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Teachers Evaluate

YoungAction for YouropeVision

In the eTwinning project "YoungAction for YouropeVision" the students from seven European school classes learned to understand their own national identity as an enrichment for Europe and to recognize the importance of the European idea and cultural diversity within Europe. They have thus developed an awareness of the common European identity and a more positive attitude towards the common European values.The overall aim of the project was to use this as a basis for supporting the students in fulfilling their role as active citizens in an inclusive democracy and to create an awareness of the common European approach to global challenges. The development of sustainability concepts for Europe has been a high priority. Among other things, 360-degree environments were created in which these concepts are lived out. In the course of the project, the students also used many other new media formats and acquired key qualifications for increasingly digitalised work processes.

Stefan Koböke Konrad-Klepping-Business College

The students worked with partners from six different countries sharing and comparing their opinions on important topics like national and European identity, the values related to the human rights like freedom, and equality; they improved their knowledge of the problems affecting our world ,mainly the climate change, they are required to face now and in the future. They also analyzed the characteristics and advantages of living in a democratic country that secures rights but also needs responsibilities from everyone. They were asked to reflect and behave as young active citizens starting from their community and becoming entrepreneurs to support and promote their ideas. Thanks to the project they used the most suitable tools and apps according to the different tasks to perform. The project helped them to take into account the cultural diversity expressed through different languages and sharing English as a common language. They also developed relational and organizational skills, critical thinking and creativity, widely displayed in all the works produced. It was a real challenging and involving project both for students and teachers.

Antonella S. ITT "Allievi-Sangallo"- Italy

The aim of this project was to develop a national identity based on European values and respect for other countries and nations as well as introduce students to global challenges. The project also enabled the development of students' digital, IT and technological competencies by editing films, designing posters and various forms of graphics, preparing presentations, mindmaps, etc. Thanks to the project our students have improved such crucial skills as cooperation, creativity and enterpreneurship.

Alena J. XVIII Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. T. Chałubińskiego w Warszawie-Poland

Throughout "YoungAction4YouropeVision" students worked collaboratively in national and international groups and tackled challenges such as the Climate Change and taking an active role in democratic decision-making processes. This project allowed students to observe, reflect, compare, research and experiment for themselves and with others while actively engaging in meaningful issues.In order to develop digital materials, they used technology appropriately for educational purposes, while having fun at the same time. Moreover, their learning skills such as cooperation, autonomy, creativity, multiperspectivity and entrepreneurship were greatly enhanced, alongside with personal relations among them being improved.

Nancy G. 2nd High School of Aghios Athanasios -Greece

This eTwinning project was a very rich project with a lot of varied activities: individual tasks, in national teams, in international and collaborative teams. The students developed skills: for English language (written, oral), written and verbal communication, researching information, independence, following instructions. They acquired new digital skills by discovering new tools. They discovered new cultures through exchanges on the forums with their partners, shared different opinions and improved their capacity to be tolerant. They have deepened their knowledge on subjects from their school curriculum (management, Law and "EMC" moral and civic education), national identity, european identity, digital identity, values, global challenges, democracy and citizenship

Catherine J.Lycée Hilaire de Chardonnet-France

This eTwinning project was made for young Europeans aged 16-19 from 7 European countries and aimed to equip them with basic personal and social skills, and to strengthen their role in society.In this context, students communicated with each other within the framework of various activities, cooperated, worked and produced together in European mixed teams as well as in national teams.The project was carried out in a purely student-centered approach, in which teachers served as mentors. When we look at the feedback from the students and the results of the survey, we can easily see that the effect of the project on the students is obvious.

Ünsal S.Zile Fen Lisesi

ENGAGE, CONNECT, EMPOWER were the initial words calling the participants for project activities. And the students were really engaged, connected and empowered to carry out all the project activities in the most creative and collaborative way ever. The students were offered an opportunity to think independently and express their ideas freely while thinking critically. Making research before each activity developed their strategic thinking skills and working together in international teams enhanced their teamwork, collaboration and communication skills which will be extremely useful not only in the upcoming future projects but in their school routine as well. An abundant choice of IT tools that were used in this project only illustrates how ICT literate the students have become. National and International Identity, Values, Global Challenges, Democracy and Citizenship are the key topics for teenagers to be aware of. The engaged students were granted a chance to develop a deeper understanding of these issues and acquired invaluable knowledge on how to make decisions while being young active citizens. Finally, I want to quote my student Ieva: “ I learned that our generation is very mature and ready to build a bright future in all of the countries”. This is rewarding.

Indre B. Telšių "Džiugo" gimnazija-Lithuania