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Economics School of Louvain - Boot Camp

Module 6 : Finding academic resources

Economics School of Louvain - Boot Camp

Module 6 : Finding academic resources

UCLouvain's libraries

Search method

Plagiarism & Data saving

Research tools


Academic resources

UCLouvain's libraries

UCLouvain's libraries

Overview of UCLouvain Libraries


  • 10 academic libraries located on the four Uclouvain campuses: Louvain-la-Neuve, Bruxelles-Woluwe, Tournai and Mons.
  • Each one provides an extensive collection in their belong scientific fields and various services: online catalogue, borrowing and reserving items, WI-FI, remote access (Proxy), Find it (tool to find your search item in all our collections), interlibrary loan, copy and print room, computers, helpdesk, trainings.
  • They extend their services to collaborative work with the 4 Learning centers : learning spaces, group work rooms, computers, data center, …

The access is free for each University member with his personal access card.

online catalogue

BSPO library is attached to the ESPO faculty and LSM and covered the fields of economic, social, political sciences and communication. It is divided into two different spaces: the library and the Learning Center. Address: Place Montesquieu 5 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Opening hours: Monday 10h30-19h30, Tuesday-Thursday 8h30-19h30, Friday 8h30-17h

Les Bibliothèques et Learning Centres de l'UCLouvain

  • 10 bib / 5 sites
  • Disciplinaires
  • Horaires variables
  • Lien url
  • LC

UCLouvain's libraries

UCLouvain's libraries

BSPO Library - Learning Center Montesquieu

Library :

Learning Center (new) :

  • Access to our paper collections organized following the Library of Congress system: books, encyclopaedia, dictionary, thesis, journals, newspapers, …
  • Helpdesk
  • Working spaces
  • Copy, print and scan

  • Working spaces
  • Computers
  • Group work rooms (book one on Affluences)
  • Data center room with Bloomberg terminals and Macrobond access
  • Seminar room


Academic resources

What are academic resources?

We define academic resources as all works published by a scientific or an expert of the concerned scientific field. There are various types of sources in the scientific literature: books, articles, PhD theses, conference proceedings, research reports, … A few criteria may help you to determine if it is an academic resource or not:

  • Academic resources are peer reviewed. Peer reviewing is a validation process of the content information;
  • The author credentials: he is an expert on the studied subject;
  • The publisher is known to publish scientific literature, for example, a university press;
  • The format of the text, you should always find a bibliography with the list of references used by the author.

Using academic resources assure you the reliability of the consulted information and so, the quality of your paper.

You will find scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals (also called “refereed journals” or “scholarly journals”). It means that all the articles in these journals are written by an expert of the subject and are reviewed by other experts of the studied field. The purpose of the peer-reviewed process is to ensure the articles quality before the publication. To help you to identify if the journal article is a peer-reviewed one, some databases have search options to allow you to limit your searches only to peer-reviewed articles, for example, ABI-Inform or Business Source Premier. You may also consult some journal ranking. They rank scholarly journals according to their reputation and the quality of their content. For example, the CNRS journal rankin or the Financial Times journal ran

Academic resources

Focus on peer-reviewed journal articles

CNRS journal ranking

Financial Times journal ranking.

Search method

This section introduces you a method to search information

If you already have a method, that's great!

This part can help you to improve it and be more efficient, you can choose a part of it, all of it, or you can decide not to follow it. It's your choice.







4. Select information sources Each information source contains different types of information. You will need to know which type of information is needed to your work to select your tool. For example, use our library catalogue Libellule to find a book and a database like ABI/inform, to find a scientific article.

1. Define research topic Take time to think about and understand the topic you are planning to search. . We recommend you to use the 5WH method. That consists on answering the questions: Where, When, Who, Why and How. Define the geographical area, the time period, the population ..., answer the question why you want to study this subject and how you are going to do it. . More questions you ask yourself about your topic, more specific you will be in your information search.

