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Map 1 of 7th Grade Computers Applied Digital Skills course.

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Welcome to Googlopolis High School! Before you can move on with your life you must complete four tasks to successfully graduate high school. Each of the four tasks are indicated with a + marker. When you finish a task, you need to submit your work in the correct Schoology Assignment for your teacher to grade. Good Luck!

Pull the rope!

Welcome to Mr. Finn s Class!


About a topic of your choice!

In this class you will create a


1. Introduction / Create Slides2. Choose Theme / Add Title3. Add Images and Text4. Add Animations and Transitions5. Add Video6. Submit in Schoology

Create a Presentation about a topic of your choice by following along with each of the videos in the steps listed to the right. Good Luck!

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Thats It!

Now Submit in Schoology to the "Presentation About a Topic (Mr. Finn)" assignment for Assessment. Be sure to double check the requirements first!


ComponentsEmergingBasic ProficientAdvancedPresentationPresentation has been created and is untitled. No theme selected.Presentation has been created and appropriately titled, theme selected.Presentation has been created and appropriately titled, theme selected. Has at least 1 additional slide.Presentation has been created and appropriately titled, theme selected. At least 3 additional slides created and completed. Presentation properly shared for feedback.ContentTopic has been selected but not researched. No writing has begun.Topic has been selected and researched. Some message planning and organization on Slides.Topic selected and researched. Message and organized and planned across Slides. Some writing completed.Topic selected and researched. Message planned and organized. All writing complete. Presentation tells a coherent story.FormattingPresentation features no text or pictures.Some text and pictures are present but have not been positioned or sized.Text and pictures are present, some have been positioned and sized.All text and pictures are present, completely sized and positioned. Visual elements are proportional and uncluttered.Animations/TransitionsPresentation features no animated objects, no programmed transitions between slides.Presentation features at least 1 transition between slides.Presentation features appropriate transitions between all slides, but no animated objects.Presentation features appropriate transitions between all slides. At least 2 objects have been animated. Animations are appropriate and and fit the tone and subject matter.


You are trying to make it out of High School.


Your teacher who has assigned this Presentation Project

Mr. Finn

Your teacher who will be assessing your work.

Mr. Alesch

Mr. Kimble's Class

To pass Mr. Kimble's class you will have to create a project that helps you practice your learning. He has given you 2 choices to pick from.You only have to choose 1 of these projects.



Mr. Alesch

Mr. Kimble

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam

Mr. Kimble's Assignment


Choose Project


Track Progress


Turn In




I already started

You will have the choice of 2 different projects. You only have to complete 1 of the projects.

There will be guided videos that walk you through how to do each step of the project.

Be sure to keep track of what you are working on in your Schoology Life Tracker. Projects may take more than 1 period and this will help you remember where you were at.

Be sure to submit your project in Schoology when you are done to Mr. Alesch for him to grade it.


Choose 1 of the projects below to complete.


Forms Quiz

Create Flashcards using Slides to help you learn new vocabulary words.

Create a practice quiz about a topic of your choice to test your (or a friends) knowledge.


Which project were you working on?


Forms Quiz

Create Flashcards using Slides to help you learn new vocabulary words.

Create a practice quiz about a topic of your choice to test your (or a friends) knowledge.

- Ms. Johnson's Assignment -

Hi Class! I am really excited to get to know who you are and what you like. For your assignment, you will be making a poster about yourself.Be sure to follow the steps to complete the project.

You are a HS student working hard to move on in Life.

- Characters -


Mr. Alesch

Ms. Johnson

Ms. Johnson is the teacher responsible for assigning this poster Project.

Mr. Alesch is your Teacher and will be assessing your work.


- Directions -

Complete each of the steps below in order to finish your project.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Create Poster and Add Name

Design Your Name

Add Background Color

Add Images toyour Poster

- Step 1 -

- Step 2 -

- Step 3 -

- Step 4 -

When you are done submit your poster for grading in Schoology to the "Poster about Yourself (Ms. Johnson)" Assignment.

Click on the Link to the Right to double check that you met all of the requirements before submitting.

- Completion -





RequirementEmergingBasic ProficientAdvancedNameA new drawing has been created and titled. No name has been added to the poster.A new drawing has been created and titled. The student's name has been added to the poster in a text box. A new drawing has been created and titled. The student's name has been added to the poster in a text box. The font size of the name has been slightly increased.A new drawing has been created and titled. The student's name has been added to the poster in a text box. The font size of the name has been increased appropriately.Name DesignNo name design is present.The font for the student's name has been changed. The font for the student's name has been changed. The style OR the color of the font has been changed.The font for the student's name has been changed. The style and color of the font have been changed.ImagesNo images have been added.One image has been added to the poster. Two images have been added to the poster. Three images have been added. The images have been moved and resized appropriately.


You are going to learn how to create a "Quiz" using Google Forms on a topic of your choice!

Return to Projects



Project Details


  1. Choose Topic / Build Quiz
  2. Multiple Choice Questions
  3. Add More Question Types
  4. Assign Points / Create Key
  5. Take Quiz / Share Quiz
  6. Turn In To Schoology

Project Steps

Click on a step to jump to that video.

Watch the Video


Ask Mr. Alesch if you do not understand what to do.

