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Nouveautés juillet 2020

Manifeste pour un urbanisme circulaire

Cote : 710 GRI

Résumé : A force de grandir, la ville se disloque. Ce modèle de développement urbain inefficace, fondé sur la consommation de toujours plus de sol a un nom : l'étalement urbain. Structuré autour de la mobilité automobile, ce modèle montre aujourd'hui ses limites : consommation de terres agricoles, pollutions, coûts prohibitifs... mais surtout forme d'une ville qui a oublié les vertus de la proximité et qui accentue les fragmentations sociales.Les politiques publiques ont jusqu'à présent échoué à réduire significativement l'étalement. Il est temps de développer un modèle alternatif par la mise en oeuvre d'un urbanisme circulaire. Inspiré des principes de l'économie circulaire appliqués aux sols urbains, ce concept pragmatique vise à concentrer les efforts de la fabrique de la ville sur l'intensification des usages, la transformation de l'existant et le recyclage des espaces déjà urbanisés.L'enjeu est aujourd'hui de passer de projets pionniers à un véritable changement de modèle pour bâtir une ville frugale, résiliente et accueillante. Ce manifeste a été écrit pour donner aux citoyens, professionnels et élus qui font la ville l'envie d'engager concrètement la transition vers un urbanisme circulaire.

Arpenter le paysage

Cote : 712 LAS

Résumé : Pour la première fois, Martin de La Soudière, " ethnologue du dehors " et du temps qu'il fait, se livre à l'introspection. Essai autobiographique sur le paysage, cet ouvrage est un retour aux origines, une entrée sur le terrain pour l'ethnologue féru de géographie... Ce paysage intime a pour cadre la montagne, celle des Pyrénées. Sur le mode du récit, Martin de La Soudière dialogue avec ses pères et ses carnets de travail.Son corpus hors du commun rassemble des écrivains, géographes, paysagistes, peintres, botanistes, mais aussi grimpeurs, militaires, cartographes, taupiers, bergers et autres promeneurs. Tous écrivent leur paysage. Franz Schrader, Elisée Reclus ou Vidal de La Blache habitent l'imaginaire de l'auteur, au même titre que les manuels d'escalades du XIXe siècle ou les livres de géographie du jeune élève des années 1950/1960.Entrer en Pyrénées s'opère aussi à différentes échelles, la vue statique et graphique avec son cadre et sa lumière est indissociable de l'expérience de l'escalade, de la promenade en famille ou de l'expédition aventurière entre frères et soeurs. Comme Martin de La Soudière le dit, on entre en paysage avec le pied et avec la main (on empoigne la matière de la roche pour grimper aux sommets). Mais l'écriture du paysage, en plein vent et en cabinet, est aussi une affaire de rituels.L'auteur scrute les gestes de ses poètes de prédilection : Jean-Loup Trassard arpentant son bocage, Julien Gracq au volant de sa deux-chevaux sur les rives de la Loire, André Dhôtel se perdant dans la forêt des Ardennes, jusqu'à Fernando Pessoa le promeneur immobile de Lisbonne. A travers ses " devanciers " comme il les appelle, l'auteur revendique une intimité du paysage féconde pour l'imaginaire et le travail intellectuel.

Le périurbain, espace à vivre

Cote : 307.76 PER

Résumé : Périurbain : le terme s'est imposé en France dès les années 1970-1980 pour désigner ces espaces ruraux "grignotés" par l'urbanisation. Quels maux ne lui a-t-on pas associés ! Consommation de terres agricoles, qualité médiocre des constructions pavillonnaires, dépendance des habitants à l'automobile, mode de vie individualiste, etc. Autant de critiques qui n'auront pas eu raison de l'engouement des Français pour ce cadre de vie hors de la ville — où ils continuent toutefois de se rendre quotidiennement pour travailler, accéder aux services, aux loisirs...Plusieurs décennies de "lutte contre l'étalement urbain" n'ont pas réussi à endiguer le phénomène. C'est pour dépasser ces contradictions et malentendus qu'un Atelier des territoires a été lancé, directement lié à la réalité de terrain de cinq sites volontaires : le Nord-Corrèze (19), la communauté de communes de Nozay (44), la métropole caennaise (14), la communauté de communes du Bassée-Montois (77) et l'agglomération troyenne (10).Sous la supervision des directions départementales des territoires (DDT), ces sites ont bénéficié de l'appui d'une équipe pluridisciplinaire coordonnée par les bureaux d'études Alphaville, Acadie, Interland et Obras. A partir de la "matière vive" issue de ces travaux, un groupe d'experts a tiré des enseignements et recommandations prenant à revers nombre d'idées reçues. Ce sont ces regards croisés de praticiens, chercheurs et citoyens que cet ouvrage invite à découvrir.Puisse cette démarche contribuer à ré-imaginer la périphérie de nos villes et à accélérer les transitions positives déjà à l'oeuvre dans de nombreux territoires pionniers.

