Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

Ileana Molina's final technology test.



During this semester I learned a lot, so I want to share with you 8 educational tools to improve in E-learning.


Google docs

Ted ed

Google forms




Khan academy



Use it during all the class. Learning vocabulary,

Try me

The best tool to teach in a interactive way. You can make presentations, 3D walkins, present videos, make warm up activities, games and evaluations. It is very fun for everyone and easy to use. With one click you have everything you need.

+ info

Do you want to be better? Do you want to learn more about topics that could interest you? Khan Academy is an excellent tool for you. Here you have several topic with information. You learn by watching videos, reading passages and exercises. Never is too late to learn something new. Play, pause and repeate, that is the key of learning.. .

Design is in your blood?


Posters, infographics, mind maps and more. Canva offers you all that you need to make visual aids to teach in a easy way.

Can you believe that this cool app is an easy way to evaluate the new knowledge acqusition.

Mentimeter is a tool were the clicks mater. With this tool your students will never fall sleep. Surveys, click on pictures, opinions, comments, questions in real moment.

Inter and intra personal intelligences will love this tool. Evaluation never was so fun. Easy to create and use.


Learning is a proces or is a fun game consectetuer adipiscing eli labore et minuds.

Instant results of students answers. This is an excellent tool for making evalutations or surveys. If you use G-mail account you should investigate what it has for you.

Are you a teacher? Are you tired of checking on line test? Google forms are your solutions.

It is easy to use. It has exercises to check reading and listening comprehension.

Try me

Analize videos, passages and make discussions and exercises. To improve reading, writing and listening skills.

Instant saving

Coperative job is essential in your planning? With Google docs you can do it, even in this new context. Several students could edit the file at different times or all together.

The end

Thanks for watching!!

Stay safe, stay Home.