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"What Can Be Done to Prevent Climate Change"


A plant-based diet can make you healthier by lowering your risk for obesity, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. But research shows there's another good reason to regularly eat meatless meals.By filling your plate with plant foods instead of animal foods, you can help save the planet.

As a result of population growth and the continued consumption of Western diets high in red meats and processed foods, the environmental pressures of the food system could increase by up to 90% by 2050.

The production of animal products generates the majority of food-related greenhouse-gas emissions- specifically, up to 78% of total agricultural emissions. Adopting more plant-based diets for ourselves could reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of the food system by more than half. A mainly plant-based diet could also reduce other environmental impacts, such as those from fertilizers, and save up to quarter use of both farmland and fresh water.

"Legumes" such as beans, lentils and peas are the most sustainable protein source on the planet. They require very small amounts of water to grow, they can grow in harsh, dry climates, they grow in poor nations, providing food security, and they act like a natural fertilizer, capturing nitrogen from the air and fixing it in the soil. Thus, there is less need for synthetic fertilizers. These are the types of protein sources we need to rely upon more often.

In summary; What You Eat Can Affect Climate Change! 9 foods that damage the planet and 11 foods that can help save Livestock production is responsible for a surprisingly high amount of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Livestock is also responsible for 57% of water pollution and 56% of air pollution and uses one third of the world's fresh water.

Plants also need natural resources to grow, but they are much less resource intensive than animal products. Climate Harmful Foods lamb, beef, cheese, pork, farm salmon, turkey, chicken, canned tuna and eggs. 11 Better Foods for the Environment Lentils, tomatoes, beans, bean curd, broccoli, hazelnuts, rice, potatoes, green peas, non-fading flowers, oranges.


As we all know, running out of our clean water resources is a big problem. 22 March World Water Day was founded in 1993 by the United Nations to remind how important water is for human life, to draw attention to the depleted water resources in the world and to offer new solutions.

We all have a variety of tasks to protect water resources. First of all, saving water and conserving resources. Do we use our water resources diligently? What can we do to protect our depleted water resources?

Start Saving Water in the Kitchen Did you know that most of the water spent at home is used in the kitchen? Therefore, the savings you make in the kitchen are of great importance for both your bills and the environment. If you want to be careful about this and save water in the kitchen; - Do not wash the dishes by hand. - Do not operate the dishwasher before it is full. - Don't forget to wash vegetables and fruits in a bowl. Do not open and hold the tap for a long time. - Use a water-saving faucet nozzle in your kitchen.

Check Your Spending Water in the Bathroom One of the areas where water is frequently used at home is the bathrooms. You can control your water consumption by considering water consumption such as shower, siphon, hand washing. To do this; - Take care to keep your shower time short. - Do not leave the tap open for a long time while brushing your teeth or washing your hands. - Keep water away when making soap or shampoo. - Make sure that your taps are not dripping. - Do not operate the washing machine before it is full.

Get Help From Technological Solutions You can use high technology to achieve effective results in water saving. After reviewing products such as sinks, kitchen faucets, showers, thermostatic, built-in reservoirs developed for water conservation by various brands, you may consider placing them in your home.


Fossil fuels are the types of fuel we use to produce energy. We take them out of the ground.First, we need to know what their disadvantages and the workspaces we use are to understand why we use them and how to change them.

In daily life and industry; * To produce electricity * Vehicles in * Fossil fuels are used in industrial processes.

Disadvantages of fossil fuels: Burning fossil fuels causes a number of environmental pollution that destroys the earth's atmosphere. *Acid rain * Damage in rivers and lakes * Plant damage

We can use alternative energy sources instead of fossil fuels. However, our role in reducing fossil fuel use until the use of alternative sources is sufficient: 1-Reduce the use of lighting, thus reducing the use of electricity. 2- Instead of driving excessively, try walking or motor vehicles. 3- Use public transport instead of private vehicle.


A renewable energy source means energy that is sustainable - something that can't run out, or is endless, like the sun. When you hear the term 'alternative energy' it's usually referring to renewable energy sources too. it means sources of energy that are alternative to the most commonly used non-sustainable sources like coal.

The most popular renewable energy sources currently are: Solar energy Wind energy Hydro energy Tidal energy Geothermal energy Biomass energy

1) Solar EnergySunlight is one of our planet’s most abundant and freely available energy resources. The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth’s surface in one hour is more than the planet’s total energy requirements for a whole year. Although it sounds like a perfect renewable energy source, the amount of solar energy we can use varies according to the time of day and the season of the year as well as geographical location.

2) Wind Energy Wind is an abundant source of clean energy. Efficient energy can be produced in windy regions in a short time. Wind energy is of great importance in the energy policies of the countries.

2) Wind energy

3) Hydro Energy As a renewable energy resource, hydro power is one of the most commercially developed. This energy source can often be more reliable than solar or wind power (especially if it's tidal rather than river) and also allows electricity to be stored for use when demand reaches a peak.

4) Tidal EnergyThis is another form of hydro energy that uses twice-daily tidal currents to drive turbine generators. Although tidal flow unlike some other hydro energy sources isn’t constant, it is highly predictable and can therefore compensate for the periods when the tide current is low.

5) Geothermal EnergyBy harnessing the natural heat below the earth’s surface, geothermal energy can be used to heat homes directly or to generate electricity. Although it harnesses a power directly below our feet, geothermal energy is of negligible importance in the UK compared to countries such as Iceland, where geothermal heat is much more freely available.

6) Biomass EnergyThis is the conversion of solid fuel made from plant materials into electricity. Although fundamentally, biomass involves burning organic materials to produce electricity, this is not burning wood, and nowadays this is a much cleaner, more energy-efficient process. By converting agricultural, industrial and domestic waste into solid, liquid and gas fuel, biomass generates power at a much lower economical and environmental cost.

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