Watch the Video and Follow Along and Do What it Says To Do.


Ask Mr. Alesch if you do not understand what to do.

Watch the Video and Follow Along and Do What it Says To Do.


Ask Mr. Alesch if you do not understand what to do.

Watch the Video and Follow Along and Do What it Says To Do.


Ask Mr. Alesch if you do not understand what to do.

Watch the Video and Follow Along and Do What it Says To Do.


Ask Mr. Alesch if you do not understand what to do.

Watch the Video and Follow Along and Do What it Says To Do.


Ask Mr. Alesch if you do not understand what to do.

To complete your project you need to turn it in to the assignment titled "Learning Practice Project (Mr. Kimble)" in Schoology



Double Check Grading Requirements Before Submitting!

RequirementEmergingBasicProficientAdvancedQuestionsForm has been created and is untitled. Quiz setting is not applied. No questions have been added.Quiz has been created and appropriately titled, quiz setting selected. One multiple choice question has been written.Quiz has been created and appropriately titled, quiz setting selected. At least three multiple choice questions have been written. No other question types are included.Quiz has been created and appropriately titled, quiz setting selected. Quiz features at least three multiple choice questions, one true-false question, one checkbox question, and one multiple choice grid question included.ScoringNo answers keys have been created. No point values have been assigned.Appropriate answers have been added to at least three quiz questions. No point values have been assigned.Appropriate answers have been added to at least three quiz questions. Point values have been assigned to existing questions.Appropriate answers have been added to at least five quiz questions. Point values have been assigned to each question.SharingQuiz has not been taken. Form has not been shared.Quiz has been taken by creator. Form has not been shared.Quiz has been taken by creator. Form has been shared and completed by someone else.Quiz has been taken by creator. Form has been shared and completed by partner. Responses have been reviewed.


You are going to learn how to create Vocabulary Flashcards using Google Slides!

Return to Projects



Project Details


  1. Create Google Slides
  2. Add Vocabulary Words
  3. Add Slides with Definitions
  4. Create Links
  5. Add Animations
  6. Turn In To Schoology

Project Steps

Click on a step to jump to that video.

Watch the Video and Follow Along and Do What it Says To Do.


Ask Mr. Alesch if you do not understand what to do.

Watch the Video and Follow Along and Do What it Says To Do.


Ask Mr. Alesch if you do not understand what to do.

Watch the Video and Follow Along and Do What it Says To Do.


Ask Mr. Alesch if you do not understand what to do.

Watch the Video and Follow Along and Do What it Says To Do.


Ask Mr. Alesch if you do not understand what to do.

Watch the Video and Follow Along and Do What it Says To Do.


Ask Mr. Alesch if you do not understand what to do.


To complete your project you need to turn it in to the assignment titled "Learning Practice Project (Mr. Kimble)" in Schoology


Double Check Grading Requirements Before Submitting!

RequirementEmergingDeveloping AccomplishedExemplaryVocabulary Word SlidesThe presentation has one vocabulary word slide. The slide includes the vocabulary word. The presentation has two (2) or three (3) vocabulary word slides. Each slide includes the vocabulary word. The presentation has four (4) vocabulary word slides. Each slide includes the vocabulary word and the page number OR sentence from the book with the word.The presentation has at least five (5) vocabulary word slides. Each slide includes the vocabulary word, page number, and sentence from the book with the word.Definition SlidesThe presentation has one definition slide. The slide includes the definition. The presentation has two (2) or three (3) definition slides, one for each vocabulary word. The presentation has four (4) definition slides, one for each vocabulary word. Each slide includes a definition from a dictionary or from context clues. Some slides include the part of speech of the vocabulary word.The presentation has at least five (5) definition slides, one for each vocabulary word. Each slide includes a definition from a dictionary or from context clues. Each slide includes the part of speech of the vocabulary word.LinksNo links have been added to the slides.One link has been added from one slide to another. The link is not embedded in the text.A link to each definition slide has been embedded in text in each vocabulary slide OR a link to each vocabulary word slide has been embedded in the text in each definition slide .A link to each definition slide has been embedded in text in each vocabulary slide. A link to each vocabulary word slide has been embedded in the text in each definition slide.


Start over?

Create a new Google File

Turn in an Assignment

Review my Feedback

What is an Easter Egg?

Help Desk

Select the topic you need help with

1. Create a Google File

Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms, or Drawings

Create From Google DriveWatch the Video to learn how to create a new Google File from your Google Drive.

2. Turn in an Assignment in Schoology

Submit Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms, or Drawings

Submit Google File in SchoologyWatch the Video to learn how to submit your Google work for grading in Schoology.

3. Review My Feedback in Schoology

How to view teacher feedback on an assignment in Schoology

Review Schoology FeedbackWatch the Video to learn how to review your Feedback on work submitted for grading in Schoology.

4. What Was I Doing?

How to figure out what you were working on last class.

Keeping Track of Your Progress in ClassWatch the Video to learn how to submit your Google work for grading in Schoology.

5. What is an Easter Egg?

No, not that kind of egg.

Gaming Easter EggsWatch the Video to learn what an Easter Egg is in a game and where it started. Then see if you can find some of the Easter Eggs hidden in our Game of Life through out the year. Tell Mr. Alesch if you think you discovered one for a treat!