) The student knows about the chosen lifestyle.

C) The presentation is attractive and has concise information

B) The audiovisual presentation is clear, complete and appropriate.

A) Students can discriminate the most important information from the less relevant.

Teacher will evaluate students taking into account the following points:


Now that you are familiar with different kind of lifestyles, we have a better understanding of them. I look forward to seeing everyone’s hard work! If you have any questions, concerns or need any help please do not hesitate! I am here to help you! Hope you enjoyed the task!


1º BD Junio 2022 Teacher: Patricia Celintano

PROYECTO PARA PrimeraEVALUACIÓN especial de Inglés

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