2. Identify keywords List all keywords that may be useful for your research: you may consult a disciplinary dictionary, encyclopaedia or the search engine thesaurus to enhance your vocabulary and to be sure about a good understanding of your topic. Think also about synonyms.

3. Use Boolean operators Boolean operators are used to tell the search engine how to combine the keywords. . The most common are: AND, OR and NOT.

  • AND: use to search results containing all search words with AND between.
  • OR: broad your search results by finding results with one search word or another.
  • NOT: find results that have a keyword but not have another keyword.
. You may also use quotation marks to search a sentence or truncation (* or ?) to replace any number of characters of a word.

5. Apply search filters Each search tool has useful filters to improve your search. Use them to limit it to a time frame, field of study, type of publication, …

6. Improve your results Examine your results, do you have too many results or too few results? Are they relevant to your topic? You will need to revise your search strategy to find what you need to: review your keywords, set more limits, try another search engine, … You will need to try other search strategies to find the best way to have the best information needed to your work.


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Discovery Tool

Google Scholar

Research tools

Academic tools

Open tools

Research tools

Discovery Tool

Use keywords and Boolean operators in the simple search bar or in the Advanced research

The filters can limit the results. More filters you apply, the more precise will be your search

To extend your search beyond your library's collection, check this box

Get more information about the item

Click on the title to consult the resource

You can cite or export one resource at a time. To record your search, click on “Save items”. But don’t forget to click on “Saved items”

You can export, email or print an items' list

Change your language and find help (in French)

Google Scholar

Research tools

Use keywords and Boolean operators in the simple search bar or in the Advanced research

The filters can limit the results. More filters you apply, the more precise will be your search

Click on the title to consult the item

You can cite or export one resource at a time

To record your search, check on the star. But don’t forget to click on “My Library”. This option is available when your are connected to your Google account.

You can export an item’s list (check if you're connected to your Google account)

Plagiarism & Data saving

What's plagiarism?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary the plagiarism is: “the action or practice of taking someone else’s work, idea, etc., and passing it off as one’s own”. There are different kinds of plagiarism: it’s not only about copying and pasting texts, you also need to give the original author credits when you paraphrase or use figures, data, images, … Check out UCLouvain’s guidelines and more information about plagiarism on website page: https://uclouvain.be/fr/etudier/plagiat There are academic sanctions for plagiarism and it’s your responsibility to avoid it!

Les Bibliothèques et Learning Centres de l'UCLouvain

  • 10 bib / 5 sites
  • Disciplinaires
  • Horaires variables
  • Lien url
  • LC


Plagiarism & Data saving

How to avoid plagiarism?

To respect copyright, you need to be familiar with its national rules and academic guidelines. In your academic paper you must reference all your sources (published or unpblished ones). Referencing is the act of collecting and citing the original sources of information used, in the form of in-text citations and bibliography. This action will protect you from any suspicion of plagiarism and give credibility to your work. It will demonstrate that you are conscious of the importance of a good information search. It’s also the best way to prove that you are concerned by the principle of intellectual honesty, basis of academic integrity.

Les Bibliothèques et Learning Centres de l'UCLouvain

  • 10 bib / 5 sites
  • Disciplinaires
  • Horaires variables
  • Lien url
  • LC

Plagiarism & Data saving

Some tips to incorporate sources in your work

  • Be methodical from the beginning of your information search: Take times to do good research, record your results and organize them with folders. Take notes on your keywords and the tools in which you carried out the research.
  • For each source of information, note down as much metadata as possible to help you with referencing (title, author, URL, database used, etc.).
  • Be scrupulous when you are taking notes, identify clearly from which document and page(s) the information or ideas come from.
  • Be meticulous when citing in your work. Every time you use directly or not, an idea from an author, cite him. For that, follow a standard with a style manual,

All this can be done quickly and easily with a reference management software.

like APA style manual.