Social ecology

Cote : 304.2 SOC

Résumé : This book presents the current state of the art in Social Ecology as practiced by the Vienna School of Social Ecology, globally one of the main research groups in this field. As a significant contribution to the growing literature on interdisciplinary sustainability studies, the book introduces the purpose and nature of Social Ecology and then places the “Vienna School” within the broader context of socioecological and other interdisciplinary environmental approaches. The conceptual and methodological foundations of Social Ecology are discussed in detail, allowing the reader to obtain a broad overview of current socioecological thinking. Issues covered include socio-metabolic transitions, socioecological approaches to land use, the relation between actor-centered and system approaches, a socioecological theory of labor and the importance of legacies, as conceived in Environmental History and in Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research. To underpin this overview empirically, the strengths of socioecological research are elucidated in cases of cutting-edge research, introducing a variety of themes the Vienna School has been tackling empirically over the past years. Given how the field is presented – reflecting research carried out on different scales, reaching from local to global as well as from past to present and future – and due to the way the book is structured, it is suitable for classroom use, as a primer, and also as an overview of how Social Ecology evolved, right up to its current research frontiers.

Do glaciers listen ?

Cote : 551.31 CRU

Résumé : Do Glaciers Listen? explores the conflicting depictions of glaciers to show how natural and cultural histories are objectively entangled in the Mount Saint Elias ranges. This rugged area, where Alaska, British Columbia, and the Yukon Territory now meet, underwent significant geophysical change in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, which coincided with dramatic social upheaval resulting from European exploration and increased travel and trade among Aboriginal peoples.European visitors brought with them varying conceptions of nature as sublime, as spiritual, or as a resource for human progress. They saw glaciers as inanimate, subject to empirical investigation and measurement. Aboriginal oral histories, conversely, described glaciers as sentient, animate, and quick to respond to human behaviour. In each case, however, the experiences and ideas surrounding glaciers were incorporated into interpretations of social relations.Focusing on these contrasting views during the late stages of the Little Ice Age (1550-1900), Cruikshank demonstrates how local knowledge is produced, rather than discovered, through colonial encounters, and how it often conjoins social and biophysical processes. She then traces how the divergent views weave through contemporary debates about cultural meanings as well as current discussions about protected areas, parks, and the new World Heritage site. Readers interested in anthropology and Native and northern studies will find this a fascinating read and a rich addition to circumpolar literature.

Theory of social enterprise and pluralism

Cote : 361 THE

Résumé : In the past decades, social enterprise has been an emerging field of research. Its main frameworks have been provided by Occidental approaches. Mainly based on an organizational vision, they give little or no room to questions such as gender, race, colonialism, class, power relations and intertwined forms of inequality. However, a wide range of worldwide hidden, popular initiatives can be considered as another form of social enterprises based on solidarity, re-embedding the economy as well as broadening the political scope. This has been shown in a previous book: Civil Society, the Third Sector, and Social Enterprise: Governance and Democracy.Thus, to be more than a fashion or a fictitious panacea, the concept of social enterprise needs to be debated. Southern realities cannot be only understood through imported categories and outside modeled guidelines. This book engages a multicontinental and pluridisciplinary discussion in order to provide a pluralist theory of social enterprise. The book will be of interest to researchers, academics and students in the fields of social entrepreneurship, social innovation, development studies, management studies and social work.

