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Intellectual outputs

Waar gaat het IMAS-project over?

Kick off meeting

De eerste bijeenkomst van het IMAS-project vond plaats in Málaga tussen 7 en 8 november 2019. Daarin werd een overzicht van het project gemaakt en de voortgang in elk van de outputs was gepresenteerd. De IO1 en IO2, bestaande uit een Moodle platform met leerevaluatietests, gepresenteerd aan de rest van de projectpartners. De basis voor de verdere ontwikkeling van de andere IO's werd ook vastgelegd. Aan de andere kant werden enkele data vastgesteld voor de viering van het personeel vergadering, die zal moeten worden uitgesteld vanwege de huidige omstandigheden.


Increasing Mathematical Attainment in Schools


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Op 18 augustus 1972, De oprichting van de Universiteit van Málaga werd bij decreet goedgekeurd. De School of Economics and Business en de School of Medicine zouden de eersten zijn die deel zouden uitmaken van de instelling die we vandaag kennen als de Universiteit van Málaga.

Universiteit van Málaga

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IMAS project is a new way of teaching mathematics, improving and increasing the amount of resources available for learning, as well as providing tools to improve digital literacy and to monitor learning correctly following this pedagogy. This will be done using technologies and pedagogical models tested in previous EU co-financed projects. The partner organisations in this project, with a wealth of educational and technical experience, come from Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Cyprus and Ireland, and share an interest in improving learning and teaching efficiency through new technologies.

IO1 - Maths survey implementation for statistical analytics of learning evolution: in this output, a series of questionnaires will be developed according to a taxonomy of mathematical competencies in the primary and secondary stages. IO2 – Maths learning statistical analytics: in this output a database will be created with the results of the questionnaires and demographic data, so that it can be updated as new results are obtained. IO3 – Open educational resources (OER) for maths: this will be followed by the development of a repository of existing online resources related to the teaching of mathematics, and the creation of new resources covering the main perceived needs from existing resources. IO4 – New pedagogies for maths teaching: from the project, a web service will be created to guide teachers in the didactics of mathematics in specific classes and also a series of virtual training programs for mathematics teachers will be provided. IO5 – IMAS learning platform: finally, an online learning platform will be created in which all the IMAS project outcomes will be integrated, as well as the results obtained in the project.

With the aim of becoming a top-level full institution, UMA developed an expansion plan regarding fields of study and infrastructure. Thus, once established in El Ejido Campus, the University expanded towards Teatinos, an area that initially comprised the School of Medicine, the School of Humanities, and the School of Science, and gradually developed into a whole campus providing a full range of academic studies and services. In addition to expanding its insfrastructure, UMA also grew qualitatively; since the late 90s, a strong commitment to research and new technologies has been prevalent in its actions. In this sense, the University of Málaga adopted a strategy to become an example for innovation and scientific development in of the south of Spain. Therefore, it developed an extensive partnership framework with Andalusia's Technology Park, increased the number of national and international research projects, and joined the Supercomputing Spanish Network in 2007 thanks to Supercomputer Picasso.The academic and scientific progress, as well as the efforts made by researchers, students, teaching staff, and administrative staff led the University of Malaga (and the University of Seville) to be recognized as a Campus of International Excellence in 2012, under the name Andalucia Tech.At present, the University of Málaga remains highly committed to making scientific development and innovation the grounds on which social progress rests. The efforts made to promote mobility and attract international talent have stood out in the recent years, resulting in an open and cosmopolitan university involved in top-level research projects.40 years after its founding, UMA has more than 35,000 students, 58 Bachelor's Programmes, 53 Master's Programmes, 278 research groups and 45 registered patents in 2011.Innovation, dynamism, and internationalization are the principles on which UMA's history is based, as well as its basis to overcome current difficulties and reinforce its duty to knowledge, society and the future.