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We evaluated the survey results of our project.


Chapter-1 Beginning

SURVEY-1 results link

What can be done to mitigate the effects of climate change? 75% of respondents choose the option 'society should be aware of climate change' for the above. So it has been concluded that activities to raise awareness about climate change needs to be done and these presentations will have a significant impact to raise awareness What kind of changes can happen in the world as a result of global climate change? 69% chose the option 'reducing water supplies' to the question above Based on this result, awareness works for climate change can also be carried out on World Water Day too We asked the question 'what comes to your mind when we talk about climate change? and 55% of students chose the global warming and the deterioration of the natural balance options as answers. Also the question 'what is the biggest problem in the world today? was asked and the proportion of those who answered the question of global warming is 43% and higher than the others That's why after negotiating with teachers, a story writing activity about global warming was added to the project.

Chapter-2 What is Climate Change

SURVEY-2 results link

41% of respondents chose the 'occasional' and 9.8% chose 'rarely' and 1 person chose 'never' as answer to the question 'how often do you talk about climate change in everyday life?' It is easily understood that climate change is a significant problem in our daily lives. From what resources you you get information about climate change? 88% of respondents chose 'the internet' and 8% of them chose 'family' as answer. That is why internet research on climate change is important and we decided to add links of informative sources to the project website. In your opinion what are the main sources of information on climate change and environment? 76% of the respondents chose 'television' as answer to the question In your opinion what do you think are the causes of climate change? 86% of the respondents chose 'air pollution' The authorities must restrict the living standards to reduce global warming 38% of respondents chose 'absolutely yes.' What will be done in the future against climate change? The proportion of those who believe our way of life needs to be changed is highest and it is 38%. Therefore, awareness and positive habits are important to combat climate change and they should be emphasized in the project works.

Chapter-3 Adaptation and Awarenseses For The Climate

SURVEY-3 results link

The World Water Day is celebrated on 22 March each year. What is the theme of it this year? 65% of the respondents knew that it was water and climate change Do you agree that mind maps have a positive effect on active learning? The total rate of those who say 'absolutely yes' and 'yes' is 88% and it showed that mind maps have a positive contribution to active learning. The rate who choose 'the activities such as creating mindmaps, posters and slogan we have done this month raised awareness about climate change' is 88% and reinforced the positive effect of them on students The rate of respondents who chose 'absolutely yes' and 'yes' for the statement 'coronavirus will raise awareness about environmental problems and climate change' is 82%. So we decided that an event about epidemics and hygiene should be organised for the project 14 rules for the covid outbreak should be included in an activity done by the project students

Chapter-4 Together for the Struggle for Climate

SURVEY-4 results link

The question 'which activity did you like most last month? was asked in the questionnaire about chapter 4 and the answers given to the statements 'works done by international teams for collaborative magazine', 'posters for etwinning day', 'song for climate change' were observed to be close to each other. The rate for 'posters for eTwinning Day' a little more than the others. One of the questions was was 'at what extent do you think the games are effective to raise awareness about the climate change?' and the proportion of the respondents who chose 'effective' was 62%. Our project explicited that games created through the project raised awareness about climate change Do you think the works done by international teams for collaborative magazine motivate you to do research on climate change? All participants answered 'yes' According to this result, international mixed team work has a significant impact on students and teachers in creating collaborative products. Do you think the Twinspace forum pages created for the works of the international teams have a significant impact to improve communication among partners? The fact that 99% of the participants answered yes proves the positive impact of our project on students and teachers in using the forum pages effectively

Final Evaluation Survey


When we compare the final survey with the previous ones: The proportion of those who think our project raises awareness of climate change is 100%. How often do you talk about climate change in everyday life? The proportion of those who answered the question as 'always' increased from 21% to 33%.In the parents' survey, this rate was found to be over 50%. 91% of respondents agreed that our project raised awareness about internet security and copyright of materials .What did you like most about our project? Here are proportion of the answers:*The activities were useful for the students: 87% *I learned new web 2 tools: 93%So we understand that the activities of the project have positive effects on project partners and they learned new Web 2.0 tools too. Which activities did you like most?87% of the students chose Kahoot event as their favorite. This result has also shown that fun and instructive games have a positive impact on learning process What skills have you improved due to the project activities? The results of final survey show that our project had positive effects on all skills especially *responsibility for environmental problems *digital competence *planning *foreign language skills *critical thinking *cooperation *research and inquiry communication skills *intercultural interaction Among those skills foreign language skills are ranked the first with the proportion of 78%. In other words, our project not only raised awareness about climate change and adaptation habits, but also improved foreign language skills along with those stated above In the parent survey,"I am glad my son / daughter to have joined the project."Due to the 100% yes answer given in the question, it was seen that the parents were satisfied with the participation of the students in eTwinning projects.