S.O.S! Save the Blue Planet!
Cojocari Ludmila
Created on June 18, 2020
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S.O.S! Save the Blue Planet!
Project Overview
The earth is not ours - we are its own, so we must identify and respect its unwritten laws, to live in harmony with nature. Meeting the needs and aspirations of our generation must not compromise the chances of future generations. We must take into account the limitation of resources and make people aware of the strict need to refrain from destroying natural systems.The care and protection of nature should be in the forefront for us, otherwise we risk destroying ourselves and the entire Planet.
Schools Participants
Petra KokezaCroația
Rodica PlămădealăRepublic of Moldova
Ileana TomoiagaRomânia
Mimoza SulajAlbania
Danijela ŠajtarCroația
Adriana MarisRomânia
Lula KhvichavaGeorgia
Edelizia BellatallaItaly
Diana JelihovschiRepublic of Moldova
Aleksej PeržuLituania
Alenka PokeržnikSLOVENIA
Veronica AnastasRepublic of Moldova
Svitlana LenarskaUkraine
Fatma KulTurkey
Fadimana Yetiş MeşeTurkey
Alina Stefania Lazar ROMÂNIA
Nicoleta Verman Romania
Ludmila Cojocari Republic of Moldova
Participating teachers:
Evaluation of the project
PHase 14
World Environment Day
Phase 13
Our life without smoke!
Phase 12
Earth Day - April 22
Phase 11
Migratory birds and human beings!
Phase 10
The forests are the planet's lungs!
Phase 8
Nature does nothing wrong - Natural reservations
Phase 9
Climate change and environmental challenges.
Phase 7
The soil means life!
Phase 6
Natural disasters and the negative influence of human beings.
Phase 5
Phase 4
Let's come together to protect and save animals!
Phase 3
Water is LIFE: Do you know that type of water you drink?
Phase 2
Giving our Project an illustrative Logo
Phase 1
Getting to know each other
Project Timeline
In our project, There are 3 pages for Presenting ourselves: - The first page for: Teacher Presentation -The second page for : Pupils Presentation - The third page for: School forum
Getting to know Each other
Teachers Presentation through a common padlet
Getting to know Each other
Introducing students through a Flipgrid
Pupils Presentation
Presentation of the school, the city.
Getting to know Each other
To choose the best logo to our project, a dotstorming board is created to let our students vote for the convenient logo to our project.This collaborative activity is based on Students voting and Partners voting as well.
Giving our Project an illustrative Logo
Water is especially important for human, plant and animal life.Man cannot live without the water he takes from nature.
Water is LIFE: Do you know that type of water you drink?
The importance of animals in nature as a whole is undeniable, but a person without them will not be able to live. First of all, they have always been one of the permanent sources of nutrition.
Let's come together to protect and save animals!
The students presented the animals in the collaborative book.They played puzzles proposed by colleagues.
Participants studied natural disasters and the negativeinfluence of human beings on disasters.
Natural disasters and the negative influence of human beings.
The students met, played koc online with quizizz, where they applied the knowledge accumulated to the activities of Natural disasters.
Online meeting. Natural disasters
The page link
Students studied the importance of soil in human life, animals, nature.
The soil means life!
Students wrote their Christmas and New year wishes to their partners..
The students studied, analyzed the importance of Nature Reserves, and presented the Nature Reserves in his country.
Nature does nothing wrong - Natural reservations
How do we protect natural reservations?
Why do we need Natural Reservations?
They played puzzles
Online meeting - Natural Reservations
The page link
Climate Action is the 13-th objective of the 17 SustainableDevelopment Goals.
Climate change and environmental challenges.
Impact of climate change
Making posters
How do we prevent dangerous climate change? How can I help the Planet?
Our collaborative e-journal
The students drew a map of the ecological city in which they would like to live. They recorded a video sequence, where they presented an environmental problem, and what are the possibilities by which the problem can be solved.
They played online game with the Actionbound application, where they applied the acquired knowledge.
Online meeting Climate change
The students presented informative materials about the importance of forests.They presented "talking trees" with the help of the Blabberize application
The forests are the planet's lungs!
The importance of forests
Posters "A forest without pollution"
Online meeting- Let's protect nature, trees!
The students presented drawings, curiosities, poems about birds.
Migratory birds and human beings!
Paper birds
"The Earth is what we all have in common", that's why, we want to raise awarness among our students to preserve our Eart from pollution through celebrating the International Earth Day
Celebrating the Earth Day - April 22
For a smokeless future.
Our life without smoking!
The page link
Waldorf School, România
Say -Stop! Smoking!
To celebrate the Environment Day:1. The collaborative panel was created;2. Video conference between project partners.
Celebrating the World Environment Day
Participation diplomas!
Results of the Teachers Evaluation
Results of the Students Evaluation
Teachers Evaluation
Students Evaluation
We celebrate eTwinning Day May 9th.
Communication has been a constant element of the project and it has fostered collaboration. It has allowed to implement the activities in the involved schools at the same time and to achieve the planned learning outcomes with great satisfaction for both students and teachers. During the implementation of the project the partner teachers have communicated through:
Communication between all the partners
Example of Project Journal
Example of Teachers Bulletin
Example of Twinmail
The Twinspace of the project through the Twinmail, the Teacher Bulletin or the Project Journal wheter it is to ask for clarificationn, share students' activities, plan for activities or live events, to agree on the kind of products the students had to focus on, to ask confirmation on how to proceed or interact with other teachers.
Live Events between Students partners
eTwinning events
The Forums allowed both the students and the teachers to interact with each other through a fun icebreaking activity.
Messenger was used when an urgent information or answer was needed.
Facebook group dedicated to the eTwinning project.Here all the products made by the students were shared.
Messages for colleagues at the end of the project.
Thanks for your collaboration!