Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Studio 1 Module 5 Breakout

Complete all the missions to find my holiday destination which is also the password for my computer. You need it to print my plane ticket!

Made by M.AllirotReusable template

On y va!


Collect all the letters by completing each of the challenges, and enter them in order in the final section to finish the game.

01 Where?

05 Dreams

03 Getting ready

04 Activities


02 Find at the café


To find out which country I am going to, complete the activity

Once you have completed the activity and know where I am going, go to the map...

Where am I going? Click on the correct country.

This way to find the clue for mission 1

Essaie encore une fois

Once you have the first letter for the secret code , go to mission 2.


Ouvre la porte

Open the door

Oh no! You enter a roon in complete darkness! Complete the mission to switch on the light. Find the correct amount of money. The first one is 99 euros... Click on the correct statement.

You can drag the light to search through the darkness

soixante-nef euros

quatre-vingt-neuf euros

soixante-dix-neuf euros

quatre-vingt-dix neuf euros

Find 129 euros

You can drag the light to search through the darkness

cent vingt-huit euros

cent neuf euros

cent quarante-neuf euros

cent vingt-neuf euros

cent trente-neuf euros


Find 67 euros

You can drag the light to search through the darkness

six sept euros

soixante-six euros

soixante-dix-sept euros

soixante-sept euros

quatre-vingt-sept euros



Wrong!That statement is incorrect

Essaie encore

Switch the light on

Clique sur le serveur pour voir ce qu'il y a sur le menu.A la fin de l'activité, il y a l'indice numéro 2!

Click on the waiter to see what is on the menu. At the end of the activity, there is clue number 2!

Once you have the second letter, go to mission 3!

Choose the correct image

Before I can go on holiday, I need to get ready. Click on the mirror to discover the activity and reveal a clue to find out letter number 3!


Once you have letter number 3, go to mission 4

Which Activities am I going to do on holiday?

Click on the surfer to complete the task and find letter number 4

Once you have letter 4, go to mission 5!

Do you know what my dreams are?Click on me to complete the activity...

before moving on to the next page to find out the last letter for the password.

La dernière lettre est cachée dans un livre... Cherche bien!

The last letter is hidden in a book! Look carefully!

Once you have letter number 5, go to rewards

Let's go back to the missions

Well done! You have found it. The last letter is N. Go back to the missions and unlock the computer!

Click on the laptop to enter the password.






Wrong password! Try again

Well done, you have found the password for the computer and can print my flight ticket. Let's go to Dijon!


Oh, no!Error code

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