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The old tortoise's treAsure quest

welcome to


who will find the treasure first?

Each player moves his game piece forward by as many places as he spins on the dice. The player who reaches the treasure first is the winner!Good luck to all!




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Fistbump the player after you!

Count to 10 standing on your left leg!

Fistbump the player before you!

Count to 5 standing on your right leg!

Move your game figure 1 step forward.

Spin around once.

Move your game figure 1 step forward.

Fistbump the player before you!

Throw the dice twice!

Skip next dice throwing.

Skip next dice throwing.

Fistbump the player after you!

Move your game figure 1 step forward.

Move your game figure 1 step forward.

Count to 10 standing on your left leg!

Throw the dice twice!

Count to 10 standing on your left leg!

Spin around twice.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet!

Count to 5 standing on your right leg!

Count to 5 standing on your right leg!

Move your game figure 1 step back.

Spin around twice.

Move your game figure 2 steps forward.

Skip next dice throwing.

Spin around once.

Count to 10 standing on your left leg!

Count to 5 standing on your right leg!

Move your game figure 1 step back.

Spin around twice.

Skip next dice throwing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit