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Monomyth or Hero's Journey

Joseph Campbell















Ordinary world

Adventure world

Voytilla, S. Myth and the Movies: Discovering the Mythic Structure of 50 Unforgettable Films, Michael Wiese Productions, 1999. Retrieved from https://www.tlu.ee/~rajaleid/montaazh/Hero%27s%20Journey%20Arch.pdf

Call To AdventureThe Hero's adventure begins when he receives a call to action, such as a direct threat to his safety, his family, his way of life or to the peace of the community in which he lives.

Refusal Of The CallAlthough the Hero may be eager to accept the quest, at this stage he will have fears that need overcoming. Second thoughts or even deep personal doubts as to whether or not he is up to the challenge.

Meeting The Mentor At this crucial turning point where the Hero desperately needs guidance he meets a mentor figure who gives him something he needs.

Crossing The ThresholdThe Hero is now ready to act upon his call to adventure and truly begin his quest, whether it be physical, spiritual or emotional. He may go willingly or he may be pushed, but either way he finally crosses the threshold between the world he is familiar with and that which he is not.

Tests, Allies, EnemiesNow finally out of his comfort zone the Hero is confronted with an ever more difficult series of challenges that test him in a variety of ways. Obstacles are thrown across his path; whether they be physical hurdles or people bent on thwarting his progress, the Hero must overcome each challenge he is presented with on the journey towards his ultimate goal.

Approach To The Inmost CaveThe inmost cave may represent many things in the Hero's story such as an actual location in which lies a terrible danger or an inner conflict which up until now the Hero has not had to face. As the Hero approaches the cave he must make final preparations before taking that final leap into the great unknown.

OrdealThe Supreme Ordeal may be a dangerous physical test or a deep inner crisis that the Hero must face in order to survive or for the world in which the Hero lives to continue to exist. Whether it be facing his greatest fear or most deadly foe, the Hero must draw upon all of his skills and his experiences gathered upon the path to the inmost cave in order to overcome his most difficulty challenge.

RewardAfter defeating the enemy, surviving death and finally overcoming his greatest personal challenge, the Hero is ultimately transformed into a new state, emerging from battle as a stronger person and often with a prize.

The Road BackThis stage in the Hero's journey represents a reverse echo of the Call to Adventure in which the Hero had to cross the first threshold. Now he must return home with his reward but this time the anticipation of danger is replaced with that of acclaim and perhaps vindication, absolution or even exoneration.

ResurrectionThis is the climax in which the Hero must have his final and most dangerous encounter with death. The final battle also represents something far greater than the Hero's own existence with its outcome having far-reaching consequences to his Ordinary World and the lives of those he left behind.

Return With The ElixirThis is the final stage of the Hero's journey in which he returns home to his Ordinary World a changed man. He will have grown as a person, learned many things, faced many terrible dangers and even death but now looks forward to the start of a new life. His return may bring fresh hope to those he left behind, a direct solution to their problems or perhaps a new perspective for everyone to consider.

Ordinary world. This is where the Hero's exists before his present story begins, oblivious of the adventures to come. It's his safe place. His everyday life.

Adventure world. A non-familiar world for the hero. It's where our character has adventures and faces ordeals.