Utopia as method

Cote : 301 DEV

Résumé : Utopia should be understood as a method rather than a goal. This book rehabilitates utopia as a repressed dimension of the sociological and in the process produces the Imaginary Reconstitution of Society, a provisional, reflexive and dialogic method for exploring alternative possible futures.

The city as power

Cote : 307.76 DIE

Résumé : This interdisciplinary book considers national identity through the lens of urban spaces.By bringing together scholars from a range of disciplines, The City as Power provides broad comparative perspectives about the critical importance of urban landscapes as forums for creating, maintaining, and contesting identity and belonging. Rather than serving as passive backdrops, urban spaces and places are active mediums for defining categories of inclusion-and exclusion. With an international scope and ready appeal to visual learners, the book offers a compelling survey of historical and contemporary efforts to enact state ideals, express counter-narratives, and negotiate global trends in cities. The contributors show how successive regimes reshape cityscapes to mirror their respective socio-political agendas, perspectives on history, and assumptions of power. Yet they must do so within the legal, ethnic, religious, social, economic, and cultural geographies inherited from previous regimes. Exploring the rich diversity of urban space, place, and national identity, the book compares core elements of identity projects in a range of political, cultural, and socioeconomic settings. By focusing on the built form and urban settings for social movements, protest, and even organized violence, this timely book demonstrates that cities are not simply lived in but also lived through.

Space after Deleuze

Cote : 100 SAL

Résumé : Deleuze's fondness for geography has long been recognised as central to his thought. This is the first book to introduce researchers to the breadth of his engagements with space, place and movement. Focusing on pressing global issues such as urbanization, war, migration, and climate change, Arun Saldanha presents a detailed Deleuzian rejoinder to a number of theoretical and political questions about globalization in a variety of disciplines.This systematic overview of moments in Deleuze's corpus where space is implicitly or explicitly theorized shows why he can be called the twentieth century's most interesting thinker of space. Anyone with an interest in refining such concepts as territory, assemblage, body, event and Anthropocene will learn much from the "geophilosophy" which Deleuze and Guattari proposed for our critical times.

Unsettling eurocentrism in the westernized university

Cote : 327 CUP

Résumé : The westernized university is a site where the production of knowledge is embedded in Eurocentric epistemologies that are posited as objective, disembodied and universal and in which non-Eurocentric knowledges, such as black and indigenous ones, are largely marginalized or dismissed. Consequently, it is an institution that produces racism, sexism and epistemic violence. While this is increasingly being challenged by student activists and some faculty, the westernized university continues to engage in diversity and internationalization initiatives that reproduce structural disadvantages and to work within neoliberal agendas that are incompatible with decolonization.This book draws on decolonial theory to explore the ways in which Eurocentrism in the westernized university is both reproduced and unsettled. It outlines some of the challenges that accompany the decolonization of teaching, learning, research and policy, as well as providing examples of successful decolonial moments and processes. It draws on examples from universities in Europe, New Zealand and the Americas.This book represents a highly timely contribution from both early career and established thinkers in the field. Its themes will be of interest to student activists and to academics and scholars who are seeking to decolonize their research and teaching. It constitutes a decolonizing intervention into the crisis in which the westernized university finds itself.

Water justice

Cote : 553.7 BOE

Résumé : Water justice is becoming an ever-more pressing issue in times of increasing water-based inequalities and discrimination. Megacities, mining, forestry, industry and agribusiness claim an increasingly large share of available surface and groundwater reserves. Water grabbing and pollution generate poverty and endanger ecosystems' sustainability. Beyond large, visible injustices, the book also unfolds the many 'hidden' water world injustices, subtly masked as 'rational', 'equitable' and 'democratic'. It features critical conceptual approaches, including analysis of environmental, social, cultural and legal issues surrounding the distribution and management of water. Illustrated with case studies of historic and contemporary water injustices and contestations around the world, the book lays new ground for challenging current water governance forms and unequal power structures. It also provides inspiration for building alternative water realities. With contributions from renowned scholars, this is an indispensable book for students, researchers and policymakers interested in water governance, environmental policy and law, and political geography.