Plagiarism & Data saving

What's a reference management software?

A reference management software helps you to organize your information research and to reference accurately and efficiently in your paper, with automatically, in-text citations and bibliography formatted in the desired reference style. There are a lot of reference management software which the most known are EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, Reference Manager, RefWorks, EasyBib,... Some of them are free, others free only for limited options and others have a cost. To select your reference management software, take information about the options. It’s up to you to use one or another, all of them allow you to gain time in referencing, the choice depends on the convenience of the platform. We present you the EndNote software because it’s the one chosen by our University. All UCLouvain students may have a licence to use it for free.


Link to download EndNote : https://intranet.uclouvain.be/fr/myucl/services-informatiques/telechargement-logiciels.html If W7 or W8, unzip the file before install.







EndNote: Why? How?

Endnote is a reference management software which helps you in your information search method and with your academic work. With endnote you can:

  • Centralize all your references in a customized library (with import options from a lot of searching tools);
  • For each reference, attach PDF’s, sound files, videos, charts, reading notes…;
  • Read and annotate PDF’s;
  • Organize your references with groups (categorized by topic, project, author or what you want);
  • Sync your endnote library with an online account or share it to others;
  • Choose one of about more than 200 pre-recorded reference style to export a bibliography;
  • Use citewhileyouwrite in Microsoft Word, Pages or OpenOffice to insert automatically citations and bibliography matching with the selected reference style.

Follow the rest of our presentation to start to use Endnote and to gain time in referencing.




Create a library

Import a library


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A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) identify specifically an electronic document (such as an academic article). To fulfill automatically your reference, create a new reference and choose the electronic reference type. Fill in the DOI field (10. …) and save the reference. Right-click on "Find reference updates" (manual verification is recommended).

If you already have a full-text article in PDF or a folder of PDFs, go to File > Import and choose a file or a folder. Choose Import Option “PDF’ and Text translation “UTF-8” to maintain accents and symbols in the reference’s metadata. If the PDF document contains a DOI, the fields will be filled in automatically (manual verification is recommended).

Add a new reference


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Export references from ...

UCLouvain's libraries online catalogueorDiscovery Tool

ABI/Inform or Business Source Premier

Google Scholar



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Manage your EndNote library


Groups Use groups to organize your references by theme, chapter, paper, … You could save a reference in several groups. To create groups: go “to group” and “create a group” or right click on “My groups”.

Attachment To attach a file, use the “paperclip icon” in the reference details or in the menu, go to “references”, “file attachments” and “attach file”. You can attach different files such as PDF’s, word documents, Excel files, PowerPoint files… and as many fields as you want. Do no attach a chart or a figure that you want to use in your paper with this attachment option. Be sure the selected reference is the correct one, then, go to “references”, “figure” and “attach a figure” or use the “figure icon” in the reference details.

Duplicates To remove your references duplicates, go to “references” and “find duplicates” in the menu bar. A box will appear, which compare the found duplicates. You may confirm which one you wish to keep, for that compare all fields. The wrong one will be deleted.

Edit a reference You may edit a reference directly in the reference details. We recommend you to verify the reference type because it determines how the reference is formatted in the bibliography. Check your fields, close and save.


Cite while you write


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EndNote web

Endnote online is the web version of Endnote: Create an account with your Uclouvain email address to benefit of a large storage account. You may use the online version alone or in combination with Endnote Desktop. Endnote Online allows you to:

  • Collect your references on an online storage account and eventually, synchronize it with an Endnote desktop library
  • Organize your references using groups
  • Share references groups and collaborate with others EndNote online users
  • Integrate in-text citations using Cite While You Write add-on and create a formatted bibliography



To share references groups :

  • Click on "Share a group"
  • Check the group(s) you want to share and manage your sharing options
  • Add e-mail addresses (you may allow other users to read only or to read and write) and apply
You may change your group sharing options when you want.