Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


El peor restaurante


Your Mexican friend Antonio has gone out to eat and tells you about a horrible experience he has while at the restaurant.

Arturo sends you some pictures from his horrible experience


El vaso está sucio

Nos faltan cuchillos

El tenedor está sucio

la sopa está fría

La comida falta sal

La comida está demasiado picante

El camarero es descortés

El plato está roto

Listen to the following extract about Angelica's experience at the same restaurant


Now list the order in which you hear the different complaints according to the letter next to each picture, but be careful because not all the complaints are mentioned.









Expresiones útiles

*El vaso está sucio = the glass is dirty*El plato está roto = the plate is broken*Nos faltan cuchillos = our forks are missing*El tenedor está sucio = the knife is dirty*La sopa está fría = the soup is cold*La comida falta sal = the food is lacking salt*La comida está demasiado picante = the food is too spicy*El camarero es descortés = the waiter is rude

¡A Practicar!

How would you say the following in Spanish?

1)The glass is broken.2) I am missing a fork.3) The plate is dirty.4) The soup is spicy.5) The chicken is missing salt.

LAS RESPUESTAS 1) El vaso está roto. 2) Me falta un tenedor. 3) El plato está sucio. 4) La sopa está picante. 5) El pollo falta sal.